I never played that version, but apparently the original western release of Ys VIII: Lacrimose of Dana was bad enough that the fan outcry forced NISA to re-do it.
I vaguely remember something similiar happening with the original release of Persona 5?
Advance Wars: Days of Ruin / Dark Conflict is also worth taking a look at:
This one really makes for a good case study of how much of a difference your basic approach to localization can make - where the US version (Days of Ruin) took small liberties here and there and adapted the script to the English language, the EU version (Dark Conflict) stuck as close to the Japanese script as reasonably possible.
Neither is necessarily bad, but I personally I found the EU version incredibly dry and offputting. There's wiggle room of course, but since Japanese and English are two incredibly different languages that function in incredibly different ways, sticking too closely to the source material can be counterproductive.
Localization is fun!
(I just realized I didn't exactly stick to the thread's premise... apologies, I got lost rambling, feel encouraged to ignore me)