Thinking up names for Pokémon


Museum Curator
Level 3
Dec 5, 2024
Reaction score
New York City
I'm trying to think up names for every Pokémon (with some exceptions) and let me tell you it's hard. I've been at it on and off for months now and I'm still in gen 2. I still have several hundred left to go but I like the progress I've made so far. I'm going to post the list piece by piece.

Number Name
001 Bulbasaur (M: Shallot / F: Dahlia)
[A shallot is a type of small onion / A dahlia is a colorful flower from Central and South America]

002 Ivysaur (M: Shallot / F: Dahlia)
[A shallot is a type of small onion / A dahlia is a colorful flower from Central and South America]

003 Venusaur (M: Shallot / F: Dahlia)
[A shallot is a type of small onion / A dahlia is a colorful flower from Central and South America]

004 Charmander (M: Smaug / F: Vesta)
[Smaug is a dragon and the antagonist of The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien / Vesta is the ancient Roman goddess of the hearth]

005 Charmeleon (M: Smaug / F: Vesta)
[Smaug is a dragon and the antagonist of The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien / Vesta is the ancient Roman goddess of the hearth]

006 Charizard (M: Smaug / F: Vesta)
[Smaug is a dragon and the antagonist of The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien / Vesta is the ancient Roman goddess of the hearth]

007 Squirtle (M: Gamera / F: Bubbles)
[Gamera is a turtle based kaiju from Toho's Godzilla film series / Bubbles are thin spheres of liquid enclosing air or another gas]

008 Wartortle (M: Gamera / F: Bubbles)
[Gamera is a turtle based kaiju from Toho's Godzilla film series / Bubbles are thin spheres of liquid enclosing air or another gas]

009 Blastoise (M: Gamera / F: Bubbles)
[Gamera is a turtle based kaiju from Toho's Godzilla film series / Bubbles are thin spheres of liquid enclosing air or another gas]

010 Caterpie (M: Philemon / F: Psyche)
[Philemon is a mentor figure in the first two games in the Persona series / Psyche is the ancient Greek goddess of the soul: Both are associated with butterflies]

011 Metapod (M: Philemon / F: Psyche)
[Philemon is a mentor figure in the first two games in the Persona series / Psyche is the ancient Greek goddess of the soul: Both are associated with butterflies]

012 Butterfree (M: Philemon / F: Psyche)
[Philemon is a mentor figure in the first two games in the Persona series / Psyche is the ancient Greek goddess of the soul: Both are associated with butterflies]

013 Weedle (M: Sting / F: Janet)
[Sting is the name of Bilbo's sword from The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien / Janet Van Dyne, a.k.a. The Wasp, is a superhero from Mqrvel Comics]

014 Kakuna (M: Sting / F: Janet)
[Sting is the name of Bilbo's sword from The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien / Janet Van Dyne, a.k.a. The Wasp, is a superhero from Mqrvel Comics]

015 Beedrill (M: Sting / F: Janet)
[Sting is the name of Bilbo's sword from The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien / Janet Van Dyne, a.k.a. The Wasp, is a superhero from Mqrvel Comics]

016 Pidgey (M: Orville / F: Amelia)
[Orville Wright was one of the Wright brothers who invented the airplane / Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean]

017 Pidgeotto (M: Orville / F: Amelia)
[Orville Wright was one of the Wright brothers who invented the airplane / Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean]

018 Pidgeot (M: Orville / F: Amelia)
[Orville Wright was one of the Wright brothers who invented the airplane / Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean]

019 Rattata (M: Templeton / F: Bianca) Alolan (M: Remy / F: Tanya)
[Templeton is a rat from Charlotte's Web by E. B. White / Bianca is a mouse from the 1977 Disney animated film The Rescuers]
[Remy is a rat from Disney and Pixar's Ratatouille / Tanya Mousekewitz is a mouse from the American Tail series of animated films]

