100% out of the question


Oniric Yokai
Level 4
Dec 4, 2024
Reaction score
You just finish your favorite game, be a Zelda, be a God Of War, be Halo, you see the credits roll, your completion is below 100%...

and you couldn't care less

100% is a satisfactory number to see next to our savefiles, beating the baddie is not enough, we want to com every single the game has to offer... alas, sometimes is not worth it

Reward for doing so being a slap practically
The steps are too obscure
Necessary missions are too hard
Game itself is too hard to pull a regular run, let alone 100%

This is a thread where our gaming prides come to die and we accept that sometimes, full completion of a game is not worthy

Super Mario 64 is a great game, my favorite of n64's Colect-a-thon catalogue and only beaten by Galaxy for the title of best 3D game... but the 120 stars challenge is 100% out of the question (Roll Credits), some of the stars are too hidden, some requires jumps that only speedrunners would pull, and the less we talk about the goddamn wing cap...
honestly i am content with getting the neccesary ones, deal with Bowser and enjoy the credits

Etrian Odyssey 1 is a game that even after playing the peak III and the broken-in-most-parts-yet-fixing-most-of-the-flaws-of-1 second part i keep returning to despite aged mechanics,, one of them is the main reason why i will never finish the compendium, Luck
Aside of monster Compendium, EO as a saga has another compendium, a given since you are playing explorers that gather stuff to sell, consisting of the drops, reasonable, however, the Luck in this game, even with drop boosting passives, is absolute CACA, your conditional drops aren't guaranteed even if you fulfill the condition (EX. kill a enemy without using a fire attack), looks bad, but boss drops are rare for obvious reasons, except A TRIO OF SUPER BOSSES ALSO HAS RARE ITEMS, BRINGING YOUR FULL COMPENDIOM TO A HANDHELD THROWING HALT, not only the items are rare, meaning no condition will help you get them, these bosses makes Megaten bosses look like Mystic Quest bosses, also the sixth stratum...

EO2 fixes the luck, ensuing you can get guaranteed drop as soon as you fulfill the conditional, but my EO1's compendium will always got gaps, then again, if i fill them, my sanity will get the gaps instead, for the time being, in my head EO1 will only have five stratums with the sixth stratum post-game being introduced in 2
Way, back the one I remember giving up on was Ultimate Spider-Man's Johnny Storm and Venom Races.
Enough to me just to clear em'. But Getting Highest Ranks. Hell No,...
Skill Issue on my part for sure but these guide make them too easy.
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when credits roll i think its fair to say "I beat the game" there's exceptions of course like farcry 4 where you can just decide to not fight the badguy and get a secret ending in the first 10 minutes. I think 100%ing a game is more of a chore nowadays back in the PS Triple and 360 era it was cool to get all the achievements people dont really see it that way and for good reason if some one came up to me and said "I just 100% assassins creed shadows" i'd assume they were a soul less robot person or something
I've become way more relaxed in the way I enjoy playing games as time goes by. Simply enjoying the journey instead of focusing on completing some imaginary checklist with a wiki on the other hand. I will still try to collect and do everything if I'm actually enjoying the process, often on a second playthrough, but if it starts to feel like a chore I usually just drop the game.
I feel like Metroid & Kingdom Hearts 1 are like the only games that show your percentage after the credits. What stars are hard for you to get in Super Mario 64?
I strive to see all aspects of the game, but if the game requires like "kill X number of times for a title" then no. Story related sure but tedium's like acquiring all items or weapons and not get any reward is not happening. Wind Waker HD had a segment where you had to take a photo of every little thing, and the reward was a diorama, i tried but i can only go so far before losing my mind
When achievements have to do with something that is random, like an event which has X% chance to trigger.

No, not doing it.

