Won't Fix Wrong name of place in Online status

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New Challenger
Dec 1, 2024
Reaction score
In my home
Not a big deal at all, but i found that when we are in "Watched threads" page, our Online status will show "Managing account details" in "last seen" part!
By the way this place is so neat! this is the only oddity which i could find! Congratulations! 😄
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I see Last seen A moment ago · Viewing member profile
I meant when hovering mouse on name of a user and a popup shows:
Screenshot 2024-12-12 025852.png
I guess it considers you are "managing" your watched threads. If I reported this to the forum vendor it would just get ignored cos I reported worse bugs and they didn't care.
It is what it is...sadly.
I guess it's because if a user is publicly visible as "viewing watched threads" and then makes a reply, people could potentially guess that they are watching that thread, which some members may consider an invasion of privacy (especially on forums which are a bit more serious than ours).
I can't say for sure, but it's likely along those lines.
I don't think it gives more clues than what we can get without it anyway...
Nevertheless, I have no problem with it's name not being the real one, but... "Managing account details"?!?
Out of every place, choosing this one is quite odd!
I can't think any excuse for it, except being an unintended artifact, thus a bug!
And unfortunately bugs in XenForo forum system means that even admins have no access to solve some of them, at least as far as i learned...
well, it's not like the world has come to end because of it!
Cheers! 😃
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