020 Raticate (M: Templeton / F: Bianca) Alolan (M: Remy / F: Tanya)
[Templeton is a rat from Charlotte's Web by E. B. White / Bianca is a mouse from the 1977 Disney animated film The Rescuers]
[Remy is a rat from Disney and Pixar's Ratatouille / Tanya Mousekewitz is a mouse from the American Tail series of animated films]

021 Spearow (M: Wilbur / F: Shayera)
[Wilbur Wright was one of the Wright brothers who invented the airplane / Shayera Hol is the name of Hawkgirl from DC Comics]

022 Fearow (M: Wilbur / F: Shayera)
[Wilbur Wright was one of the Wright brothers who invented the airplane / Shayera Hol is the name of Hawkgirl from DC Comics]

023 Ekans (M: Jafar / F: Medusa)
[Jafar is the antagonist from the 1992 Disney animated film Aladdin / Medusa was one of the 3 gorgon sisters of Greek myth who had snakes for hair]

024 Arbok (M: Jafar / F: Medusa)
[Jafar is the antagonist from the 1992 Disney animated film Aladdin / Medusa was one of the 3 gorgon sisters of Greek myth who had snakes for hair]

025 Pikachu (M: Satoshi / F: Hanako)
[Satoshi is the name of the protagonist of the Pokemon anime in Japan / Hanako is the name of Satoshi's mother in Japan]

026 Raichu (M: Satoshi / F: Hanako) Alolan (M: Greendog / F: Namaka)
[Satoshi is the name of the protagonist of the Pokemon anime in Japan / Hanako is the name of Satoshi's mother in Japan]
[Greendog is a surfer dude from the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive game of the same name / Namaka is the Hawaiian goddess of the sea]

027 Sandshrew (M: Nguni / F: Oshun) Alolan (M: Snowball / F: Sonja)
[The Nguni people are a cultural group in southern Africa / Oshun is the Yoruba goddess of beauty and love]
[A snowball is a ball of packed snow made for throwing at other people for fun / Sonja is a popular name for girls in Slavic and Scandinavian countries which have cold climates]

028 Sandslash (M: Nguni / F: Oshun) Alolan (M: Snowball / F: Sonja)
[The Nguni people are a cultural group in southern Africa / Oshun is the Yoruba goddess of beauty and love]
[A snowball is a ball of packed snow made for throwing at other people for fun / Sonja is a popular name for girls in Slavic and Scandinavian countries which have cold climates]

029 Nidoran♀ (F: Gertrude)
[Gertude is the queen in Shakespeare's Hamlet who died by drinking poisoned wine meant for her son]

030 Nidorina (F: Gertrude)
[Gertude is the queen in Shakespeare's Hamlet who died by drinking poisoned wine meant for her son]

031 Nidoqueen (F: Gertrude)
[Gertude is the queen in Shakespeare's Hamlet who died by drinking poisoned wine meant for her son]

032 Nidoran♂ (M: Hamlet)
[Hamlet is the deceased king in Shakespeare's Hamlet who was poisoned by his brother and died, so his spirit tasked his son, also named Hamlet, with avenging his death]

033 Nidorino (M: Hamlet)
[Hamlet is the deceased king in Shakespeare's Hamlet who was poisoned by his brother and died, so his spirit tasked his son, also named Hamlet, with avenging his death]

034 Nidoking (M: Hamlet)
[Hamlet is the deceased king in Shakespeare's Hamlet who was poisoned by his brother and died, so his spirit tasked his son, also named Hamlet, with avenging his death]

035 Clefairy (M: Neil / F: Luna)
[Neil Armstrong was an astronaut and the first person to walk on the moon / Luna is the Spanish word for moon]

036 Clefable (M: Neil / F: Luna)
[Neil Armstrong was an astronaut and the first person to walk on the moon / Luna is the Spanish word for moon]

