What genre or type of games do you wish would come back?


Jan 24, 2025
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For example the big studios have largely moved away from 3D platformers which were more trendy back on the PS2/PS3, and while horror remakes like Resident Evil and Silent Hill are flourishing they too aren't what's trending at the moment, which from what I have observed is more open-world live service games and the like. Feel free to correct me.

Regardless, I personally miss 3D platformers like Jak & Daxter, extreme sports games like SSX, and... yes... crappy licensed tie-in games that released alongside movies, as I would rather play a game than watch a movie.
I think it's hard to say what I'd like to come back because 99% of what we don't see much of in the mainstream space, we do with indies. And if you were to exclude indies, then I think there are too many genres to mention haha.
That being said, I actually agree with your suggestion of movie tie-in games, since they are one of the very few genres that are not made in either category. I particularly loved the idea of making games based on movies that didn't make sense, since anything you'd do to adapt them would be at least interesting, while being mostly bad. I *much* prefer having shovelware made of weird movie licenses than the kind of shovelware that we get on the virtual stores these days.
Vehicle combat, it was popular-ish in the late 90s. Best examples i can come up with is Carmageddon, Vigilante 8 and then some more obscure titles like Interstate '76 and Have a N.I.C.E day!

There's just something so badass about combining cars, weapons and (possibly) racing.

Everything that's not an Action RPG, cinematic game, micro transaction filled gacha game, or hero shooter

Also roguelikes and FPS cause I'm a bit tired of seeing so many.

In particular, id love to see

-3D Beat Em Ups
-Arena Fighters (the OG ones like Virtual On, Gotcha Force and Custom Robo and not the slop Bandai has been churning out for years under anime IPs)
-3D platformers
-2D hack and slash
-2.5D fighting games (like Kill La Kill IF and sorta Fighting Vipers)
-First Person Dungeon Crawlers
-Racing games (god I miss Ridge Racer)
-whatever the fuck type of RPG Persona 2 could be considered cause they ain't normal ones that's for sure
-Grid based Action RPGs (this is Mega Man Battle Network/Starforce type)
-and Turn Based RPGs make a come back in AAA
Interesting topic, yeah definitely 3D platformers. Other than that though probably
-3D shumps (like Iridion)
-Puzzle (like Tetris or more importantly, Lumines)
-Beat em ups (anything really)
-Arcade Racing (like Wipeout, Ridge Racer, Outrun, etc.)
-Run and Gun (like Metal Slug, Contra, CT Special Forces, etc.)
For example the big studios have largely moved away from 3D platformers which were more trendy back on the PS2/PS3, and while horror remakes like Resident Evil and Silent Hill are flourishing they too aren't what's trending at the moment, which from what I have observed is more open-world live service games and the like. Feel free to correct me.

Regardless, I personally miss 3D platformers like Jak & Daxter, extreme sports games like SSX, and... yes... crappy licensed tie-in games that released alongside movies, as I would rather play a game than watch a movie.
I wish like offline story based card games would be cool you don't see many of them nowadays besides maybe some indie games from tume too time but id love to play some that plays like yu gi og dulets of the rose or better yet capsule monster that would be fun i think
Touhou and Puyo Puyo Aside, they are two sub-genres i miss from the Arcade Days:

The quirky Shump with characters with face and personality rather than being a different flavor of ship and weapons, Phsycho made lots of these and Gunbird is the game that made me love them, we need to bring the lighthearthed character based Shump and their simplistic Saturday Morning Cartoon plots

Another would be the 2 VS 2 Puzzle game with excuse plots to play "Tetris-with-a-twist" against a nonsensical troupe of characters, Magical Drop and Puzzle-dama being good examples, even if people won't play them for the plot (Since TBF ¿Who plays arcade games for the plot?) in the competitive scene they would sell like pancakes, sadly the only one i know that still has new entries is the aformentioned Puyo Puyo (And Tetris 99, minus anime characters)
Vehicle combat, it was popular-ish in the late 90s. Best examples i can come up with is Carmageddon, Vigilante 8 and then some more obscure titles like Interstate '76 and Have a N.I.C.E day!

There's just something so badass about combining cars, weapons and (possibly) racing.

