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AMA Ask Sean Connery

Ask Me Anything


I <3 Tomboys
Writers Guild
Level 5
Sep 24, 2024
Reaction score
trailer park
Sean Connery couldn't make it so you'll have to ask me instead
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Who are your favorite tomboys?

What makes you like Ed, Edd n Eddy?
Favorite Playstation 1 and 2 game?
If a 28 Days Later style Zombie apocalypse broke out, where would go and what would be your preferred weapon?
Who are your favorite tomboys?

Starting out with the hard hitting questions eh?

Videl is so damn cool, she's the town teenage hero that is excused from class so she can jump from a helicopter onto a flaming building so she can fight the mob bare heanded and she's got her own futuristic phonte-watch. And she's a normal human with no ki training!!

She's also so damn cute, and proud, I love love love her ki training with gohan
How it shows gohan is far more sensitive and considerate than his father, asking goten to pretend to be a normal person and struggle with the training so she wont get demotivated

And then how she angrily tears up watching what she thinks is a random 8 year old kid immediately master flying while she's barely making progress, how she stands there stiffly standing still fists clentched trying not to cry

All of that is so much different from db and dbz up to this point

And then when gohand shows her she cutely leans forward while on her knees, her face brimming with curiosity

The oversiezed shirt + short gym pants + muscular legs is Dang Sexy

Then she lets her guard down with gohan, this sweet super hot super man conquering her without even trying, she starts smiling more. Her second look is just as good before super ruined her
Also she can kick hard enough to break the neck of a hulking 2 meter giant, woah!


Probably my very firdst cartoon crush when I was 6ish; I just thought she was really cool.
I like how much more violent than the rest she is, her raspy voice, how she can be very energetic and cheerful even if she's tough, how every time she's in pain she angrily grits her teeth compared to the oher ppg's more generic expressions; it's a neat detail
Also she can be gross and crass, a fun contrast to little miss perfect blossom and tiny delicate bubble
Also now as an adult, the episode where she gets a little girl crush on "bad boy" Ace is so endearing lol

I was very furious when I found out there was ton of high quality cartoon network toys but they just didnt sell em in italy, Damn them. At least I managed to get a talking buppercup plush from 1999 off ebay for not-too-much in near mind condition


Continuing the childhood crush trend, she was also Just Cool. She was tough and adventurous and often the voice of reason, she had a unique look with the cap usually covering her eyes; the writers gave her a lot of extra love too with all of her candy-themed solo adventures, those episodes were so sick. It's also cute how she ended up going for the fat nerd when you'd think she'd me more into numbuh 1 or art least numbuh 4

As an adult I also get why numbuh 2 was attracted to Cree hehe


Not much to say, just a hardcore biker hottie that takes bullshit from no one, and a hell of a singer. Also despite her stern and intimidating appearence and stern voice she can be lax and have fun


"You're so beautiful" even though she probably smells like shit


I don't care much for english dubs of jap toons, but "Even a retarded monkey could do it" is a great line


Forget the shitty cartoon show, in the comic Sapphire is a fearless explorer researcher and fighter and country girl; risked her life to save her arcipelago on many occasions, and she has cute fangs somehow. Unfortunately she may smell like shit for a good duration of the story.


My mom is fond of peanuts (both the comic strips and the nuts) so I read a lot of strips, she's just fun and cute and totally like a cool best friend you get a crush on as you grow up together


Man there are a Lot of moments where you see Kaori is smoking hot underneath those clothes to the point even Ryo is surprised lol
I wish that 80s hairstyle was still a thing


What makes you like Ed, Edd n Eddy?

It is the last western show to be hand drawn and painted (though they sadly switched to digital coloring in the latter seasons...)

The kids are all so memorable, ithe "Kid logic" of its universe is super charming, it's gorgeously animated...
The atmosphere, music and artstyle is so unique, Antonucci is one of my idols. According to double d's voice actor: when cartoon network started pressuring studios to switch to digital animation he got a tatyoo saying "fuck digital"
He also just seems like a fun guy, they apparently had a drawing of Ed with a giant dick a fan sent hanging in the office because they thought it was funny

He also was a perfectionist, making Ed's voice actor do take after take after take of him laughing until he started to taste blood, and going from this joke character sheet the crew made he was a TOUGH boss

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Can i at least ask questions to Sean Connery's dead body?
You can but he's not a body of many words
@Lee__Kanker Buttercup is my favorite of the bunch too, for the same reasons you mentioned!

I didin't had too much contact with KND but number 5's coolness is definitely attention grabbing.