037 Vulpix (M: Kurama / F: Kuzunoha) Alolan (M: Tundra / F: Aurora)
[Kurama is one of the main characters from the anime Yu Yu Hakusho who is a fox demon / Kuzunoha is a well known fox yokai in Japanese folklore]
[A tundra is an area either in the arctic circle or on the tops of mountains with a cold and windy climate/ Auroras are lights in the sky near the poles caused by solar winds]

038 Ninetales (M: Kurama / F: Kuzunoha) Alolan (M: Tundra / F: Aurora)
[Kurama is one of the main characters from the anime Yu Yu Hakusho who is a fox demon / Kuzunoha is a well known fox yokai in Japanese folklore]
[A tundra is an area either in the arctic circle or on the tops of mountains with a cold and windy climate/ Auroras are lights in the sky near the poles caused by solar winds]

039 Jigglypuff (M: Freddie / F: Whitney)
[Freddie Mercury was a rock star who sang lead vocals for the band Queen / Whitney Houston was a famous singer and actress: Both are two of the greatest singers of all time]

040 Wigglytuff (M: Freddie / F: Whitney)
[Freddie Mercury was a rock star who sang lead vocals for the band Queen / Whitney Houston was a famous singer and actress: Both are two of the greatest singers of all time]

041 Zubat (M: Vlad / F: Carmilla)
[Vlad is often used as Dracula's first name since he himself is based on Prince Vlad III of Wallachia / Carmilla is a vampire and the antagonist of the novella of the same name]

042 Golbat (M: Vlad / F: Carmilla)
[Vlad is often used as Dracula's first name since he himself is based on Prince Vlad III of Wallachia / Carmilla is a vampire and the antagonist of the novella of the same name]
Part 2

043 Oddish (M: Sundew / F: Rafflesia)
[A sundew is a carnivorous plant covered in sticky hairs used to trap insects / The rafflesia is the largest species of flower and it smells like rotting flesh]

044 Gloom (M: Sundew / F: Rafflesia)
[A sundew is a carnivorous plant covered in sticky hairs used to trap insects / The rafflesia is the largest species of flower and it smells like rotting flesh]

045 Vileplume (M: Sundew / F: Rafflesia)
[A sundew is a carnivorous plant covered in sticky hairs used to trap insects / The rafflesia is the largest species of flower and it smells like rotting flesh]

046 Paras (M: Cordyceps / F: Calvatia)
[Cordyceps is a parasitic fungus that infects the brains of ants and other insects / Calvatia is a genus of puffball mushrooms]

047 Parasect (M: Cordyceps / F: Calvatia)
[Cordyceps is a parasitic fungus that infects the brains of ants and other insects / Calvatia is a genus of puffball mushrooms]

048 Venonat (M: Wesley / F: Virginia)
[Both names are an allusion to the US state West Virginia where the cryptid known as the Mothman was said to be sighted in the 1960s]

049 Venomoth (M: Wesley / F: Virginia)
[Both names are an allusion to the US state West Virginia where the cryptid known as the Mothman was said to be sighted in the 1960s]

050 Diglett (M: Aaron / F: Trois) Alolan (M: Scoop / F: Casey)
[Aaron Fechter is the inventor of Whac-A-Mole / Trois is the French word for three]
[A scoop is a digging tool similar to a spade or a shovel / Casey Jean "C.J." Parker is a lifeguard on the TV show Baywatch portrayed by Pamela Anderson]

051 Dugtrio (M: Aaron / F: Trois) Alolan (M: Scoop / F: Casey)
[Aaron Fechter is the inventor of Whac-A-Mole / Trois is the French word for three]
[A scoop is a digging tool similar to a spade or a shovel / Casey Jean "C.J." Parker is a lifeguard on the TV show Baywatch portrayed by Pamela Anderson]

