I'm trying to think up names for every Pokémon (with some exceptions) and let me tell you it's hard. I've been at it on and off for months now and I'm still in gen 2. I still have several hundred left to go but I like the progress I've made so far. I'm going to post the list piece by piece.
Number Name
001 Bulbasaur (M: Shallot / F: Dahlia)
[A shallot is a type of small onion / A dahlia is a colorful flower from Central and South America]
002 Ivysaur (M: Shallot / F: Dahlia)
[A shallot is a type of small onion / A dahlia is a colorful flower from Central and South America]
003 Venusaur (M: Shallot / F: Dahlia)
[A shallot is a type of small onion / A dahlia is a colorful flower from Central and South America]
004 Charmander (M: Smaug / F: Vesta)
[Smaug is a dragon and the antagonist of The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien / Vesta is the ancient Roman goddess of the hearth]
005 Charmeleon (M: Smaug / F: Vesta)
[Smaug is a dragon and the antagonist of The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien / Vesta is the ancient Roman goddess of the hearth]
006 Charizard (M: Smaug / F: Vesta)
[Smaug is a dragon and the antagonist of The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien / Vesta is the ancient Roman goddess of the hearth]
007 Squirtle (M: Gamera / F: Bubbles)
[Gamera is a turtle based kaiju from Toho's Godzilla film series / Bubbles are thin spheres of liquid enclosing air or another gas]
008 Wartortle (M: Gamera / F: Bubbles)
[Gamera is a turtle based kaiju from Toho's Godzilla film series / Bubbles are thin spheres of liquid enclosing air or another gas]
009 Blastoise (M: Gamera / F: Bubbles)
[Gamera is a turtle based kaiju from Toho's Godzilla film series / Bubbles are thin spheres of liquid enclosing air or another gas]
010 Caterpie (M: Philemon / F: Psyche)
[Philemon is a mentor figure in the first two games in the Persona series / Psyche is the ancient Greek goddess of the soul: Both are associated with butterflies]
011 Metapod (M: Philemon / F: Psyche)
[Philemon is a mentor figure in the first two games in the Persona series / Psyche is the ancient Greek goddess of the soul: Both are associated with butterflies]
012 Butterfree (M: Philemon / F: Psyche)
[Philemon is a mentor figure in the first two games in the Persona series / Psyche is the ancient Greek goddess of the soul: Both are associated with butterflies]
013 Weedle (M: Sting / F: Janet)
[Sting is the name of Bilbo's sword from The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien / Janet Van Dyne, a.k.a. The Wasp, is a superhero from Mqrvel Comics]
014 Kakuna (M: Sting / F: Janet)
[Sting is the name of Bilbo's sword from The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien / Janet Van Dyne, a.k.a. The Wasp, is a superhero from Mqrvel Comics]
015 Beedrill (M: Sting / F: Janet)
[Sting is the name of Bilbo's sword from The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien / Janet Van Dyne, a.k.a. The Wasp, is a superhero from Mqrvel Comics]
016 Pidgey (M: Orville / F: Amelia)
[Orville Wright was one of the Wright brothers who invented the airplane / Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean]
017 Pidgeotto (M: Orville / F: Amelia)
[Orville Wright was one of the Wright brothers who invented the airplane / Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean]
018 Pidgeot (M: Orville / F: Amelia)
[Orville Wright was one of the Wright brothers who invented the airplane / Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean]
019 Rattata (M: Templeton / F: Bianca) Alolan (M: Remy / F: Tanya)
[Templeton is a rat from Charlotte's Web by E. B. White / Bianca is a mouse from the 1977 Disney animated film The Rescuers]
[Remy is a rat from Disney and Pixar's Ratatouille / Tanya Mousekewitz is a mouse from the American Tail series of animated films]
020 Raticate (M: Templeton / F: Bianca) Alolan (M: Remy / F: Tanya)
[Templeton is a rat from Charlotte's Web by E. B. White / Bianca is a mouse from the 1977 Disney animated film The Rescuers]
[Remy is a rat from Disney and Pixar's Ratatouille / Tanya Mousekewitz is a mouse from the American Tail series of animated films]
021 Spearow (M: Wilbur / F: Shayera)
[Wilbur Wright was one of the Wright brothers who invented the airplane / Shayera Hol is the name of Hawkgirl from DC Comics]
022 Fearow (M: Wilbur / F: Shayera)
