3€ for Devil may Cry 3


After learning english I was surpised to see the majority of the anglos see clicking on roms as something only ivory dealers sea clubbers and social media managers do, so here's a little window into growing up in southern italy in the 2000s!
Shoutout to Yousef's article for making me think of how international this nerd site is

In case the guardia di finanza is reading: this is satire and if you wanna play Asterix arcade on your pc you should buy an arcade cabinet, log it to your house, buy a rom extractor and make your own backup of the arcade board bios and rom, I would never steal a car

Sony will deny if of course but one of the reasons its first two consoles were huge here is because you could do "La Modifica"
Every home had both systems along with a stack of dvds and cds, every dubious disc was completly different from one another, you had no idea what would show when you pressed the power button be it bloody and vulgar and inappropriate or colorful and childish or utterly terrifying, the console menu felt like a monster could jump out from its the darkness, it was an exciting time to be a weird kid!

When you bought a playstation at most electronics stores the seller would ask you if you wanna mod it for an extra 50, so then when sunday comes and after you leave church you go to The Moroccan (nickname for african or middle eastern street vendors) to get your new games, you'd be handed a stack of discs. The cover art also made an effort to say "Fac-Simile" just in case the plastic sleeve holding a piece of paper with distorted art taken from google image wasn't a giveaway.
Amusingly, some games were clear scams like Pokemon on the ps1 being actually Rescue Shot, and it seems that every single seller Had pokemon on the ps1! Ever on the other side of the country! They must've been all getting it from the same distributor, I always thought they did it themselves

My very first fighting game was Superman for the ps1!
It was actually Marvel Superheroes while the cover art was Superman 64. Phew. Ive never been more glad to be lied to.
So there you were, excitedly holding a fat stack of games and you can pick like 2-3 if you've been well behaved, and my moroccan would give me a discount from 5 to 3 euros
cause I came every sunday, I still say hi to him on the street (if you're reading this hi Ivo!); you can only go with whatever has the coolest cover and then try it as soon as you get home.
And when the PS2 launched, that meant your guy could sell you both games, music AND movies for it! Even if sometimes your copy of the incredibles was missing 20 minutes of the things at at one point one guy offscreen starts Loudly snoring; some other times though you'd get a movie in pristine quality before it even came out! I wonder how they did that

Occasionally I still got some original copies for the case and manual (which was far easier then because games costed 20-50 instead of friggin 80 euros), but the funny thing is, the off-the-street discs were in most cases better.
See if you were european and you wanted to play videogames and wanted the best experience, you had to play against the rules because to the industry you're priority number 10.

A lot of games straight up didnt come out in italy: Final Fantasy 7, Katamari Damacy, The Simpsons Hit and Run, any of the Shadow Hearts games except Koudelka to name a few. While others came out but they didnt bother translating it into italian, I got Psychonauts for my birthday and everything including the manual was in italian Except the game. Got suck on level 1.
One instance that was particularly cruel was Kingdom Hearts Chains of Memories. It was the real Kingdom hearts 2, all the info in the manual cites events that made me go "When did That happen?" and it turns out this was the link between 1 and 2 but it was only in japan (yes it originally came out on gba and that got an ita release but unless you were looking at nintendo magazines specifically you wouldnt know, and why would I buy one for Kingdom hearts when the first game was on PS2?).
Well 3 years later, I open the most recent issue of PSM and lo and Behold: it's finally coming out outside of Japan...only in America. But to console all the disappointed players Square Enix's at the time CEO sent an handwritten letter to every avid reader that said "Fuck you Gaijin". Ok that last part I made up.
My man had it a week later, I couldnt understand it cause it was in english but at least I got to see what it was like, in Ivo I trust.

And also every ps1 game and most ps2 games ran 14% slower but I'm assuming you've already heard that a milion times-
So this makes the balooning cost of retro collecting even more infuriating because you want me to pay 280 bucks for Silent Hill? And its the shitty version on top of that??

There's a handful of other moroccan games that everyone seems to have had, like the Captain Tsubasa game; to this day I see them on every flyier thats advertising a local football school for kids, its one of those sows thats never stopped being popular and probably never will.

