I base a hoard based on ability to navigate your belongings, the organization of said items, the state they are preserved, read/use ability of items and if they are hindering your life by taking up space/damaging property space, being a fire or trip hazard or forcing other items out of their proper homes to accommodate the hoard then followed by if they are seeing actual use or appreciation by proper display.
By that standards I have multiple hoards. One a book hoard that I have full acknowledged and need to cut down by at the very least 100 books the other is my video game hoard that is physical but due to not having enough free time and other distractions haven't set up my gaming hobby other than my handhelds and laptop but they do have their own places so don't impede space as much as my books do, next hoard is data, many of them roms I might never have the free time to try and play them all but the hoard persists and grows due to the fear of archives falling to claims by companies that do not preserve their own IPs or do not make them available past their hardware's aging and scarcity. They take up a few TBs of space but not as much as my video hoarding for the same reason as the roms with the content even being repeated because of the hoard has gotten so large I cannot remember what has been saved but I must save what I can see now. Both data hoards are large but take up so little active space that it's the most justified in my mind. There's also a few dvds, anime collected in fear of inflation and tax rises in shipping that also triggered some thrift spends but they share space with my games so the impact is minimal.
Can any of my hoards be considered a collection? As a whole, no they take up one thing that cannot be replaced and that's time and money I've spent into collecting rather than spending time to enjoy said items but within each hoard when I do find stuff I enjoy that itself becomes part of a collection that I probably will not part even as the hoard shrinks.