052 Meowth (M: Koban / F: Bastet) Alolan (M: Sissel / F: Duchess) Galarian (M: Leif / F: Thrud)
[Koban were coins used as Japan's official currency from the 17th century to the 19th century / Bastet is an ancient Egyptian goddess with the head of a cat]
[Sissel is the protagonist of the video game Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective who is actually a cat / Duchess is the protagonist of the 1970 Disney animated film The Aristocats]
[Leif Erikson was a Norse explorer who is thought to have been the first European to set foot on continental North America / Thrud is a Norse goddess and the child of Thor and Sif]

053 Persian (M: Koban / F: Bastet) Alolan (M: Sissel / F: Duchess)
[Koban were coins used as Japan's official currency from the 17th century to the 19th century / Bastet is an ancient Egyptian goddess with the head of a cat]
[Sissel is the protagonist of the video game Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective who is actually a cat / Duchess is the protagonist of the 1970 Disney animated film The Aristocats]

054 Psyduck (M: Ernie / F: Gosalyn)
[Ernie is a character from the Sesame Street who's very fond of his rubber ducky / Gosalyn Mallard is the adopted daughter of Drake Mallard a.k.a. Darkwing Duck]

055 Golduck (M: Ernie / F: Gosalyn)
[Ernie is a character from the Sesame Street who's very fond of his rubber ducky / Gosalyn Mallard is the adopted daughter of Drake Mallard a.k.a. Darkwing Duck]

056 Mankey (M: Jotaro / F: Asuka)
[Jotaro Kujo is the protagonist of the manga/anime JoJo's Bizzare Adventure: Stardust Crusaders / Asuka Langley Soryu is a character from the anime Neon Genesis Evangelion]

057 Primeape (M: Jotaro / F: Asuka)
[Jotaro Kujo is the protagonist of the manga/anime JoJo's Bizzare Adventure: Stardust Crusaders / Asuka Langley Soryu is a character from the anime Neon Genesis Evangelion]

058 Growlithe (M: Balto / F: Lassie) Hisuian (M: Komainu / F: Shisa)
[Balto was a sled dog who helped transport diphtheria antitoxin across Alaska in 1925 / Lassie was a rough collie and the main character of the TV series of the same name]
[Komainu, also called lion dogs, are statues put at the entrances of Shinto shrines / Shisa are creatures from Okinawan mythology that protect people from evil spirits]

059 Arcanine (M: Balto / F: Lassie) Hisuian (M: Komainu / F: Shisa)
[Balto was a sled dog who helped transport diphtheria antitoxin across Alaska in 1925 / Lassie was a rough collie and the main character of the TV series of the same name]
[Komainu, also called lion dogs, are statues put at the entrances of Shinto shrines / Shisa are creatures from Okinawan mythology that protect people from evil spirits]

060 Poliwag (M: Rash / F: Lily)
[Rash is one of the Battletoads from the video game series of the same name / Lily is a popular girl's name and is also an allusion to lilypad which frogs like to sit on]

061 Poliwhirl (M: Rash / F: Lily)
[Rash is one of the Battletoads from the video game series of the same name / Lily is a popular girl's name and is also an allusion to lilypad which frogs like to sit on]

062 Poliwrath (M: Rash / F: Lily)
[Rash is one of the Battletoads from the video game series of the same name / Lily is a popular girl's name and is also an allusion to lilypad which frogs like to sit on]

063 Abra (M: Uri / F: Morgan)
[Uri Geller is an illusionist and alleged "psychic" who is known for allegedly bending spoons with his mind / Morgan le Fay is an enchantress from Arthurian legend]

064 Kadabra (M: Uri / F: Morgan)
[Uri Geller is an illusionist and alleged "psychic" who is known for allegedly bending spoons with his mind / Morgan le Fay is an enchantress from Arthurian legend]

065 Alakazam (M: Uri / F: Morgan)
[Uri Geller is an illusionist and alleged "psychic" who is known for allegedly bending spoons with his mind / Morgan le Fay is an enchantress from Arthurian legend]