[Wilbur Wright was one of the Wright brothers who invented the airplane / Shayera Hol is the name of Hawkgirl from DC Comics]
023 Ekans (M: Jafar / F: Medusa)
[Jafar is the antagonist from the 1992 Disney animated film Aladdin / Medusa was one of the 3 gorgon sisters of Greek myth who had snakes for hair]
024 Arbok (M: Jafar / F: Medusa)
[Jafar is the antagonist from the 1992 Disney animated film Aladdin / Medusa was one of the 3 gorgon sisters of Greek myth who had snakes for hair]
025 Pikachu (M: Satoshi / F: Hanako)
[Satoshi is the name of the protagonist of the Pokemon anime in Japan / Hanako is the name of Satoshi's mother in Japan]
026 Raichu (M: Satoshi / F: Hanako) Alolan (M: Greendog / F: Namaka)
[Satoshi is the name of the protagonist of the Pokemon anime in Japan / Hanako is the name of Satoshi's mother in Japan]
[Greendog is a surfer dude from the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive game of the same name / Namaka is the Hawaiian goddess of the sea]
027 Sandshrew (M: Nguni / F: Oshun) Alolan (M: Snowball / F: Sonja)
[The Nguni people are a cultural group in southern Africa / Oshun is the Yoruba goddess of beauty and love]
[A snowball is a ball of packed snow made for throwing at other people for fun / Sonja is a popular name for girls in Slavic and Scandinavian countries which have cold climates]
028 Sandslash (M: Nguni / F: Oshun) Alolan (M: Snowball / F: Sonja)
[The Nguni people are a cultural group in southern Africa / Oshun is the Yoruba goddess of beauty and love]
[A snowball is a ball of packed snow made for throwing at other people for fun / Sonja is a popular name for girls in Slavic and Scandinavian countries which have cold climates]
029 Nidoran♀ (F: Gertrude)
[Gertude is the queen in Shakespeare's Hamlet who died by drinking poisoned wine meant for her son]
030 Nidorina (F: Gertrude)
[Gertude is the queen in Shakespeare's Hamlet who died by drinking poisoned wine meant for her son]
031 Nidoqueen (F: Gertrude)
[Gertude is the queen in Shakespeare's Hamlet who died by drinking poisoned wine meant for her son]
032 Nidoran♂ (M: Hamlet)
[Hamlet is the deceased king in Shakespeare's Hamlet who was poisoned by his brother and died, so his spirit tasked his son, also named Hamlet, with avenging his death]
033 Nidorino (M: Hamlet)
[Hamlet is the deceased king in Shakespeare's Hamlet who was poisoned by his brother and died, so his spirit tasked his son, also named Hamlet, with avenging his death]
034 Nidoking (M: Hamlet)
[Hamlet is the deceased king in Shakespeare's Hamlet who was poisoned by his brother and died, so his spirit tasked his son, also named Hamlet, with avenging his death]
035 Clefairy (M: Neil / F: Luna)
[Neil Armstrong was an astronaut and the first person to walk on the moon / Luna is the Spanish word for moon]
036 Clefable (M: Neil / F: Luna)
[Neil Armstrong was an astronaut and the first person to walk on the moon / Luna is the Spanish word for moon]
037 Vulpix (M: Kurama / F: Kuzunoha) Alolan (M: Tundra / F: Aurora)
[Kurama is one of the main characters from the anime Yu Yu Hakusho who is a fox demon / Kuzunoha is a well known fox yokai in Japanese folklore]
[A tundra is an area either in the arctic circle or on the tops of mountains with a cold and windy climate/ Auroras are lights in the sky near the poles caused by solar winds]
038 Ninetales (M: Kurama / F: Kuzunoha) Alolan (M: Tundra / F: Aurora)
[Kurama is one of the main characters from the anime Yu Yu Hakusho who is a fox demon / Kuzunoha is a well known fox yokai in Japanese folklore]
[A tundra is an area either in the arctic circle or on the tops of mountains with a cold and windy climate/ Auroras are lights in the sky near the poles caused by solar winds]
039 Jigglypuff (M: Freddie / F: Whitney)
[Freddie Mercury was a rock star who sang lead vocals for the band Queen / Whitney Houston was a famous singer and actress: Both are two of the greatest singers of all time]
040 Wigglytuff (M: Freddie / F: Whitney)
[Freddie Mercury was a rock star who sang lead vocals for the band Queen / Whitney Houston was a famous singer and actress: Both are two of the greatest singers of all time]
041 Zubat (M: Vlad / F: Carmilla)
[Vlad is often used as Dracula's first name since he himself is based on Prince Vlad III of Wallachia / Carmilla is a vampire and the antagonist of the novella of the same name]
042 Golbat (M: Vlad / F: Carmilla)