Not much a Pokemon guy beyond the first gen, but your description about Sapphire makes me want to read the comic.

Also Sakura rules.
Who is your favorite Ed, Edd n Eddy character that isn't a Kanket?
Easily Rolf. Every european country combined. Also the fourth strongest kid (it goes ed->kankers->sarah->Rolf->everyone else->Double D->Jimmy)
I love how somehow he has both a ton of mountain sheperd costums and fisherman costums
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I have a question for Connery

But in all seriousness, what's your favorite episode of The Simpsons?

I can write my name in snow with my penis so checkmate pens

I compiled my list of favorite simpsons episodes as of 17th of march 2024
In no particular order and not counting treehouse of horror :

Homie the Clown
The Flashback Quadrilogy (The way we was, I Married Marge, Lisa's first word, And maggie makes three)
A Milhouse Divided
Hurricane Neddy
Mother Simpson
Principal Charming
Simpson and Delilah
22 Short Films About Springfield
Bart on the Road
You only move twice
Selma's Choice
A Fish Called Selma
Homer's Enemy
Marge on the Lam

Homie the clown is just one great joke after another, the beginning especially is restless

Best in the west, heh that rhymes

Thats it! You people have stood in my way long enought! I'm going to CLown College! *dashes away*

Bart: I dont think any of us expected him to say That

I told you we should've gotten more than three bullets!

I'm seeing double! Four krustys!

My house is dirty buy me a clean one

The Flashback Quadrilogy (The way we was, I Married Marge, Lisa's first word, And maggie makes three)

The way we was
I love the consistent timeline, I love the 70s, all the new settings like barneys squallid house homer's crappy car with the chain-wheel, young homer being distinct from adult homer same with marge
Barney's room
Abe being a realistically shitty dad belittling Homer for falling in love for a girl thats "too good for him" and how he should go for the dented car the less attractive girl also also the realistic get a bear grab me one too I know you drink behind my back; Younger abe sounding again much more distinct and like an asshole

The reasoning for Marge falling for homer: his earnestness

I Married Marge

Funny Romantic and super sweet at the same time, homer still kinda thinking because of his father marge is too good for him "WHOO HOO! SHE SAID YES! IN YOUR FACE EVERYBODY ELSE!" the funny af way he "proposes" by asking her to see if she can find a note he lost on the car floor and shes talking to his ass

How BADLY homer aged already in the span of a couple years but Marge still loves him, how humble and miserable everything is but they love each other so much
He got an impossibly shitty job but he's happyn with it, the way bart was conceived fucking in the minigolf castle was again absurdly squallid but they're happy
Homer having some maturity of his own "his parents werent around to give him any" and selling his car to get the shittiest job after getting overexcited ansd buying too much stuff for the baby

Marge telling him "Well, you're not Ted Bessell. But you're just as nice" and homer going "Hmmm :).." is just the SWEETEST thing (he's not used to compliments still)

Marge, pour vous calling back to the 1st flashback
Marge's mother being a total cunt I love "Ladies pinch, Whores use rouge"

A Milhouse Divided

How it escalates over smaller and smaller things how they snipe at each other how you get the feeling its a constant in their life

how UNCOMFORTABLE everyone gets

how as soon as Luanne divorces she instantly gets drawn as more attractive while kirk gets slob-ier

how such minor characters get such amazing characterization in such a short amount of time

How it ends like the opposite of a romantic movie the way kirk looks at her <:) and shes just DEADPAN

"Hi everybody!..Hi!..Aaand hit it!


"Maybe single peoplemeat crackers, we don't know, frankly we dont wanna know, it's a market we can do without.

-So after twenty years thats it so long and good luck??I don't recall saying good luck"

I sleep in a racing car, do you?

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Hurricane Neddy

Neddy finally loosens up, he's always been spiteful and judgemental but now he FINALLY SAYS IT he even snaps at marge and her children!

