Any one ever feel that the power of some consoles where never truly exploited?

Layton was the definition of maddening to me; I should have known from the hat. I loved Hotel Dusk and Last Window, though.

As someone who doesn't tend to care for diversity initiatives, the "only kiss I've known in years" line was brilliant and even went over my head on my first playthrough. That's how you show people can get along despite deep-seated differences, if you ask me: taking their acceptance for granted.
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Yes for the 3DO Interactive Multiplayer. Especially after playing Need for Speed, Space Hulk, Blade Force and more recently having a demo of Tomb Raider run on the system.
i've noticed the running theme with every system on this thread: cancelled before it even got off of the ground.

the jaguar, saturn, dreamcast, vita, wiiu. all had potential, but for one reason or another, all of them failed.

i haven't played some of the older systems, but the vita had cross connectivity with the ps3/4. game selection was limited, but playing shadow of the colossus with the vita as the controller was pretty cool.
and playing disgaea 3 on there was amazing. quick load times and more content.

the wii u gamepad being a second screen or map display is awesome. you could play batman - arkham city, bayonetta 1+2 and pikmin 3 while watching ed, edd, and eddy.

the dreamcast had awesome games like skies of arcadia. i have the gamecube version, and i was looking for a copy of the dreamcast version when i still had one of those. no matter how many times i come back to that game, it still feels like the first time that i am playing it. only minecraft and botw have gotten close to that feeling for me.

i'm pretty sure even the game systems that had a lot of coverage and exposure are still far from being completely pushed to their full capabilities. i saw a guy on youtube who's still checking out everything that the n64 can do. here's a video by him on the n64's cache system:

it'll take years to fully understand each and every system and its full potential.
But not the Nintendo NES
i covered that with the last paragraph before the video link.

i remember reading about some weird programming issue that allowed metroid to have maps big enough to make 4 separate games out of because of how the memory storage or something worked.

zelda one had a second quest because the first game wasn't big enough to fill the cartridge or something like that.

there was a really old game avgn covered i think for the atari that was basically infinite and is still not fully understood to this day. i think it was called "adventure" or something like that.

game systems are weird, and so are the games.

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