They did however release the Yatterman game so thank you for that Banpresto! It's quite good too! It's 50hz only as usual but hey I appreciate the gesture, because when it comes to jap cartoons games I wont harp on the publisher too much because it couldve been a case where our tv network didnt wanna make a deal to distribute it, as they hold the rights to sell it in this country; ah well, I haven't willingly watched an italian dub on tv since I was 10 anyway. And Bandai also went out of its way to release a Lupin the Third And Sailor Moon game in italy and the Saint Seya game came out in europe so some Champion who works there knows.

This continued with the PSP and that one console you control with a remote but there is less to talk about: the technical history about how they were hacked is interesting and I recommend the Modern Vintage Gamer videos on em, the console from you know who was hacked with a pair of Tweezers, hehe
It was all much less personal, you give your console to the store owner and they'd mod it for you and add the games you like, and for you-know-what they'd either sell you games individually or give you an USB hdd loaded with stuff. For that one handheld with the dual screens you just get an R4 and that was that, if you didnt know how to use a computer again the seller would just add random ones to it

Moroccans stayed in buisness with the XBOX360 as that used DVDs and all my high school mates had The Stack while I made the biggest mistake of my life and bought a PS3, c'est la vie.
Today everything related to clicking on roms is digital, the street vendors moved on to selling iphone junk and fake sunglasses and now I My Own moroccan.
This era of "everything goes" where everyone from the nerd to the the little child that just got his first console had equal access to the underbelly of game distribution will probably never happen again, at least not here, it was fun while it lasted.
Goodspeed and that one anti piracy PSA stopped playing in theaters because they didnt have the rights to use the music.
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I sure miss those days where getting a PS2 game was cheap as hell 😅. I remember asking my local store a "legally downloaded" copy of DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 3 and my brother and I were expecting to play the game in English but to our surprise the game was in Latin Spanish and we were "like whaaaaaat this is awesome!" And one other day a school friend and I asked for a copy of DBZ Budokai 3. And the thing we got was DB AF the most amazing thing we could have saw at that moment. So yeah it was fun living in those days were every 3 dollars disk was a fun Russian roulette where you could get your game or something totally different. Cool article! Congrats on your first.
This was a really fun article, going to these black markets sounds really cool! There were markets not to dissimiliar in my countries cities with our own moroccans but not where I grew up, we didn't really have the opportunity to buy goods like that! We only had an expensive tech store that offered to chip your PS1 and some peoples consoles were bricking so my dad stopped us from doing it.

It's sounds naive but I had no idea just how different it was for some other parts of Europe, I've always known some nations were less equal than others when it came to distribution and trade but I didn't know Italy was one of them! You didn't get FF7? Wow! I can't believe that Squaresoft had the nerve to do that. That's just insane, Italy is such a big market and it's a major part of the EU that's like Germany not getting Captain Tsubasa.
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😂 Sweet nostalgic memories, I remember very well a shop (not some forgotten back alley, but a true shop with insignia etc! ) selling, ahem, dubious CDs and DVDs for both PS1 and PS2, in a big city of Sicily, nonetheless... 😅
they would sell legitimate copies for not much more in poorer countires just to compete with these black markets, cause it would still make profit, that's how low the actualy value of these things are, and it's sad... i would collect physical media if it wasn't all just cheap plastic... the way thing are/were a jewel case cd vs a nice cloth bound book? it's not like book publishers don't have IP, they just have a heck of a lot more respect for their customers, or at least they used to have, nowadays many of them are sadly taking clues for these younger industries
Boun giorno, qui la guardia di finanza, aviamo notado tutto.
Per favore, abre la porta in 15 minuti, cosi no debiamo a romperla.

(scua il mio itañol :P )

Verz bad Joke aside, i have seen the same Sellers in Spain, having Copies of Games all over the Floor and i still have a Castlevania Disc from one of those here.
Its just a Sleeve with the printed Boxart.
That of the Moroccans was the same market that was being supplied by the various “official sellers” scattered a bit throughout Italy.

I can state this, as from personal experience I have dealt with one such vendor who burned copies from the original CDs (those available in their store, plus chip modification, of course).

I can also further strengthen my hypothesis, as I knew a person who worked directly in Sony. (Music Department)

He had repeatedly offered to make the modification to my PS1.