How he loses hope and the reverend is just like "uuuh...sucks to be you"

the house gift being another "opposite of what happens in a movie" the glasses lens BREAKING symbolizing his mind with that frustrated "Oow..." man its so good and subtle

Shitty parents again Ned Wanting to be dragged kicking and screaming

".......Homer, you are the worst human being I have ever met....Phew I got off easy! :D"

Mother Simpson

First of all very funny, Hans moleman buried alive, Homer being legitimately sad "Mom I'm sorry I never visited you but-"
Abe being a shit shit dad again, Mommy Mona and Little Homer are adorable her singing a commercial as a lullaby
Abe *never fucking told homer the truth*, Homer asking sadly marge "..then why did she leaves me :(" again I really like this version of homer where he's very insecure about not deserving love it shows up in other eps too

Mona's D'OH

Principal Charming

Terminator Homer is hilarious
Pros: Nice Stride
Cons: Complete Stranger
Pros: Smoker
Cons: Just a Sign
Pros: Has a job Authoritive, Hates The Boy
Cons: Possible Homer Sexual

And this was BEFORE terminator 2 !
Not too many cartoons about unlikable sad ugly women in their mid 30s looking for love, and Seymour flirting and dating like he's still 20 is adorable, like he hasn't done it since or thinks thats what dating is like and contrastic with Patty's being a complete brick wall thats covered in barbed wire
The relationship between P&S how in synch with each other they are and understand each other
"Patty..did you just throw away your one chance at happiness for me?"
"Thank you."
No need to elaborate they insta undestand each other

Also first appearence of groundskeeper willy

Simpson and Delilah

Not a lot of cartoons about baldness.
Burns is Very shouty and menacing in this ep I Like it! I love that homer gets his haircut after 20 years AND ITS A DATED HAIRCUT CAUSE ITS THE ONE HE WOULDVE GOTTEN IN THE 70s! Love it! Then each scene is a different cut
I love Karl he's like a gay male mary poppins I LOVE HIS HOUSE, his room would be like my dream house if I had infinite money, I'd recreate it to a T
I dont think they settled on Smithers being gay yet but its fun to think that like now both Burns and Homer are two influential men with super loyal gay assistants

22 Short Films About Springfield

I love the secondary characters, a whole episode around them, awesome
Not much else to add, the best segment was Apu speedrunning a pool party
and steamed hams

Also very tall man

Bart on the Road

A very Adventurous episode! Lots of new locations, I LOVE MARTIN! Nelson's being completely taken by whats implied to be like two hours of Andy Williams and somehow being a huge Andy Williams fan, on top of this huge high stakes adventure theres the super cute Homer-Lisa bonding, poor marge being so desperately bored and lonely she makes maggie cry on purpose. Homer's RAGE when he finds the truth how JUST HIS FACE NOT THE FULL HEAD turns head is SO GOOD then cursing into the suit. Then marge being oblivious to everything. Skinner being so lame he goes all the way to china to eat at the airport
So much stuff happens the ep keeps going after the credits! It feels big

The sick shot of the car driving

very very cool

You only move twice

Hank Scorpio
I am just
You know
Tempted to type out everything he says

A NON hank line:

"We can't take that chance!"

"You always says that! I wanna take a chance!"

But I love how home actually DOES fiend his perfect job, he IS good at motivating his workers and his boss Likes him, theres no tricks

I absolutely adore how casual and friendly and cracking jokes Hank tries to be and homer is stiff as a board now knowing how to respond. Homer's constant "uh hu" "hmh" "Oh."

how marge COULDVE gotten drunk as one of the reasons she needs to leave, but she cant even drink more than the healthy amount

*takes a sip*........*DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUN*




and homer said he "tackled a loafer at work"
"And Homer, if on the way home you feel like killing someone it would help me a lot!"
homer casually kicks away the grenade

so many people die on screen XD

And it makes logical sense too! How do you willingly work for a supervillain? Its a fantastic job in a beautiful mountain town

I'd do it lol

Selma's Choice

Duff Gardens, awesomely squallid, the simpsons are great at *squallid* things
The giant hoagie
The entire funeral scene, again I like it cause very specific and relatable,m not funeral per se but having to spend a whole day doing boring formal things with relatives you dont even like, also everyone agreeing to skip the poem
How dumpy homer looks in that suit

Selma, again, I find her very endearing in her sad lonely life but she tries and then she finds Jub Jub <3 Also good ending I never saw before, just her aknowledging "I felt like I needed kids but I just wouldnt be a good parent, and I wanted one for a bad reason" (she described having kids as a little version of herself she wanted to hold) and being happy with jubjub

I love crazy high lisa and her snarl and hissing, and also Marge being horny, how She's the one who had a porno taped saved for when Homer got better, I like it when they make her thirsty and finding homer very attractive

A Fish Called Selma

Same stuff I said about SelmaNow seeing Actual Troy McLure, wow! His house is just like him, stuck in the 70s in a bad way, falling apart, how he wont even buy a new pillow and he's reading up about how to sewHis room being surrounded by an acquarium