066 Machop (M: Goro / F: Sheeva)
[Goro and Sheeva are characters from the Mortal Kombat fighting game series who both have four arms and are powerful fighters]

067 Machoke (M: Goro / F: Sheeva)
[Goro and Sheeva are characters from the Mortal Kombat fighting game series who both have four arms and are powerful fighters]

068 Machamp (M: Goro / F: Sheeva)
[Goro and Sheeva are characters from the Mortal Kombat fighting game series who both have four arms and are powerful fighters]

069 Bellsprout (M: Nepenthes / F: Molly)
[Nepenthes is the genus pitcher plants belong to / Molly Pitcher is a folk hero of the American Revolutionary war who supplied water to soldiers in the heat of battle]

070 Weepinbell (M: Nepenthes / F: Molly)
[Nepenthes is the genus pitcher plants belong to / Molly Pitcher is a folk hero of the American Revolutionary war who supplied water to soldiers in the heat of battle]

071 Victreebel (M: Nepenthes / F: Molly)
[Nepenthes is the genus pitcher plants belong to / Molly Pitcher is a folk hero of the American Revolutionary war who supplied water to soldiers in the heat of battle]

072 Tentacool (M: Chironex / F: Aurelia)
[Chironex is the genus that the box jellyfish belongs to / Aurelia aurita is the scientific name for the moon jellyfish]

073 Tentacruel (M: Chironex / F: Aurelia)
[Chironex is the genus that the box jellyfish belongs to / Aurelia aurita is the scientific name for the moon jellyfish]

074 Geodude (M: Igneous / F: Pebbles) Alolan (M: Willy / F: Hematite)
[Igneous rocks are rocks that are formed when magma cools / Pebbles are small stones made smooth by erosion]
[Wooly Willy is a toy in which metal filings are moved about with a magnetic wand to add features to a cartoon face / Hematite is an ore that's very high in iron]

075 Graveler (M: Igneous / F: Pebbles) Alolan (M: Willy / F: Hematite)
[Igneous rocks are rocks that are formed when magma cools / Pebbles are small stones made smooth by erosion]
[Wooly Willy is a toy in which metal filings are moved about with a magnetic wand to add features to a cartoon face / Hematite is an ore that's very high in iron]

076 Golem (M: Igneous / F: Pebbles) Alolan (M: Willy / F: Hematite)
[Igneous rocks are rocks that are formed when magma cools / Pebbles are small stones made smooth by erosion]
[Wooly Willy is a toy in which metal filings are moved about with a magnetic wand to add features to a cartoon face / Hematite is an ore that's very high in iron]

077 Ponyta (M: Helios / F: Bonnie) Galarian (M: Banagher / F: Amalthea)
[Helios is the ancient Greek god of the sun who drove the sun across the sky using a chariot / Bonnie is a feminine Scottish name meaning “pretty"]
[Banagher Links is the protagonist of Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn / Amalthea is the titular unicorn and protagonist of the 1968 novel "The Last Unicorn"]

078 Rapidash (M: Helios / F: Bonnie) Galarian (M: Banagher / F: Amalthea)
[Helios is the ancient Greek god of the sun who drove the sun across the sky using a chariot / Bonnie is a feminine Scottish name meaning “pretty"]
[Banagher Links is the protagonist of Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn / Amalthea is the titular unicorn and protagonist of the 1968 novel "The Last Unicorn" by Peter S. Beagle]

079 Slowpoke (M: Lennie / F: Elmyra) Galarian (M: Wheatley / F: Dee Dee)
[Lennie Small is the deuteragonist of the 1937 novella "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck / Elmyra Duff is a cartoon character from the 90s cartoon Tiny Toon Adventures]
[Wheatley is the deuteragonist turned antagonist of the video game Portal 2 / Dee Dee is the elder sister of the titular character of the 90s cartoon Dexter's Laboratory]