[Vlad is often used as Dracula's first name since he himself is based on Prince Vlad III of Wallachia / Carmilla is a vampire and the antagonist of the novella of the same name]
001 Bulbasaur (M: Shallot / F: Dahlia)
[A shallot is a type of small onion / A dahlia is a colorful flower from Central and South America]
002 Ivysaur (M: Shallot / F: Dahlia)
[A shallot is a type of small onion / A dahlia is a colorful flower from Central and South America]
003 Venusaur (M: Shallot / F: Dahlia)
[A shallot is a type of small onion / A dahlia is a colorful flower from Central and South America]
004 Charmander (M: Smaug / F: Vesta)
[Smaug is a dragon and the antagonist of The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien / Vesta is the ancient Roman goddess of the hearth]
005 Charmeleon (M: Smaug / F: Vesta)
[Smaug is a dragon and the antagonist of The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien / Vesta is the ancient Roman goddess of the hearth]
006 Charizard (M: Smaug / F: Vesta)
[Smaug is a dragon and the antagonist of The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien / Vesta is the ancient Roman goddess of the hearth]
007 Squirtle (M: Gamera / F: Bubbles)
[Gamera is a turtle based kaiju from Toho's Godzilla film series / Bubbles are thin spheres of liquid enclosing air or another gas]
008 Wartortle (M: Gamera / F: Bubbles)
[Gamera is a turtle based kaiju from Toho's Godzilla film series / Bubbles are thin spheres of liquid enclosing air or another gas]
009 Blastoise (M: Gamera / F: Bubbles)
[Gamera is a turtle based kaiju from Toho's Godzilla film series / Bubbles are thin spheres of liquid enclosing air or another gas]
010 Caterpie (M: Philemon / F: Psyche)
[Philemon is a mentor figure in the first two games in the Persona series / Psyche is the ancient Greek goddess of the soul: Both are associated with butterflies]
011 Metapod (M: Philemon / F: Psyche)
[Philemon is a mentor figure in the first two games in the Persona series / Psyche is the ancient Greek goddess of the soul: Both are associated with butterflies]
012 Butterfree (M: Philemon / F: Psyche)
[Philemon is a mentor figure in the first two games in the Persona series / Psyche is the ancient Greek goddess of the soul: Both are associated with butterflies]
013 Weedle (M: Sting / F: Janet)
[Sting is the name of Bilbo's sword from The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien / Janet Van Dyne, a.k.a. The Wasp, is a superhero from Mqrvel Comics]
014 Kakuna (M: Sting / F: Janet)
[Sting is the name of Bilbo's sword from The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien / Janet Van Dyne, a.k.a. The Wasp, is a superhero from Mqrvel Comics]
015 Beedrill (M: Sting / F: Janet)
[Sting is the name of Bilbo's sword from The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien / Janet Van Dyne, a.k.a. The Wasp, is a superhero from Mqrvel Comics]
016 Pidgey (M: Orville / F: Amelia)
[Orville Wright was one of the Wright brothers who invented the airplane / Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean]
017 Pidgeotto (M: Orville / F: Amelia)
[Orville Wright was one of the Wright brothers who invented the airplane / Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean]
018 Pidgeot (M: Orville / F: Amelia)
[Orville Wright was one of the Wright brothers who invented the airplane / Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean]
019 Rattata (M: Templeton / F: Bianca) Alolan (M: Remy / F: Tanya)
[Templeton is a rat from Charlotte's Web by E. B. White / Bianca is a mouse from the 1977 Disney animated film The Rescuers]
[Remy is a rat from Disney and Pixar's Ratatouille / Tanya Mousekewitz is a mouse from the American Tail series of animated films]
020 Raticate (M: Templeton / F: Bianca) Alolan (M: Remy / F: Tanya)
[Templeton is a rat from Charlotte's Web by E. B. White / Bianca is a mouse from the 1977 Disney animated film The Rescuers]
[Remy is a rat from Disney and Pixar's Ratatouille / Tanya Mousekewitz is a mouse from the American Tail series of animated films]
021 Spearow (M: Wilbur / F: Shayera)
[Wilbur Wright was one of the Wright brothers who invented the airplane / Shayera Hol is the name of Hawkgirl from DC Comics]
022 Fearow (M: Wilbur / F: Shayera)
[Wilbur Wright was one of the Wright brothers who invented the airplane / Shayera Hol is the name of Hawkgirl from DC Comics]
023 Ekans (M: Jafar / F: Medusa)