The fact he fucking brings her to a chain restaurant like "thats the bes you get", how he drops the voice when asking "yeah you need a ride somewhere..?" How fake and sad he is vs how sad and genuine selma is her giggle when he kisses her on her cheek is very cute
How he "proposes" by just quoting a muppets movie cause he cant think of anything on his own

How he's a genuinely good performer when we see him in the theatre, though again, absurdly squallid show

When they try to have sex and Selma offers him wive, Troys desperate "..YES." holy fucking christ phil hartmas is so good, how he still keeps the cheerful star voice but you can FEEL the deep deep desperation and feeling uncomfortableThe way Selma looks at him before deciding this has gone on long enough, again choosing on her own"Goodbye Troy, I'll always remember you..but not from your movies!"

"Cmon JubJub, mommy's gonna microwave you some nice roaches!"

fav troymclure movie title: Gladys the Groovy Mule

Marge on the Lam

Marge...has no friends pretty much, every time she does they just keep her around to pick at her
This time she actually gets one and I really like Ruth. Her "tough mom" outfit the fact she'll enjoy a beer at moe's and laugh at him getting pranked, opposite to marge shes very jaded angry and she likes marge for how happy and sunny and "unspoiled" she seems saying she's jealous of her. How she's like her Cool Friend making her fire at precious antique cans showing up in the raddest car blasting SUNSHINE LOLLIPOPS AND-no wait wrong tape WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE! running from the police in a stolen car, and marge getting on her side. Homer being jealous lol
Manchildren Homer and Wiggum

"As of shit moment Lionel Hutz no longer exists :) Say hello to Miguel Sanchez!! :D"
Can you propel his corpse up so I can pummel him for Sir Billi.

Also—your hypothetical lover and mom switch bodies and the only way to switch bodies is to have sex with one of them, so would you rather have sex with your lover in your moms body or your mom in your lover body?
HEY LEE: What's your favourite Ralph Bakshi movie, and why?
Easily fritz the cat and coonskins, cause they're everything you can't do on tv and they're very genuine, not a crumb of cinycism
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If a 28 Days Later style Zombie apocalypse broke out, where would go and what would be your preferred weapon?

I didnt see that movie but if it's a zombie apocalypse question Id probably die horribly right away because I'm a densly populated area where nobody owns guns
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Can you propel his corpse up so I can pummel him for Sir Billi.

Also—your hypothetical lover and mom switch bodies and the only way to switch bodies is to have sex with one of them, so would you rather have sex with your lover in your moms body or your mom in your lover body?
I'm legally bound by his family not to desecrate further....

I'd never have sex again
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Cunniliguis to the tomboy?

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Yo, I heard you fucked a can of haggis. What's up with that, man?
Only when I'm out of soffritto

soffritto napoletano is a stew made pig guts tomato and bay leaves, it's mosly consumed during winter time either with bread or on pasta
Why Sean Connery can't make it?
Did Sean Connery himself entrusted you to do AMA in his stead?
If he were here, what would you ask him?
It's been few days, is he gonna come or not?
Lee, what are your thoughts on the Ed Edd n' Eddy Big Picture show? Do you feel that was a good way to end the series?










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Lee, what are your thoughts on the Ed Edd n' Eddy Big Picture show? Do you feel that was a good way to end the series?

I can't think of a better way to end it,
It has everything I could've possibly wanted from an EEE movie

Animation as sick as usual, they remembered Eddy's brother's room and his car, every single character gets something to do, they venture outside the cul de sac so I get to see new locations in that artstyle I love which also gives it a feel of a huge journey: For a kid venturing alone for a couple days feels like the most epic dangerous adventure, they made soooo many new locations which on traditional animation had to be a lot of money and effort
Then they finally show both an adult and eddy's brother and explain why he's the way he is, then they finally make the other kids stand up for him because they've always had their limits and the kankers rape an adult

The only way it could've gotten better is if they kept handpainting the cells like they did before the school seasons

By the way did you know little-miss-goody-two-shoes rebecca sugar made an eddyXdouble d yaoi comic? ::eggmanlaugh
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Why Sean Connery can't make it?
Did Sean Connery himself entrusted you to do AMA in his stead?
If he were here, what would you ask him?
It's been few days, is he gonna come or not?

I poked him with a stick, that used to get a reaction but I guess he's not feeling it, the racoons have really gotten fond of him for some reason

He didnt "ask" out loud but it's what he would've wanted, I just know what's best for him

I'd ask him how many fans mailed him their underwear or tried to kill his wife during the filming of the bond movies and what scene was way more painful than it looked
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