Nooo, you stole my answer! :< Seriously though, this. There was also the Twisted Metal games, which were not the start of the genre but helped make it rather successful. Crossout is kinda carrying the torch nowadays, but all I have to say is fuck that free to play bullshit. You're better off finding indie games or trying out something you haven't played before.

It's not all hopeless!
Fighting games with vertical gameplay. Most fighting games nowadays are more ground based footsies with more strategic gameplay and with high damage and low emphasis on defense. I want to see crazy creative unbalanced games again were you spend a lot of time jumping and flying.
Also, obviously: PLEASE GOD GIVE ME ARENA FPS IT'S GLORY AGAIN! Give me a mainline full complete Quake with single player, lore, tight multiplayer like Quake 3 and the treatment that Doom got, PLEASE
i yearn for the type of games like fuse or boderlands, the whole choose from multiple distinct characters in a coop campaign. though just saying couch coop type games in general works too
Couch CO-OP campaigns, Character Action, 3D Platformers and Movie Tie-ins are for sure my picks.

I know the first three categories are coved by the indie scene, but the last true character action game that released was like Bayo 3 and before that DMC5. Ninja Gaiden 4 coming out this year makes me happy, but I just want more. And yeah 3D Platformers are obviously still around, but aside from Nintendo all we get from the big studios is Astro Bot. Crash 4 and Psychonauts 2 were amazing but those are also 3-4 years old at this point. I just think we should be seeing more games in more genres, with smaller budgets, but that's just me.
I just want to see more risks in general. That's how we got... basically all of Sega's Dreamcast-era output, things like Parappa and Chulip and Cubivore and Tokyo Jungle, etc. I know smaller devs are doing spiritual sequels or something that is very obvious about what its influences are, but what could they do with bigger backing, you know?
Vehicle combat, it was popular-ish in the late 90s. Best examples i can come up with is Carmageddon, Vigilante 8 and then some more obscure titles like Interstate '76 and Have a N.I.C.E day!

There's just something so badass about combining cars, weapons and (possibly) racing.

I was gonna say this. Beat me to it, hah.
I miss playing Light Gun games, i know it's not a genre that will come back but playing house of the dead and time crisis was so fun, that actually kinda makes me want to play the Die Hard arcade game...
I need more immersive sims, it's my favorite genre. I love Deus Ex, System Shock, Prey 2017, Thief, Dishonored, etc. Sadly, it looks to be mostly dead for now. Such a bummer.
Honestly RTS. Devs unfortunately listened to the competitive scene too much and killed the genre by focusing on maximizing units on screen, potential APS, etc. The vast majority players don't want this though, they want to feel like a commander giving orders and then watch the battles play out as soldiers fight on their own. There's a lot of potential for more variations on the formula like Ogre Battle, but instead we get the occasional indie title that will try (and fail) to be Starcraft 3.

Also 3D robot shooters like Custom Robo or Virtual On.
RTS with a good campaign AND doesn't try to be an esport.

Whatever Battlezone can be categorized as.

Silly games like No More Heroes.

FMV games with corny acting (Super Seducer and the chinesse dating sims ain't enough).
+1 to turn based RPGs, but with good, interesting stories, and characters with good backstories that complement the main game, and not with some extra convoluted mechanics to make them feel special and unique, something well done but easy to pick up and start playing without a tutorial every half an hour. And an ending too, no damn lame congratulations and have some extra content to forget there's not a conclusion. Damn, i miss the 16 bit era, with all it's flaws, there was more essence than many "modern" games.
I miss stealth games. It's been years since the last Hitman. We will probably never get another Metal Gear or Splinter Cell. Assassin's Creed is sort of continuing the legacy of stealth games but the series' isn't known for its quality. Most of the video games that could fit under the stealth genre nowadays have stealth as a secondary option or are tributes to the older works. Either way, it isn't pushing the genre forward.
I miss stealth games. It's been years since the last Hitman. We will probably never get another Metal Gear or Splinter Cell. Assassin's Creed is sort of continuing the legacy of stealth games but the series' isn't known for its quality. Most of the video games that could fit under the stealth genre nowadays have stealth as a secondary option or are tributes to the older works. Either way, it isn't pushing the genre forward.
That reminds me, there was an announcement before about a new game or IP called Physint, tactical espionage genre. Just an announcement of course
games like portal or old rpg with "first choose move then act" . man i really miss those!

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