If played on Switch in portable mode, I think the text is really too small (I don't have problems in reading tiny text for some minutes, and without glasses, but I could have not played hours of that, in fact after trying the demo I've given up on buying!). Also, when I watched gameplay videos from YT on tv screen to understand if docked was better, it seems you have to stay close to the screen to read without effort.
I'm sorry if this is not relevant to you, but on Switch I found many games with uncomfortably small (almost impossible to read) text, so I think it's also something to consider when recommeding a game; I recently played "Eternal Sonata" on Xbox360 and the size of subtitles and menu text was just perfect, it didn't ruin anything on screen but it also didn't ruin my eyes and I was able to play at a good distance from the screen.
Anyway, I played the first Octopath T. and enjoyed it, if it matters (the text was already quite small, BUT it was one the first games I had on Switch so I totally did not consider about the text size, I realized it later with other games). It's a really good turn-based rpg with twists in battle (a mechanic to destroy enemies defences before making great damages), you can mix classes and abilities. I've read the second one have little Quality-of-life improvements and maybe a better story -but about the plot I think it's subjective to you.