I think it depends above all on the experience and degree of open-mindedness of each individual or group.
If it is a mentality based on cooperation, mutual aid and peaceful respect for various opinions, then it becomes fertile ground for sharing, improving oneself and improving those who share the same joys and sorrows of life.
If, on the other hand, it is based on oppression, deception, the continuous pouring of frustrations and aggression on others (regardless of where one is born, grows up and comes from), then it can only lead to more frustration.
It is therefore easy to hypothesize, even a type of environment (or community), which in the long run becomes toxic both for one's personal growth and for the communicative bond that should characterize that specific environment (or community).
From my personal point of view (and from my experience), I can certainly say that I am an individual who tends to let others know. (It doesn't matter who you are or where you come from or what you do)
Knowing, not as a forced instillation of an idea (being "better" or "less good" for example) and/or a form of entertainment, but as curiosity.
That natural curiosity, which pushes us all to understand what surrounds us.
The same natural curiosity, with which we learn growing up, to carve out a space for creative imagination.
A place like this (among the many in the digital network), gives us the opportunity to be ourselves and to cultivate that healthy passion that for our awareness, we call Retrogaming.