It’s less of a backstory and more of a frontstory, a continually developing lore as the signature aged. At first I wanted a random funny phrase, so I migrated my usual “I take games and play names” from the old forums I used to be a regular on.
This was also before you could directly upload images, so I used the “gif” button and added random gifs that popped into my mind. My options were EXTREMELY limited, or so I thought. I didn’t have the idea to just use postimg to bypass this issue, but I’m none the wiser now. Maybe my ignorance was a blessing in disguise, however, because a few months later, out of nowhere, someone did a fanart of…me?!? My signature, specifically.
I bookmarked it in a heartbeat.
Keep in mind, I stumbled upon this by sheer accident. I wasn’t pinged. There was every chance in the world I could’ve completely missed this but the stars allitgned for me.
This was easily the most flattering thing anyone done for me on the website and to this day still can’t properly express my gratitude snd how awesome this is.
Suffice to say, the signature became a glued part of me now and removing it would be very unwise. It’s kinda like shag happened with my current avatar too. When I’m associated with something, I embrace it, rather than try to remove it. Very thankful yet again!