Hurricane Neddy
Neddy finally loosens up, he's always been spiteful and judgemental but now he FINALLY SAYS IT he even snaps at marge and her children!
How he loses hope and the reverend is just like "uuuh...sucks to be you"
the house gift being another "opposite of what happens in a movie" the glasses lens BREAKING symbolizing his mind with that frustrated "Oow..." man its so good and subtle
Shitty parents again Ned Wanting to be dragged kicking and screaming
Homer, you are the worst human being I have ever met....Phew I got off easy! :D"
Mother Simpson
First of all very funny, Hans moleman buried alive, Homer being legitimately sad "Mom I'm sorry I never visited you but-"
Abe being a shit shit dad again, Mommy Mona and Little Homer are adorable her singing a commercial as a lullaby
Abe *never fucking told homer the truth*, Homer asking sadly marge "..then why did she leaves me :(" again I really like this version of homer where he's very insecure about not deserving love it shows up in other eps too
Mona's D'OH
Principal Charming
Terminator Homer is hilarious
Pros: Nice Stride
Cons: Complete Stranger
Pros: Smoker
Cons: Just a Sign
Pros: Has a job Authoritive, Hates The Boy
Cons: Possible Homer Sexual
And this was BEFORE terminator 2 !
Not too many cartoons about unlikable sad ugly women in their mid 30s looking for love, and Seymour flirting and dating like he's still 20 is adorable, like he hasn't done it since or thinks thats what dating is like and contrastic with Patty's being a complete brick wall thats covered in barbed wire
The relationship between P&S how in synch with each other they are and understand each other
"Patty..did you just throw away your one chance at happiness for me?"
"Thank you."
No need to elaborate they insta undestand each other
Also first appearence of groundskeeper willy
Simpson and Delilah
Not a lot of cartoons about baldness.
Burns is Very shouty and menacing in this ep I Like it! I love that homer gets his haircut after 20 years AND ITS A DATED HAIRCUT CAUSE ITS THE ONE HE WOULDVE GOTTEN IN THE 70s! Love it! Then each scene is a different cut
I love Karl he's like a gay male mary poppins I LOVE HIS HOUSE, his room would be like my dream house if I had infinite money, I'd recreate it to a T
I dont think they settled on Smithers being gay yet but its fun to think that like now both Burns and Homer are two influential men with super loyal gay assistants
22 Short Films About Springfield
I love the secondary characters, a whole episode around them, awesome
Not much else to add, the best segment was Apu speedrunning a pool party
and steamed hams
Also very tall man
Bart on the Road
A very Adventurous episode! Lots of new locations, I LOVE MARTIN! Nelson's being completely taken by whats implied to be like two hours of Andy Williams and somehow being a huge Andy Williams fan, on top of this huge high stakes adventure theres the super cute Homer-Lisa bonding, poor marge being so desperately bored and lonely she makes maggie cry on purpose. Homer's RAGE when he finds the truth how JUST HIS FACE NOT THE FULL HEAD turns head is SO GOOD then cursing into the suit. Then marge being oblivious to everything. Skinner being so lame he goes all the way to china to eat at the airport
So much stuff happens the ep keeps going after the credits! It feels big
The sick shot of the car driving
very very cool
You only move twice
Hank Scorpio
I am just
You know
Tempted to type out everything he says
A NON hank line:
"We can't take that chance!"
"You always says that! I wanna take a chance!"
But I love how home actually DOES fiend his perfect job, he IS good at motivating his workers and his boss Likes him, theres no tricks
absolutely adore how casual and friendly and cracking jokes Hank tries to be and homer is stiff as a board now knowing how to respond. Homer's constant "uh hu" "hmh" "Oh."
how marge COULDVE gotten drunk as one of the reasons she needs to leave, but she cant even drink more than the healthy amount
*takes a sip*........*DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUN*
DAMN (edited)
and homer said he "tackled a loafer at work"
"And Homer, if on the way home you feel like killing someone it would help me a lot!"
homer casually kicks away the grenade
so many people die on screen XD
And it makes logical sense too! How do you willingly work for a supervillain? Its a fantastic job in a beautiful mountain town
I'd do it lol
Selma's Choice
Duff Gardens, awesomely squallid, the simpsons are great at *squallid* things
The giant hoagie
The entire funeral scene, again I like it cause very specific and relatable,m not funeral per se but having to spend a whole day doing boring formal things with relatives you dont even like, also everyone agreeing to skip the poem
How dumpy homer looks in that suit
Selma, again, I find her very endearing in her sad lonely life but she tries and then she finds Jub Jub <3 Also good ending I never saw before, just her aknowledging "I felt like I needed kids but I just wouldnt be a good parent, and I wanted one for a bad reason" (she described having kids as a little version of herself she wanted to hold) and being happy with jubjub
I love crazy high lisa and her snarl and hissing, and also Marge being horny, how She's the one who had a porno taped saved for when Homer got better, I like it when they make her thirsty and finding homer very attractive
A Fish Called Selma
Same stuff I said about SelmaNow seeing Actual Troy McLure, wow! His house is just like him, stuck in the 70s in a bad way, falling apart, how he wont even buy a new pillow and he's reading up about how to sew
His room being surrounded by an acquarium
The fact he fucking brings her to a chain restaurant like "thats the bes you get", how he drops the voice when asking "yeah you need a ride somewhere..?" How fake and sad he is vs how sad and genuine selma is her giggle when he kisses her on her cheek is very cute
How he "proposes" by just quoting a muppets movie cause he cant think of anything on his own
How he's a genuinely good performer when we see him in the theatre, though again, absurdly squallid show
When they try to have sex and Selma offers him wive, Troys desperate "..
YES." holy fucking christ phil hartmas is so good, how he still keeps the cheerful star voice but you can FEEL the deep deep desperation and feeling uncomfortableThe way Selma looks at him before deciding this has gone on long enough, again choosing on her own"Goodbye Troy, I'll always remember you..but not from your movies!"
"Cmon JubJub, mommy's gonna microwave you some nice roaches!"
fav troymclure movie title: Gladys the Groovy Mule
Marge on the Lam
Marge...has no friends pretty much, every time she does they just keep her around to pick at her
This time she actually gets one and I really like Ruth. Her "tough mom" outfit the fact she'll enjoy a beer at moe's and laugh at him getting pranked, opposite to marge shes very jaded angry and she likes marge for how happy and sunny and "unspoiled" she seems saying she's jealous of her. How she's like her Cool Friend making her fire at precious antique cans showing up in the raddest car blasting SUNSHINE LOLLIPOPS AND-no wait wrong tape WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE! running from the police in a stolen car, and marge getting on her side. Homer being jealous lol
Manchildren Homer and Wiggum
"As of shit moment Lionel Hutz no longer exists :) Say hello to Miguel Sanchez!! :D"