080 Slowbro (M: Lennie / F: Elmyra) Galarian (M: Wheatley / F: Dee Dee)
[Lennie Small is the deuteragonist of the 1937 novella "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck / Elmyra Duff is a cartoon character from the 90s cartoon Tiny Toon Adventures]
[Wheatley is the deuteragonist turned antagonist of the video game Portal 2 / Dee Dee is the elder sister of the titular character of the 90s cartoon Dexter's Laboratory]
Honestly, I never did name any of mine, but these are all pretty good. I kinda want to post screenshots of create-a-characters and ask you for their monikers.
Part 3

081 Magnemite (Magneto)
[Erik Lehnsherr, a.k.a. Magneto, is a supervillain from Marvel Comic's X-Men franchise that has the power to control magnetism]

082 Magneton (Magneto)
[Erik Lehnsherr, a.k.a. Magneto, is a supervillain from Marvel Comic's X-Men franchise that has the power to control magnetism]

083 Farfetch'd (M: Falchion / F: Sabre) Galarian (M: Lancelot / F: Viviane)
[A falchion is a a broad and slightly curved sword of French origin that was invented in the 1200s / A sabre is a heavy cavalry sword with a curved blade that was invented in the 1500s]
[Lancelot was one of the Knights of the Round Table in Arthurian Legend / Viviane is the name of the Lady of the Lake who gave King Arthur the magic sword Excalibur]

084 Doduo (M: Geryon / F: Hecate)
[Geryon is a giant from Greek mythology with either 3 heads or 3 bodies / Hecate is the ancient Greek goddess of magic who is depicted as three-formed or triple-bodied]

085 Dodrio (M: Geryon / F: Hecate)
[Geryon is a giant from Greek mythology with either 3 heads or 3 bodies / Hecate is the ancient Greek goddess of magic who is depicted as three-formed or triple-bodied]

086 Seel (M: Andre / F: Lumi)
[Andre was a seal who was adopted by a man named Harry Goodridge and his story was made into a movie in 1994 / Lumi is the Finnish word for snow]

087 Dewgong (M: Andre / F: Lumi)
[Andre was a seal who was adopted by a man named Harry Goodridge and his story was made into a movie in 1994 / Lumi is the Finnish word for snow]

088 Grimer (M: Hexxus / F: Barbara) Alolan (M: Exxon / F: Valvoline)
[Hexxus is the antagonist of the 1992 animated film FernGully: The Last Rainforest / Dr. Barbara Blight is one of the eco-villains from the 90s cartoon Captain Planet & the Planeteers]
[ExxonMobil is a multinational oil and gas corporation and is one of the world's biggest polluters / Valvoline Inc. is a retail automotive services company specializing in motor oil]

089 Muk (M: Hexxus / F: Barbara) Alolan (M: Exxon / F: Valvoline)
[Hexxus is the antagonist of the 1992 animated film FernGully: The Last Rainforest / Dr. Barbara Blight is one of the eco-villains from the 90s cartoon Captain Planet & the Planeteers]
[ExxonMobil is a multinational oil and gas corporation and is one of the world's biggest polluters / Valvoline Inc. is a retail automotive services company specializing in motor oil]

090 Shellder (M: Scallop / F: Cowrie)
[A scallop is a type of bivalve with a ribbed fan-shaped shell / A cowrie is a small sea snail and it's shell was a commonly used as currency long ago]

091 Cloyster (M: Scallop / F: Cowrie)
[A scallop is a type of bivalve with a ribbed fan-shaped shell / A cowrie is a small sea snail and it's shell was a commonly used as currency long ago]

092 Gastly (M: Specter / F: Wraith)
[Specter is another word for a ghost / A wraith is a ghost or ghostlike image that is widely believed to be an omen of bad luck or even impending death]

093 Haunter (M: Specter / F: Wraith)
[Specter is another word for a ghost / A wraith is a ghost or ghostlike image that is widely believed to be an omen of bad luck or even impending death]

