What are your Top 3 favorite Commercially Failed Game Systems?

You need to search up the definition of commercially failed here. I doubt it includes “sold ten million copies and has a huge library of great selling games”.
You need to search up the definition of commercially failed. I doubt it includes “sold ten million copies and has a huge library of great selling games”.
True. Sales numbers never tell the whole story, unless you're talking something like the 32X or Virtual Boy, haha.
You need to search up the definition of commercially failed here. I doubt it includes “sold ten million copies and has a huge library of great selling games”.
Well, not a complete commercial failure. More so underrated and overshadowed by the competition in this case. And if I recall when I did research, the GameCube was considered a partial commercial failure mainly because of the competition at the time.
If we're going for real, thorough failures, I like to say that the 3DO was different from the rest of the non-contenders of that generation, ie the Jaguar, CD-i, Virtua Boy if you want to count that, etc. There's a relatively big and varied library, they touched on most genres, they started a couple big series (Need for Speed, Gex back in the day) they made a real effort at pushing it in Japan so there's a decent amount of Japanese games on it (including exclusives), it even has a pretty decent RPG in English (Lucienne's Quest). I just wish it had received a proper 3D fighter considering the time frame. But I think it deserves a little bit of underdog respect.
I love the Saturn but it was successful in Japan at least; the Dreamcast was doing ok in the West but they just weren't in the position to win anymore after too many setbacks. I guess the Dreamcast really did fail, but at least it was a contender.
  • Virtual Boy
  • Gamecube
  • Dreamcast
I loooooooooove the Virtual Boy. I bought one a few years back and I have most of the library (I'm missing 2-3 games) and I have had an absolute blast with it. This thing is great, it's like a suped up Game Boy and the 3D effect works so much better than the 3DS and doesn't give me headaches. I wish there were more games for it...

Gamecube is an easy pick. I had one as a kid and there's a lot of games I like on the console.

Dreamcast really doesn't need any explanation.
Ive had only some consoles but id say the psvita,dreamcast and not sure if this really is a failiure but the 32x because of knuckles chaotixs
You need to search up the definition of commercially failed here. I doubt it includes “sold ten million copies and has a huge library of great selling games”.
the wii u is considered a failure and it sold 13.5 million units. the wii, ds, game boy/color and switch are the only nintendo systems to pass 100 million units sold.
it seems that some of the truly worst systems would be the retro classics like the nes classic and snes classic. they barely sold 8 million units combined.
i would say that failure in the case of this thread is more of the system failing to reach it's potential.
Depends on how you measure failure, but...
  1. Sega Dreamcast
  2. Sega Saturn
  3. NEC TurboGrafx-16/CD
Honorable mentions: Gamecube (was that really a failure?), SNK Neo Geo AES
Virtual Boy
Sega CD
TurboGrafx 16/CD

I don't want to say Gamecube and Dreamcast were failures because It doesn't have a DVD player, PS2 is better BS. Gamecube and Dreamcast had wonderful games and better graphics than the PS2 which some of their games have many bugs and graphical issues.
1. Sega CD
2. Sega Saturn
3. Turbo CD

Note that i only consider the sega cd a minor failure, the sega saturn only really failed outside japan while it did ok in japan, and the turbo cd was a success in japan.

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