Do you generally read the manga first and then watch the anime, or do you watch the anime and then read the manga as a continuation of sorts? I personally enjoy the former, even if the anime conveys only a percentage of the manga. But what about you? ( ´◡‿ゝ◡`)
Is the Atari Jaguar, 3DO & Amiga CD-32 apart of the 4th Gen or 5th Gen?
They don't feel like they belong in the same generation as PSX/N64/Saturn. but these system is competing against pre-existing 16-bit system like the SNES & Genesis.
When Late 1994-1996 came around the corner. These system...
Noticed there were no threads whatsoever on Xbox and I figured it deserved one at least.
Do you think Gamepass is harming tangible sales for developers?
It had S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Heart of Chernobyl day one. How many actually bought it on pc though? Or even Xbox?
Do you think Gamepass is...
if your really mad and stuff and need to calm down.
i like to go to saint's row the third on my PS3 so i can go into my TRON looking tank and blow stuff up also running at people and slamming down face first in the ground is epic.
my 2nd game is less violent it's bully on PS2 i just love going...
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