Like getting all the fish or insects in Harvest Moons, can't be arsed.
I feel like Metroid & Kingdom Hearts 1 are like the only games that show your percentage after the credits. What stars are hard for you to get in Super Mario 64?
i think totk gives you a completion rate after you beat the game, if i remember correctly.
there are a few stars that are hard in mario 64. off the top of my head:
100 coins star in hazy maze cave. there's just enough to get 100. miss like 2 of them and it is impossible.
the last 2 stars in big boo's haunt. the last one is perfectly fine, even easy. it took me a long time to get up there because i sucked at the wall jumping mechanic. [i still suck at ti, but i've gotten better]
the stand on 4 pillars star because of that one pillar being in the insta-kill sand.
the owl star in thromp's fortress. takes a while to get use to controlling the owl.
there's probably a couple of more, but it's been a few months since i last played the game.
With Elden Ring, I had to concede. It's pretty much a tradition to 100% complete any FromSoft game, but the open world was just too big for me, personally. I couldn't bring myself to, even with a guide, comb over everything and playthrough it multiple times. I enjoyed the 150ish hours I got from my first run, but I've still not got back to it, or the DLC even, and I probably never will.
i think totk gives you a completion rate after you beat the game, if i remember correctly.
there are a few stars that are hard in mario 64. off the top of my head:
100 coins star in hazy maze cave. there's just enough to get 100. miss like 2 of them and it is impossible.
the last 2 stars in big boo's haunt. the last one is perfectly fine, even easy. it took me a long time to get up there because i sucked at the wall jumping mechanic. [i still suck at ti, but i've gotten better]
the stand on 4 pillars star because of that one pillar being in the insta-kill sand.
the owl star in thromp's fortress. takes a while to get use to controlling the owl.
there's probably a couple of more, but it's been a few months since i last played the game.
Didn't had trouble with long jumping ontop of the mansion, whats the other star? You can just use Wing Mario or the shell to get on the pillars. In Thromps Fortress you can long jump into the cage from the top of the tower.
Didn't had trouble with long jumping ontop of the mansion, whats the other star? You can just use Wing Mario or the shell to get on the pillars. In Thromps Fortress you can long jump into the cage from the top of the tower.
most of what i relayed to you was from me as a child playing the game. until a few years ago my file sat at 117 out of 120.
i've seen a lot of crazy stuff that people do nowadays in mario 64, some of which i have tried to do. i almost had the tower jump, just a degree off from landing in the cage.
i did eventually get all 120, but i was playing for fun. and to see the alternate message from bowser.
most of my post was to point out that a few stars were hard to some extent. not impossible, but they do take some effort. fortunately, you only 70 to beat the game.
i'm not sure what stars were hard for the original poster to get, but those were a few that were hard for me to get.
What stars are hard for you to get in Super Mario 64?
Tick Tock Tower... ALL OF THEM (Stopping the clock only made them harder to find)
Red cap tower (I knew i will eat crap while i realized there how bad the cap controls)
The cannon one on Twomp's fortress (Impossible with keyboards, MARGINALLY easier with the analog, especially since my joystic's is busted)
Crossing the wire wall in Dry Dry land, i got there is a trick, but my 7 year that barely understood the magic that was Project 64 was lucky to know how to jump in the game
And that one in Boo's mansion where you need to jump in to the mansion with the steep roof steps
Tick Tock Tower... ALL OF THEM (Stopping the clock only made them harder to find)
Red cap tower (I knew i will eat crap while i realized there how bad the cap controls)
The cannon one on Twomp's fortress (Impossible with keyboards, MARGINALLY easier with the analog, especially since my joystic's is busted)
Crossing the wire wall in Dry Dry land, i got there is a trick, but my 7 year that barely understood the magic that was Project 64 was lucky to know how to jump in the game
And that one in Boo's mansion where you need to jump in to the mansion with the steep roof steps
yeah, those have some challenge to them too. the penguin has rubber banding physics if i remember correctly, it why he always seems to cheat in the race.
they should have explained the clock mechanics, i found out about those by pure accident.
red cap is annoying.
i hate trying to get to the bobomb dude to get the canon for the abandon city section. more difficult than 955 of the game.
yeah, i hate the roof star as well. one miscalculation, and you fall back down to the ground.
I love Black Rock Shooter: The Game, but I'll never complete the part of the extra content that requires beating bike missions with no damage. I had more than enough with the regular bike missions in the main story. Those can kiss my shiny metal ass.
Yeah, I must collect every 100%. This is why my OCP is helpful in this situation....bad because I still have several games i haven't played and finished yet.
Some 💯s that are not deserving of the effort:
  • Most Metroid games: The choice is either 100% it by backtracking and taking more time; or get the best ending by speeding through. As nice as 100% sounds, waifu reveal is a better reward.
  • Super Mario Sunshine: Poor tracking of achievements (especially the blue coins) makes 💯ing this one tedious.
  • Xenoblade 2: F*** this game. But also, f*** this game's gatcha. The rare Blades are extremely rare, and you'll spend most of your time managing/trashing trash Blades. You literally have a 1/1,000,000 chance of getting KOS-MOS. You will win the game and New Game+ mode before you get even halfway through getting all the rare Blades.
100%-ing modern games tires me already.

I think the issue is that devs forgot how to make proper rewarding completion.

Mario 64 understood the assignment.

As for the game I'm sure I'll never 100% complete it would be The Legend of Zelda Minish Cap because of the gacha egg giving you one figure so you could get that last piece of heart.


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