Video Game Dreams


Paladin Knight
Writers Guild
Level 1
Feb 2, 2025
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Have you ever had a dream that was based on or involved a video game? The weirder the story, the better.
I'll start. One night I had a dream about Aigis from Persona 3. She is a robot girl, as you can see, who slowly develops humanity over the course of the game. In the dream she is alone in her room when she begins to feel pressure in her shoulder. The pain grows until she rips off her shoulder covering to reveal human skin underneath. Shocked, she begins to pull of more parts of her robotic arm until she exposes an entire human arm. The pain begins to spread across her body as she rips off more parts. It is a struggle to get most of it off. Finally, she is left naked surrounded by parts of an empty robotic shell. Her skin is covered in scars from the robot components with some markings leaking blood because of how strong the connections to her skin were. She falls to the floor and begins to cry in a fetal position. After that, the dream just ends.

I don't know if it was because it was a dream so my emotions were heightened or because of the content of the dream, but it legitimately disturbed me and every once in a while I'll remember that dream again. That was years ago and it still haunts me.
i'm pretty certain that there is a tv show where a robot turned human. i know in code lyoko, the super computer could turn stuff into either data or real physical stuff.
sounds like a rather interesting idea for a story.
Sometimes, when i am stuck in a game, or have a little efficiency puzzle to workout in OpenTTD, i tend to dream about that when i go to sleep, i even try what i remember trying in the dream, and be surprised that it works.
A few years ago I bought Fallout 4 and I played it for two days straight, after I went to sleep I had a dream where I was walking on the street at night until I found a crashed Vertibird along with a T-51 power armor suit, for some reason I decided to enter the power armor and after that the street started to get swarmed with radroaches so I picked up a nearby minigun and started shooting and running until I returned to my house.

I'm fucking terrified of roaches so that dream was more like a nightmare to me
I once had a dream where I was playing a game that played like Serious Sam where you fight aliens that have invaded earth, but all of your weapons are actually just body parts of the alien bosses that you fight in the game and they automatically fuse with your body.
I think the game was called "Titan" or something like that.

I once had this kind of weird unsettling dream where somehow, characters from FF VI had ended up in our world and I was confused as fuck obviously and trying to figure out what was going on.
On my speakers, music was playing and the playlist suddenly switched to the overworld music from FF VI.

And then I got this idea to ask them "hey, you guys recognize this song?" and then they said yes so I began further asking "wait, so in your world, is this like a normal song that plays? Or do you actually somehow hear this while walking around the fields or something like that?"
Then their eyes began to kind of widen and bulge in this really horrific way and they basically began to have a mental breakdown. I don't remember a lot besides that but it was really weird and trippy.

I also had a dream of being in this one place with a lot of dog cages and the map had this trippy, interconnected feel of Dark Souls 1 where specific doors are locked and you have to loop around to open them but the whole time I could hear dogs and shit getting ready to be attacked at any moment and distant barking.
All my dreams about video games were about games themselves, i.e. finding a solution in Tomb Raider that I couldn't find when playing (then I woke up and the new path "I didn't notice before" didn't exist outside of the dream) or when they release a new Tekken or something. Friend told me he dreamt of Kuma and Panda being separate characters and they made them this way later.
A few years ago I bought Fallout 4 and I played it for two days straight, after I went to sleep I had a dream where I was walking on the street at night until I found a crashed Vertibird along with a T-51 power armor suit, for some reason I decided to enter the power armor and after that the street started to get swarmed with radroaches so I picked up a nearby minigun and started shooting and running until I returned to my house.

I'm fucking terrified of roaches so that dream was more like a nightmare to me
Huh, I also have recurring nightmares about insects (ants, flys, bees, roaches etc.), but I'm not that afraid of them irl. We had a cicada emergence recently and I loved running around and collecting them and letting them crawl up my arms (it tickles :P), but that might be because I know cicadas can't hurt me. I guess roaches do creep me out a little, but I think that is evolutionary.
Huh, I also have recurring nightmares about insects (ants, flys, bees, roaches etc.), but I'm not that afraid of them irl. We had a cicada emergence recently and I loved running around and collecting them and letting them crawl up my arms (it tickles :P), but that might be because I know cicadas can't hurt me. I guess roaches do creep me out a little, but I think that is evolutionary.View attachment 40119
Magic the gathering?
For a few days I played World of Goo so much that I ended up dreaming about it at night.

That was a bad sign for me honestly.
You can add me to the list of people that had trippy dreams about Mario 64 as a kid a lot. I'd dream new locations and areas that didn't exist.
When I was a kid I used to have nightmares about my games trying to kill me.
Had a dream where the level editor for Duke Nukem Forever 2001 took over my computer and destroyed it because of something that had to do with tags.
I used to have dreams that I owned some games and then waking up to find nothing 😅
This ::peekSad dreams, especially if the games you dream of are titles you would like to own in real life!
Also what someone said before, rarely dreaming you find a way to solve something in the game, but it was just a dream with no way to do it in game.

More often, I dream of the games I'm playing at the moment, especially if I play them in the evening before going to sleep. That's why, for example, I stopped playing "Soul Sacrifice" after a few hours: closing my eyes and seeing the harpy was not a thing I enjoyed, especially in the dark while trying to sleep ::omgdoom (and anyway the creepy dark graphics were not for me, though the gameplay was cool)

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