What was the last game your parents bought for you?


Breakfast Mod
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Oct 20, 2024
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(Or that you got as a gift on Christmas or something).

We have already discussed the first games we bought with our own money, but let's go back to the last titles that were bought for us.

I think mine was G-Lock Air Battle for the Genesis, when I was around 12-years-old.

I remember seeing it in a flea market and just begging my mom for it. It was great, and I'm thankful that she felt like buying it for me.

What about you?
Anarchy Reigns for the xbox 360. It was a birthday present
I thought it was much more recent, but I realize the games I've been given as a birthday present or for christmas have been from my brothers for the longest time, but I'm fairly certain the last one my parents specifically got me was Metal Gear Solid V in that special edition red PS4 console bundle for my 20th birthday back in 2015.

The game was ok I guess, but the console is probably the sexiest edition of a console I've ever laid eyes on, and it's still going strong and never got that jet engine thing so many old PS4s seemed to get.
Sonic the Hedgehog was the pack in title for the Genesis I got for my birthday. I had 2 older brothers so we had games before this but this one was bought for me, for my B-day.
My uncle was the best!
Not from my parents though, hope it still counts.
Hmm. Maybe Dig Dug Digging Strike on DS? For a good number of years, my dad would put a game in my stocking. Smurf Racer, Dog's Life, all kinds of offbeat stuff.
Long time ago now, it was either 007 or Oddworld for the OG Gameboy. I can't remember which order I received them but it was definitely one of the two back in '98 or '99
.. Honestly? I think it was Monster Hunter Generations. I was a little old to be getting presents like that but uh, yes!
The last game they buy for us ,me and my brothers was apa scape for the psx ,that was almost 24 years ago , they never buy us any game after. my dad help us buy the ps2 but that's it .

i was very little and when the game stop working properly i wet mad and destroyed , alway regretted du so
Sonic the Hedgehog was the pack in title for the Genesis I got for my birthday. I had 2 older brothers so we had games before this but this one was bought for me, for my B-day.
My uncle was the best!
Not from my parents though, hope it still counts.
if uncles count , i have to count Demon souls for ps5 2 years ago
the last time my parents bought me any games was a christmas so i technically got a few. But Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn always stuck out to me as the last video game they ever bought me because looking back its such a funny choice. There was no reason to buy a fire emblem game in the US in 2007. I know the only reason they bought it for me was because the cover looked like some weeb shit and i thought it was sweet that they tried to understand my interests.
I was broke and just starting college away from home with my sister who was a year ahead of me when my mom visited and surprised me with a PS3 that came with UFC Undisputed 2010. I then got her to get me MGS4 since I really wanted to play that after finishing MGS3 in highschool. I ended up having to find work and drop out for money but things worked out and i now can buy games i want ♥️ never give up never back down
30 yr old man here and last game that was bought for me by a parent I shit you not was 2 years ago when me and my dad was at walmart. I can't remember how it happened but for once mans had money and i was busting his balls and was telling him he should buy me WWE 2k22 seeing as it was on sale.

MIND YOU, I was literally just messing with him, sumbitch actually bought it for me. Didnt expect that at all

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