Anyone else feel like they are getting WORSE at games over time?


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Level 2
Dec 5, 2024
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I feel like every game I play lately is absurdly challenging for some reason, even games that shouldn't be giving me a hard time.
Maybe I'm getting old, but I feel like all my gaming prowess is just GONE lately. It's kind of sucking the fun out of gaming. And I LIKE hard games and overcoming challenges. I'm not complaining that games are hard, I just feel like I can't improve/overcome the challenge lately.

Anyone else feel like they are getting significantly worse at games as they get older?
Time dear doom guy eventually gets to the best of us you being the prime example.

Even then this thread OP made thy thou ehhh I still can't get the hang of it , you made me chuckle a bit I'm getting better in games while you are getting worse this begs the question will I be at your point in the future? Will I come here and say "yes I'm feeling it?" 20 or 30 years later? Heh be coincidence to remember that.
This is exactly how i feel with 2d fighters man, i hit floor 9 in guilty gear strive last year, im playing now and i'm back at floor 7 with the same character, i lost my funky flow and it feels like i'll never hit that stride again, and i've hardly even taken any breaks, i play casually nearly every week

I hop on expecting a good fun game and suddenly i'm getting deviously combo'd and bent over and turned into some red-heads sword sheath
I was never really exceptionally good at them to begin with so not really. If anything I'm better now at the type of games I used to play when I was a kid. I've never really gone for extreme difficulty challenges or kaizo type shit anything like that though even when I was younger.
I beat ultimate doom on windows 3.1 without knowing how to strafe when I was 11. I don't remember it even being hard.
I replayed it a few years ago and had to beat the last episode on a lower difficulty because it was too hard...

To be fair, I think it's because newer games are substantially easier. You don't need to use as much skill to beat them. so when you do play something a little harder, it FEELS a lot harder.
I've always been ass at video games so nothing’s changed.
Ain't this the whole truth for most of us anyway.

They said people past their 30s mostly abandoned games that needed high speed response and started to play more relaxed ones instead. Traded being faster into being smarter.
But it made no difference to me, 2 decades and I still got totaled on almost everything I played even on something like JRPGs.::winnie
I feel like every game I play lately is absurdly challenging for some reason, even games that shouldn't be giving me a hard time.
Maybe I'm getting old, but I feel like all my gaming prowess is just GONE lately. It's kind of sucking the fun out of gaming. And I LIKE hard games and overcoming challenges. I'm not complaining that games are hard, I just feel like I can't improve/overcome the challenge lately.

Anyone else feel like they are getting significantly worse at games as they get older?
Maybe the games you're playing could be a bit too complicated. Mechanic overload is a bit of an issue with some games. Could also be a result of putting a game down and coming back months later to forget how to play it, or it being a new game to you
I was better at Devil May Cry 3 and Tony Hawk's Underground as a teenager. I'm not even close to 30 yet and I have MORE time to game due to not having strict family anymore. What in the pancake flipping fuck is going on?!
Yes and no. My reaction times have gotten worse with age but my experience has gotten better, so to speak. I could whoop teen me in Street Fighter now even if I can't do crazy LP Shoryuken reactions anymore.
Dude you beat my ass at Alpha 3 when you were half drunk.
Time dear doom guy eventually gets to the best of us you being the prime example.
This 100%.
Me personally, my response time is more ass as I got older, instead of relying on my physical ability I'm trying to play smarter instead. Of course I still regularly put some elbow grease so I don't lose my edge as much as if I don't do anything, good thing I'm rarely bound by any genre when it comes to games.
I feel like every game I play lately is absurdly challenging for some reason, even games that shouldn't be giving me a hard time.
Maybe I'm getting old, but I feel like all my gaming prowess is just GONE lately. It's kind of sucking the fun out of gaming. And I LIKE hard games and overcoming challenges. I'm not complaining that games are hard, I just feel like I can't improve/overcome the challenge lately.

Anyone else feel like they are getting significantly worse at games as they get older?
My younger self was able to complete A few fighting games like KOF '97, Contra and Crash Bandicoot 2 much easily. I still try to remember the old days.
My case is a Zigzag, on one hand games i could NEVER dream beating like Hollow Knight and the SMT series are nowadays a medium challenge (When being an whoopass can opening the second i leave them unnatended too much) but games i could beat blindfolded are too hard for me, an example is the fact that i could beat the Robocop 2 NES game without continues, nowadays i can't beat the damn level 1 without getting the pesky "You failed to find the obuse macguffins in the level, now do a rail shooter level and if you fail start the level all over", i don't lament it since the game... as an adult i realized the game was absolute crap, but a case that hurts is the NES port of Trojan, as a kid the game was a breeze, i knew the secrets from memory, and nowadays i can't get past level 3, that game was my childhood, buyed from a Tianguis with my own allowance, and now i can't see by myself the ending... a soul for a soul
I feel it's the other way around, at least for me. I have more patience for strategy games, or for learning a game in general, I've learned to read most games better; even when it comes to more complex mechanics, I feel like I pick that stuff quicker than I ever did. Experience makes up for a lot more than what you supposedly "lose" in brain speed, as a non-e-sports-player.

And I can still manage some wins over my much younger, much more proficient-at-fighting-games friends. Maybe not consistently, unless I get them to play Bloody Roar, but people are making way too much of a deal out of "I couldn't compete with overtrained teenagers" for my taste.
Avoid Sekiro and Skill Based Matchmaking like a plague. I'd say if you can clear an MGS title you still have it, but many newer games just don't seem to play as well. I am perplexed by the people that sing praises to the latest 5ma5h br0s game because I cannot be playing the same game I hate how the camera pans and cannot tell what is going on at all.

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