In addition, the various financiers/tax police officer, gladly turned a blind eye to it. (A free copy was always available to them, too.)

In fact, it was one of the most prosperous periods for PS1 sales. (Today's Sony, Should thank those Moroccans precisely)

In every Italian home, there was at least one Playstation.

PostScriptum: I had my personal original copy (on four discs) of FF7, strictly PAL and strictly in English only. (Paid about 60,000 of the old lire, but I remember that in some stores it came to cost as much as 80,000 lire.)

FF7 was released in Italian stores in late November/early December 1998.

For those of you who are "older," you will surely remember the era of the 1980s, of the various newspaper stands scattered around the squares of Italy and the various magazines of the time with "free" cassettes for Sinclair ZX Spectrum and Commodore64/VIC-20.

“If you were lucky, among the games in the collection, you could find That Game, which cost 20,000 lire in physical stores.”

Edit: I correct myself, FF7 for ps1 (PAL version) had 3CDs + Manual instead of the fourth disc.

I also had FF8 for ps1 (PAL); 4CDs.
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Fantastic article! :)
That era sure was wild. My experience in rural scandinavia of course wasn't quite like yours, but I wouldn't be who I am today if weren't for my dad's "weird nerd friend" who burnt me discs shock full of SNES and Mega Drive roms, which made me sort of grow up with a console generation that predated the ones I was in the appropriate age bracket for.

Good times.
Really interesting topic, a few Random Notes!

  • I like to think everyone knows we all own every piece of media we talk about on here, the emulation stuff is purely hypothetical!
  • There's gotta be a fascinating story behind the Fac-Simile distributor out there.
  • The setup at the Moroccan reminds me of getting DVD's in Singapore. You could get a heap in bulk, but you took your chances with what was in it. (Also you had to try and inspect the discs, some of them had logo's that had been stamped hard enough to leave an imprint on the underside. I missed that on a Shrek 2 and really let down a younger brother that year.)
  • Of the games you picked up this way, did you have a favorite?
Holy… I was not expecting a shout! :0, I’m incredibly humbled hahaha, this was also a fantastic piece. Now that we have an Italian writer, means even more international PoVs, can’t wait for more : D

It was a great article, I didnt know most of the site was not anglo, I didnt pay attention to it, so we must all have different perspectives on certain consoles and games. The yankees will never understand how DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 3 is legally considered better than sex in in western europe and latin america. Also I had to google where kuwait is.

Congratulations on your first piece, Lee 👏❗

I sure miss those days where getting a PS2 game was cheap as hell 😅. I remember asking my local store a "legally downloaded" copy of DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 3 and my brother and I were expecting to play the game in English but to our surprise the game was in Latin Spanish and we were "like whaaaaaat this is awesome!" And one other day a school friend and I asked for a copy of DBZ Budokai 3. And the thing we got was DB AF the most amazing thing we could have saw at that moment. So yeah it was fun living in those days were every 3 dollars disk was a fun Russian roulette where you could get your game or something totally different. Cool article! Congrats on your first.
That's what Im talking about, more often than not it was the better version XD
I lover that you could find translation mods, when the publishers dropped the ball the nerds would pick up their slack! They sold Dragon Ball AF here too ::lol I also remember seeing a "neapolitan edition" mod of GTA San Andreas complete with its own cover art, I shouldve bought it! By then I knew it wasnt a "real" game but I shouldve appreciated it nonetheless!
The closest thing to relive those days is to download a random bunch of roms and cracks and go at it blind, I like to do it once in a while; the ps1\2 library is near bottomless so theres still so many games I have yet to try I'll probably be 50 by the time Im done! (that sentence was hypothetical satire)

This was a really fun article, going to these black markets sounds really cool! There were markets not to dissimiliar in my countries cities with our own moroccans but not where I grew up, we didn't really have the opportunity to buy goods like that! We only had an expensive tech store that offered to chip your PS1 and some peoples consoles were bricking so my dad stopped us from doing it.