[Jafar is the antagonist from the 1992 Disney animated film Aladdin / Medusa was one of the 3 gorgon sisters of Greek myth who had snakes for hair]
024 Arbok (M: Jafar / F: Medusa)
[Jafar is the antagonist from the 1992 Disney animated film Aladdin / Medusa was one of the 3 gorgon sisters of Greek myth who had snakes for hair]
025 Pikachu (M: Satoshi / F: Hanako)
[Satoshi is the name of the protagonist of the Pokemon anime in Japan / Hanako is the name of Satoshi's mother in Japan]
026 Raichu (M: Satoshi / F: Hanako) Alolan (M: Greendog / F: Namaka)
[Satoshi is the name of the protagonist of the Pokemon anime in Japan / Hanako is the name of Satoshi's mother in Japan]
[Greendog is a surfer dude from the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive game of the same name / Namaka is the Hawaiian goddess of the sea]
027 Sandshrew (M: Nguni / F: Oshun) Alolan (M: Snowball / F: Sonja)
[The Nguni people are a cultural group in southern Africa / Oshun is the Yoruba goddess of beauty and love]
[A snowball is a ball of packed snow made for throwing at other people for fun / Sonja is a popular name for girls in Slavic and Scandinavian countries which have cold climates]
028 Sandslash (M: Nguni / F: Oshun) Alolan (M: Snowball / F: Sonja)
[The Nguni people are a cultural group in southern Africa / Oshun is the Yoruba goddess of beauty and love]
[A snowball is a ball of packed snow made for throwing at other people for fun / Sonja is a popular name for girls in Slavic and Scandinavian countries which have cold climates]
029 Nidoran♀ (F: Gertrude)
[Gertude is the queen in Shakespeare's Hamlet who died by drinking poisoned wine meant for her son]
030 Nidorina (F: Gertrude)
[Gertude is the queen in Shakespeare's Hamlet who died by drinking poisoned wine meant for her son]
031 Nidoqueen (F: Gertrude)
[Gertude is the queen in Shakespeare's Hamlet who died by drinking poisoned wine meant for her son]
032 Nidoran♂ (M: Hamlet)
[Hamlet is the deceased king in Shakespeare's Hamlet who was poisoned by his brother and died, so his spirit tasked his son, also named Hamlet, with avenging his death]
033 Nidorino (M: Hamlet)
[Hamlet is the deceased king in Shakespeare's Hamlet who was poisoned by his brother and died, so his spirit tasked his son, also named Hamlet, with avenging his death]
034 Nidoking (M: Hamlet)
[Hamlet is the deceased king in Shakespeare's Hamlet who was poisoned by his brother and died, so his spirit tasked his son, also named Hamlet, with avenging his death]
035 Clefairy (M: Neil / F: Luna)
[Neil Armstrong was an astronaut and the first person to walk on the moon / Luna is the Spanish word for moon]
036 Clefable (M: Neil / F: Luna)
[Neil Armstrong was an astronaut and the first person to walk on the moon / Luna is the Spanish word for moon]
037 Vulpix (M: Kurama / F: Kuzunoha) Alolan (M: Tundra / F: Aurora)
[Kurama is one of the main characters from the anime Yu Yu Hakusho who is a fox demon / Kuzunoha is a well known fox yokai in Japanese folklore]
[A tundra is an area either in the arctic circle or on the tops of mountains with a cold and windy climate/ Auroras are lights in the sky near the poles caused by solar winds]
038 Ninetales (M: Kurama / F: Kuzunoha) Alolan (M: Tundra / F: Aurora)
[Kurama is one of the main characters from the anime Yu Yu Hakusho who is a fox demon / Kuzunoha is a well known fox yokai in Japanese folklore]
[A tundra is an area either in the arctic circle or on the tops of mountains with a cold and windy climate/ Auroras are lights in the sky near the poles caused by solar winds]
039 Jigglypuff (M: Freddie / F: Whitney)
[Freddie Mercury was a rock star who sang lead vocals for the band Queen / Whitney Houston was a famous singer and actress: Both are two of the greatest singers of all time]
040 Wigglytuff (M: Freddie / F: Whitney)
[Freddie Mercury was a rock star who sang lead vocals for the band Queen / Whitney Houston was a famous singer and actress: Both are two of the greatest singers of all time]
041 Zubat (M: Vlad / F: Carmilla)
[Vlad is often used as Dracula's first name since he himself is based on Prince Vlad III of Wallachia / Carmilla is a vampire and the antagonist of the novella of the same name]
042 Golbat (M: Vlad / F: Carmilla)
[Vlad is often used as Dracula's first name since he himself is based on Prince Vlad III of Wallachia / Carmilla is a vampire and the antagonist of the novella of the same name]