Have you ever had a dream that was based on or involved a video game? The weirder the story, the better.
I'll start. One night I had a dream about Aigis from Persona 3. She is a robot girl, as you can see, who slowly develops humanity over the course of the game. In the dream she is alone in her room when she begins to feel pressure in her shoulder. The pain grows until she rips off her shoulder covering to reveal human skin underneath. Shocked, she begins to pull of more parts of her robotic arm until she exposes an entire human arm. The pain begins to spread across her body as she rips off more parts. It is a struggle to get most of it off. Finally, she is left naked surrounded by parts of an empty robotic shell. Her skin is covered in scars from the robot components with some markings leaking blood because of how strong the connections to her skin were. She falls to the floor and begins to cry in a fetal position. After that, the dream just ends.
I don't know if it was because it was a dream so my emotions were heightened or because of the content of the dream, but it legitimately disturbed me and every once in a while I'll remember that dream again. That was years ago and it still haunts me.
I don't know if it was because it was a dream so my emotions were heightened or because of the content of the dream, but it legitimately disturbed me and every once in a while I'll remember that dream again. That was years ago and it still haunts me.