It's sounds naive but I had no idea just how different it was for some other parts of Europe, I've always known some nations were less equal than others when it came to distribution and trade but I didn't know Italy was one of them! You didn't get FF7? Wow! I can't believe that Squaresoft had the nerve to do that. That's just insane, Italy is such a big market and it's a major part of the EU that's like Germany not getting Captain Tsubasa.
Thanks! Only one store did it eh? I've always lived in a small town and pretty much every store did it if they know how to sauter, in fact its much much harder to find a playstation thats NOT been modded, you can buy one used and theres a 90% you can just burn your own copy of silent hill 3 and give the last guy who wanted 500 euros for it the finger

You have no idea
, so I should've mentioned in the article Pokemon Red and Blue only got translated by two people with 0 context. And theres many cases where they shipped thr game with ita packaging but didnt wanna fork the cash to translate it so it stayed in english like Kingdom hearts for 3ds (again with kh!), Yakuza 3, I believe the Popolocrois remake for psp (in general several psp games didnt come), Super Dragon Ball Z (in the dragon ball country, alright you do you piece of shi-) and many rpgs in general. Or they'd get an italian dub that was half assed (mgs1 translated Ocelot's "let's see if the man can live up to the legend!" to "let's see if the man can survive the legend!"), hell all of this happened well into the ps3 it wasnt just the 90s and 2000s. You're always at the mercy of wether the publishers thing its worth it put the money into your small country

We did get FF8 btw, maybe they saw how many people were copying the NTSC version or how many stores were importing it and the uk pal version
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i have a market of dubius games near by i go there since i was a kid .sadly my last purchase there was Red dead redemption 2 original ,but u can still whet the stuff there
This is a great story, reminds me a lot of my country's "cetak rompak" stores. This was a great piece of article and a great way to start it!
Great piece !

I loved the Saint Seiya Hades game, it was kinda similar to Evil Zone gameplay wise.

50hz can suck my potato though
Theres like 10 videos on youtube made by americans about how bad cartoon fighting games are, I dont get it, theres some bad ones like jump star force 2 sure but Sparking\BTK is super deep and not every fighting game need to be super competitive

It's funny btw bc with a few select games the PAL version is better, like I think Zone of the Enders runs better and has some extra stuff, Dragon Quest 8 and ICO also have more stuff
😂 Sweet nostalgic memories, I remember very well a shop (not some forgotten back alley, but a true shop with insignia etc! ) selling, ahem, dubious CDs and DVDs for both PS1 and PS2, in a big city of Sicily, nonetheless... 😅

Hahahaha! Yes there were also just "Bootleg Shops", they still exist in asia and south america I think! And in naples I think you can still find the ones that sell dvds, I havent checked in a while

they would sell legitimate copies for not much more in poorer countires just to compete with these black markets, cause it would still make profit, that's how low the actualy value of these things are, and it's sad... i would collect physical media if it wasn't all just cheap plastic... the way thing are/were a jewel case cd vs a nice cloth bound book? it's not like book publishers don't have IP, they just have a heck of a lot more respect for their customers, or at least they used to have, nowadays many of them are sadly taking clues for these younger industries
Dude paying 100 bucks FOR A 20 YEAR OLD SCRATCHED UP CD is absurd to me, I cant understand people who revear this stuff, I can understand manuals cause they're delightful to read but a cd case with a tiny paper square that will crack if you look at it funny? Its so easy to make your own jewel case and cover art too! As for the ps2 literally just use any dvd case, if you want it blue just get the 0.1 cents shovelware games and swap out the cover art

It would be very interesting to have a couple ofr Russian users, their country the Black Market Mecca! COMPLETLY ignored by most of the industry so they had to make due and make their own translations for everything
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Boun giorno, qui la guardia di finanza, aviamo notado tutto.
Per favore, abre la porta in 15 minuti, cosi no debiamo a romperla.

(scua il mio itañol :P )

Verz bad Joke aside, i have seen the same Sellers in Spain, having Copies of Games all over the Floor and i still have a Castlevania Disc from one of those here.
Its just a Sleeve with the printed Boxart.

The broken spanitalian made it better lol, it was like getting a scammer at the door

Yes In know this is one of the many things our two countries have in common, Ive also heard you guys had way worse translations!
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That of the Moroccans was the same market that was being supplied by the various “official sellers” scattered a bit throughout Italy.

