ive always been kinda obsessed with point and click adventures, i got hooked with escape room flash games as a kid, went on to play amanita design's excellent catalog of modern day PnCs, and eventually gave myself a history lesson of the genre by playing stuff like Day of the Tentacle, Grim Fandango, The Neverhood, Myst, and Sam & Max Hit the Road.
but recently, ive started to become more interested in its predecessor, the text adventure. i played a bit of Stories Untold, a sort of modern take on the idea, and i got pretty into it. i think there's something so fun about punching in each command key by key, carefully reading area descriptions to see what you can do, what items are around to pick up, and where you can go. i decided to check out the earliest examples of that type of game, Colossal Cave Adventure and Zork 1, and i'm wondering what other text adventures are out there that are worth checking out.
but recently, ive started to become more interested in its predecessor, the text adventure. i played a bit of Stories Untold, a sort of modern take on the idea, and i got pretty into it. i think there's something so fun about punching in each command key by key, carefully reading area descriptions to see what you can do, what items are around to pick up, and where you can go. i decided to check out the earliest examples of that type of game, Colossal Cave Adventure and Zork 1, and i'm wondering what other text adventures are out there that are worth checking out.