• Transfer is done, checking for broken things. Hopefully not a lot.

Solved Time limit on forum post edits?


Banned (Permanent)
Writers Guild
Level 5
Sep 24, 2024
Reaction score
The Third Lane
Hey, folks. I thought it might be useful to have this information in a thread for us to refer back to. Mods, if you know, could you please answer this question:

How long can a forum post continue to be edited after it's been published?

I keep meaning to time it myself, but I also keep forgetting to. :cry: I'd love an answer, if anyone has one.
Hey, folks. I thought it might be useful to have this information in a thread for us to refer back to. Mods, if you know, could you please answer this question:

How long can a forum post continue to be edited after it's been published?

I keep meaning to time it myself, but I also keep forgetting to. :cry: I'd love an answer, if anyone has one.
i am fairly certain it is an hour max. no edits after that.
i found this, it might help:
You can also contact a moderator to edit or delete a message for you if you want. (Trust me I wouldn’t mind lol)
You can also contact a moderator to edit or delete a message for you if you want. (Trust me I wouldn’t mind lol)

I've done this once so far (had a link removed as it was no longer active).. Basically you have the entire edit in a DM and then they copy/paste it.

On another note, i've seen some stuff be editable for days or weeks after and i haven't done any articles. So... *shrugs*.

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