I can state this, as from personal experience I have dealt with one such vendor who burned copies from the original CDs (those available in their store, plus chip modification, of course).

I can also further strengthen my hypothesis, as I knew a person who worked directly in Sony. (Music Department)

He had repeatedly offered to make the modification to my PS1.

In addition, the various financiers/tax police officer, gladly turned a blind eye to it. (A free copy was always available to them, too.)

In fact, it was one of the most prosperous periods for PS1 sales. (Today's Sony, Should thank those Moroccans precisely)

In every Italian home, there was at least one Playstation.

PostScriptum: I had my personal original copy (on four discs) of FF7, strictly PAL and strictly in English only. (Paid about 60,000 of the old lire, but I remember that in some stores it came to cost as much as 80,000 lire.)

FF7 was released in Italian stores in late November/early December 1998.

For those of you who are "older," you will surely remember the era of the 1980s, of the various newspaper stands scattered around the squares of Italy and the various magazines of the time with "free" cassettes for Sinclair ZX Spectrum and Commodore64/VIC-20.

“If you were lucky, among the games in the collection, you could find That Game, which cost 20,000 lire in physical stores.”

Edit: I correct myself, FF7 for ps1 (PAL version) had 3CDs + Manual instead of the fourth disc.

I also had FF8 for ps1 (PAL); 4CDs.
My oh my! I didn't expect to hear someone with insider knowledge! I assumed the tax officers and police didn't care that much about bootleg games but Sony employees did mods in secret? Really? Thats awesome!!
A carabiniere getting bribed with Cdrash Bandicoot 3 sounds funny as fuck

Hehe, Sony will never admit they helped them a lot and its one of the reasons the ps2 is STILL the best selling console of all time. I wonder how many people over at sony of japan at the time knew or if the european division never told em, I wonder how that stuff worked.
I know that for Sony of America deciding what got translated was up to like 4 guys

Some stores did import the UK PAL and NTSC version but I dont count that cause it wasnt made for our market and it never got translated into italian; I was about to correct you about the 3 discs but you beat me to it!
Koudelka also came out on a whopping 4 discs btw

Haha I was born in 96 but Im well aware of it, it happened all across western europe it seems, the random aspect of it made it so much fun!
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Really interesting topic, a few Random Notes!

  • I like to think everyone knows we all own every piece of media we talk about on here, the emulation stuff is purely hypothetical!
  • There's gotta be a fascinating story behind the Fac-Simile distributor out there.
  • The setup at the Moroccan reminds me of getting DVD's in Singapore. You could get a heap in bulk, but you took your chances with what was in it. (Also you had to try and inspect the discs, some of them had logo's that had been stamped hard enough to leave an imprint on the underside. I missed that on a Shrek 2 and really let down a younger brother that year.)
  • Of the games you picked up this way, did you have a favorite?

Of course, I own 800 individual arcade cabinets and they're all stored in the cellar of my mansion

It was pretty much the same thing in most of asia! Although I didnt know about the stamp thing, that never happened here as far as I know, it
I wonder if theres like stacks of unsold modded playstations and discs in some warehouse in Shanghai..

Hm Kingdom Hearts 2 was one hell of a surprise, I picked it up because that cover art was enchanting even all scrunched up and distorted on that square piece of paper.
A game with all the disney characters all well randered and they all could fight! I rememebr yelling from my room "HEY MOM! IT'S THE LITTLE MERMAID!"

But one that was very important was Devil May Cry 3, the thing was spooky and intimidating and edgy, with Dante kicking your tv screen before the game even starts. And then BLOOD VIOLENCE ACTION SCARY DEMONS MOANING! AN EERIE LEVEL SCREEN! This game was not trying to be friendly it was out to get you! This tall guy is speaking to the main chara with a deep booming voice and flipping tables in the eerie twlight light with deep shadows?!
I was too much a stupid kid and couldnt get past level 2, but it left a big impact, years later it's one of my fav games and I've 100%ed it and 1

Tomba 2 was also pretty awesome, Ive never played a game like it, I couldnt even descrive it! It wasnt exactly an rpg likew pokemon you like adventured in this gorgeous colorful world like a 70s jap cartoon
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Thanks! Only one store did it eh? I've always lived in a small town and pretty much every store did it if they know how to sauter, in fact its much much harder to find a playstation thats NOT been modded, you can buy one used and theres a 90% you can just burn your own copy of silent hill 3 and give the last guy who wanted 500 euros for it the finger

