Are there any game series that interest you but haven't tried out yet?

Boku 2 got an English patch a few years ago, each game is its own story so you can totally just start with it
oh thank you! i just looked it up and there is indeed for ps2! i'm hoping for the psp ones to be patched too.. i think it would be nice to bring on trips
Ace Combat, Glory of Heracles, and Ultima are three series I plan on diving headfirst in to this year. I'm going through Air Combat now, and I've been enjoying it a lot. As for the other two, I'll just start from the first games and make my way through at some point this year. I really enjoyed Ultima Underworld, but never tried the mainline titles.
Get ready for a grind... But yea, lots of fun!
I've been wanting to get into the SaGa games, but they seem very very long and complex and I don't think I have the time and patience to try any of them out rn
I don't even know which one to start with lol

It feels like this is the perfect moment to self promote. Check out my series of articles on early era Square for the scoop on all the retro FF/SaGa/Mana games.

This is my article on Romancing SaGa:

I've also played Romancing SaGa 2 demo on the Switch and Romancing SaGa 3 SNES version. I've tried SaGa Frontier a few times. I don't think it is a game you want to try as a JRPG beginner. Its almost like a Bethesda Elder Scrolls open world style game crossed with Final Fantasy.
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Those Atelier games appear to have fiddly numbers and item creation - which I *adore* - but they're never on sale for less than like thirty bucks and there's a million of them. Some of the older ones can be emulated, but I never get around to it.
I wouldn't recommend, even though Persona 2 is in my opinion the best Persona game it is definitely not for new players.
I can confirm. Persona 1 & 2 are a weird in between even for SMT. Plus Persona 2's encounter rate is quite egregious and I hate the way fusion works there.
Get ready for a grind... But yea, lots of fun!View attachment 47498
I'm an Etrian Odyssey fan willing to try out Dragon Quest. I was made by the grind, molded by it
Ace Combat
Air Combat (the first game) sucks, don't start with it. Don't start with the OG OG games either (the arcade games). The other two PS1 games are fair game though, just make sure to patch Ace Combat 3. And if you're only planning to do PS2, go wild but do also give X on PSP a try. It's essentially an alternate 4. Also don't listen to the naysayers cause Joint Assault might actually not be that bad. Assault Horizon is. Assault Horizon LEGACY though is a 3DS remake of Ace Combat 2, the name is clickbait. All mainline games except 6 are on PlayStation consoles. Unfortunately, you got in a bit too late to get Ace Combat 7 for $5 on Steam, sorry.
Those Atelier games appear to have fiddly numbers and item creation - which I *adore* - but they're never on sale for less than like thirty bucks and there's a million of them. Some of the older ones can be emulated, but I never get around to it.
Try Atelier Annie for DS. Not the best title but it's enjoyable and light on storage. Alternatively just go with Iris 2. Don't bother with Iris 1 or Iris 3 unless you want to.

Look at me, recommending games while not breaking anything from my own list (which is also incomplete, I cut the message off because the screen flashed black and was unusable)
Metal Gear, Star Ocean and Suikoden.

These are series that I've heard about and want to try out at some point, but for some reason have never gotten around to actually playing them yet.
The Witcher, I'll get to it one day, no rush.

Those Atelier games appear to have fiddly numbers and item creation - which I *adore* - but they're never on sale for less than like thirty bucks and there's a million of them. Some of the older ones can be emulated, but I never get around to it.
Gust and Koei Tecmo are notorious for their stingy behavior, they do went on sale at the most random time, all I can say is just check regularly.
Of the top of my head:
- Wild arms
- Xeno series
- Summon Night
- Shadow Hearts
There's probably more but fuck me most of these that I just said are series with 5 or more games and bigass RPGs and I don't have time for that right now.
Also a bunch of 30~40 hours Visual novels. What is time?
Ratchet & Clank
The Legend of Heroes
Rise of the Triad
Super Money Ball
Samurai Warriors
Little Nightmares
- suikoden: mostly because of the large cast & 6 character parties (I just thinks it’s fun to micromanage a bunch of characters)
- final fantasy VII - X: played the earlier ones on gba but the PSX titles & beyond I haven’t set aside time for yet
- not a series but Disco Asylum, for the same reason mentioned above (bought it monthssss ago & haven’t gotten around to it)
- the SMT Persona games: for no reason other than I started playing the first few megaten titles first & feel like I need to nibble on them some more before moving on lol

Honorable mentions go to Higurashi + Umineko, the gba/nds castlevania titles, & armored core (among others)
Takeda, a 2000s series of real time strategy games set in sengoku era Japan. One day, I swear.
Xenosaga and Xenogears are complete blindspots for me that I have an interest in.
Breath of Fire and Mana Khemia as well. There are many JRPG titles that I have an interest in, however their longer runtime can sometimes feel daunting to look at.

Vanillaware and Treasure titles are also on my radar, as I'm aware that there are many die-hard fans of these two developers. Both of these companies have stand-out libraries that I'd love to see and play for myself!
Metal Gear Solid
Street Fighter
Mortal Kombat

I would love to try out Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat. The problem is that I’m not very good at fighting games. I have trouble memorizing specific lengthy button combos. MGS did interest me, I haven’t really played any of the major MGS games, I’ve been busy with other games. Someday I would like to play an Infamous game, but the first two are only on PS3, which I don’t have.
Suikoden is something that's interested me for awhile now. I don't even know what it's about or anything. I haven't seen gameplay. I just know its a JRPG and the art style was interesting.
I feel better seeing that I'm not the only one who missed out on Metal Gear Solid. I would love to get into that series, but it seems impossibly daunting at this point. I'm someone who usually hates watching cutscenes, so maybe my interest is misguided anyway. I just feel like it's a major blow to my gamer cred to have never seriously played that series.
I've played SaGa before but never to any meaningful extent. It's a series I would really like to get into, if only because I respect how non-traditional it is. But I'd really have to lock in for it, and I've never been in the appropriate mood.

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