Backstory behind your signature?

RanmyakuIchi's iconRanmyakuIchi

Anonymous M
RanmyakuIchi's icon
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Level 5
Dec 1, 2024
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Rolling Once Again
I saw we had threads open for Avatar and Custom Title backstories, so I thought I'd complete the trio and ask about the story behind everyone's signature.

Mine's Miku (Big surprise, I know) and was made by @Tonberry (Thank you again!). "Unknown Mother Goose" is a song that's pretty important to me, and the Hiragana is the final line from the song.

I totally didn't make this thread to gush about the banner @Tonberry made again, which is my digital prized possession, nope, no siree.
I should really get started on drawing my signature. Ill ask Tonberry when im done so he can make a cool signature banner.
For my signature right now its just a cropped inage from a large drawing i made in my profile page. Its RGT-tan in the Vib-Ribbon world. She's wearing some cool shades, the ones with the 3 horizontal holes on them. I try to get as close to the art style as i could.
I never put any signature, but I have this awesome and beautiful looking signature from @bloodywing. It looks so beautiful! I take this signature because it had a meme potential to me

Thank you so much for making this @bloodywing
I saw we had threads open for Avatar and Custom Title backstories, so I thought I'd complete the trio and ask about the story behind everyone's signature.

Mine's Miku (Big surprise, I know) and was made by @Tonberry (Thank you again!). "Unknown Mother Goose" is a song that's pretty important to me, and the Hiragana is the final line from the song.

I totally didn't make this thread to gush about the banner @Tonberry made again, which is my digital prized possession, nope, no siree.
I got filtered and am still trying to figure out how to do both lmao
I like Godzilla and it's funny
As a Miku fan, I'm legally obligated to love Godzilla as well, and your Sig is one of my favorite big G movies. Jet Jaguar is the coolest and strongest and I will not brook disobedience in that matter!
I love repurposing old electronics, and a big part of my channel is going to be getting the most out of old or cheaper computers and phones that would be more accessible to the less well to do. When I get around to game reviews, I plan on including how easy a game is to run and what you can run it on. Also CATS!
The gif in my signature is from one of my favorite episodes of Gundam Build Fighters Try, Snibal Drago Gira. It's the mech Star Winning Gundam after landing the finishing blow in the episode's big fight. I actually used gif that had a full version of this final blow on another forum I used to be part of, but I didn't like how it had the Imgur border on the bottom when I tried to use it here.

The quote "If one believes paradise exists, then it exists" is inspired by Blue Archive of all things. The third volume of the story introduces the paradise paradox: "Can you prove the truth of those who have reached paradise?" The reason why it's a paradox is because someone will have to go to paradise and then return to prove its existence, but unless it was not actually paradise, no one would want to return. Throughout the story, the player character, the Sensei, ends up reinterpreting it in a different way... for it to be about the importance of faith. More specifically, being able to trust and have faith in others.

It was reframed as "can you put trust in someone else's sincerity?". You can never truly understand another person's perspective, or it won't be theirs anymore. Instead of trying to prove something that's impossible like someone else's perspective or the existence of paradise, you should instead believe in paradise and put trust in others.

As silly as it is, it's a phrase that has really resonated with me and because of it, has helped me through my issues with anxiety. (Yeah, I have the "I'm afraid of people hating me" anxiety)
Mine's just an official To Heart picture along with a small GIF of Multi mopping.

Though maybe I should move that Multi GIF to my bio instead if I find a good spot for her.
The gif in my signature is from one of my favorite episodes of Gundam Build Fighters Try, Snibal Drago Gira. It's the mech Star Winning Gundam after landing the finishing blow in the episode's big fight. I actually used gif that had a full version of this final blow on another forum I used to be part of, but I didn't like how it had the Imgur border on the bottom when I tried to use it here.

The quote "If one believes paradise exists, then it exists" is inspired by Blue Archive of all things. The third volume of the story introduces the paradise paradox: "Can you prove the truth of those who have reached paradise?" The reason why it's a paradox is because someone will have to go to paradise and then return to prove its existence, but unless it was not actually paradise, no one would want to return. Throughout the story, the player character, the Sensei, ends up reinterpreting it in a different way... for it to be about the importance of faith. More specifically, being able to trust and have faith in others.

It was reframed as "can you put trust in someone else's sincerity?". You can never truly understand another person's perspective, or it won't be theirs anymore. Instead of trying to prove something that's impossible like someone else's perspective or the existence of paradise, you should instead believe in paradise and put trust in others.

As silly as it is, it's a phrase that has really resonated with me and because of it, has helped me through my issues with anxiety. (Yeah, I have the "I'm afraid of people hating me" anxiety)
I don't think it's silly at all! It's a lovely phrase! The song in my Sig has a similar meaning, it helped me overcome my anxiety with people as well. Thank you for sharing this.

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