You have no idea
, so I should've mentioned in the article Pokemon Red and Blue didnt get an ita translation, much like pyschonauts it got the ita packaging and everything but they didnt wanna fork the cash to translate it. Theres many other such cases like Kingdom hearts for 3ds (again with kh!), Yakuza 3, I believe the Popolocrois remake for psp (in general several psp games didnt come), Super Dragon Ball Z (in the dragon ball country, alright you do you piece of shi-) and many rpgs in general. Or they'd get an italian dub that was half assed (mgs1 translated Ocelot's "let's see if the man can live up to the legend!" to "let's see if the man can survive the legend!"), hell all of this happened well into the ps3 it wasnt just the 90s and 2000s. You're always at the mercy of wether the publishers thing its worth it put the money into your small country

We did get FF8 btw, maybe they saw how many people were copying the NTSC version or how many stores were importing it and the uk pal version

I'm sheltered I know! You might think I'm being silly but Italy is a pretty wealthy country so it's just shocking they were willing to leave you out of the market, granted this was like.. 20 years ago but still, even back then you were one of the strongest economies in the world. It just seems like madness to me! It's surreal you didn't get Pokémon and Squaresoft games since they were near ubiquitous.

And, when it comes to the cool market stuff? My town had a market but we're a very small town it's more about trading produce and traditional tourism, the most exotic thing we had were those counterfeit pokémon cards with the shiny sparkles all over the graphic art that were being spread around everywhere if anyone remembers them! We used to get benign things like that, eletronics and everything else was actually quite hard to come by. It was a luxury really! Our electronics store was just one old family that generally meant well and frankly didn't understand their own business all too well, they could source what you needed but not the shady stuff that would have saved my father an arm and a leg in francs. The closest we ever got to that what you had is pirated DVDs when that was new because no one could afford them, who had the money for a DVD player and then the DVDs?! I hate the Euro.
I'm sheltered I know! You might think I'm being silly but Italy is a pretty wealthy country so it's just shocking they were willing to leave you out of the market, granted this was like.. 20 years ago but still, even back then you were one of the strongest economies in the world. It just seems like madness to me! It's surreal you didn't get Pokémon and Squaresoft games since they were near ubiquitous.

And, when it comes to the cool market stuff? My town had a market but we're a very small town it's more about trading produce and traditional tourism, the most exotic thing we had were those counterfeit pokémon cards with the shiny sparkles all over the graphic art that were being spread around everywhere if anyone remembers them! We used to get benign things like that, eletronics and everything else was actually quite hard to come by. It was a luxury really! Our electronics store was just one old family that generally meant well and frankly didn't understand their own business all too well, they could source what you needed but not the shady stuff that would have saved my father an arm and a leg in francs. The closest we ever got to that what you had is pirated DVDs when that was new because no one could afford them, who had the money for a DVD player and then the DVDs?! I hate the Euro.


We DID get Red&Blue, I simply forgot::redface
My childhood mates only had yellow so my train of thought went "We got That first!"...but then I remembered I Own a copy of the ita version so I just booted it up on a gba to see if it was translated and it was

But I remembered reading it was still compromised in some way..
So I googled it and yeah there was something: it was Half Assed
One of the two translators that worked on it simply had no context for anything and wasnt allowed to correct her mistakes


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è stato un piacere leggerti, abbiamo vissuto la stessa infanzia, nella mia piccola Crotone, il primo gioco che comprai fu Gran Turismo, 99.000 Lire, poi capii che anche io dovevo fare "la modifica".

It was a pleasure to read you, we lived the same childhood, in my little Crotone, the first game I bought was Gran Turismo, 99,000 Lire, then I understood that I too had to make "la modifica".

Great article brother! Here in Brazil we bought 3 PS2 games for the equivalent of 3U$ by today standards, and most of the time only one (or none) worked when inserted in the console. At least here that the games and consoles were (and still are) so expensive, it's undeniable that the mods were responsible for video games success.

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