094 Gengar (M: Specter / F: Wraith)
[Specter is another word for a ghost / A wraith is a ghost or ghostlike image that is widely believed to be an omen of bad luck or even impending death]

095 Onix (M: Auger / F: Motavia)
[An auger is a spiral shaped tool that's used to drill holes / Motavia is a desert planet from the video game Phantasy Star IV that's home to giant sand worms]

096 Drowzee (M: Franz / F: Yume)
[Franz Mesmer was a physician who created the modern version of hypnosis / Yume is the Japanese word for dream]

097 Hypno (M: Franz / F: Yume)
[Franz Mesmer was a physician who created the modern version of hypnosis / Yume is the Japanese word for dream]

098 Krabby (M: Sebastian / F: Fiddle)
[Sebastian is a crab from the 1989 Disney animated film The Little Mermaid / A fiddler crab is a crab that has one really large claw and one smaller one]

099 Kingler (M: Sebastian / F: Fiddle)
[Sebastian is a crab from the 1989 Disney animated film The Little Mermaid / A fiddler crab is a crab that has one really large claw and one smaller one]

100 Voltorb (Nikola) Hisuian (Hanabi)
[Nikola Tesla was an engineer most well known for creating the alternating current (AC) electricity supply system / Hanabi is the Japanese word for fireworks]

101 Electrode (Nikola) Hisuian (Hanabi)
[Nikola Tesla was an engineer most well known for creating the alternating current (AC) electricity supply system / Hanabi is the Japanese word for fireworks]

102 Exeggcute (M: Benedict / F: Omelette)
[Eggs Benedict is two halves of an English muffin with Canadian bacon, a poached egg, and hollandaise sauce / An omelette is eggs cooked in a frying pan until firm served folded over]

103 Exeggutor (M: Benedict / F: Omelette) Alolan (M: Macaroon / F: Haupia)
[Eggs Benedict is two halves of an English muffin with Canadian bacon, a poached egg, and hollandaise sauce / An omelette is eggs cooked in a frying pan until firm served folded over]
[Macaroons are cookies made from ground almonds and coconuts / Haupia is a Hawaiian traditional coconut pudding found throughout Polynesia]

104 Cubone (M: Oliver / F: Tibia)
[Oliver Twist is an orphaned child from the novel of the same name written by Charles Dickens / The tibia is also known as the shin bone]

105 Marowak (M: Oliver / F: Tibia) Alolan (M: Freddy / F: Izanami)
[Oliver Twist is an orphaned child from the novel of the same name written by Charles Dickens / The tibia is also known as the shin bone]
[Freddy Krueger is the main antagonist of the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise / Izanami is the kami of death in Shintoism]

106 Hitmonlee (M: Bruce)
[Bruce Lee was a Hong Kong-American martial artist and actor who invented the martial art Jeet Kune Do]

107 Hitmonchan (M: Rocky)
[Robert "Rocky" Balboa, a.k.a. "The Italian Stallion", is a boxer and the protagonist of the Rocky film series]

108 Lickitung (M: Yoshi / F: Lingua)
[Yoshi is a dinosaur like character from the Mario franchise who eats things by grabbing them with his tongue / Lingua is the Italian word for tongue]

109 Koffing (M: Chevron / F: Ammonia)
[Chevron is a multinational energy corporation and is one of the world's biggest polluters / Ammonia a colorless gas with a pungent smell composed of nitrogen and hydrogen]

110 Weezing (M: Chevron / F: Ammonia) Galarian (M: Jeremiah / F: Chlorine)
[Chevron is a multinational energy corporation and is one of the world's biggest polluters / Ammonia a colorless gas with a pungent smell composed of nitrogen and hydrogen]
[Jeremiah Fink is a rich businessman from the video game Bioshock Infinite / Chlorine is a toxic gas that can irritate the eyes and respiratory system]

111 Rhyhorn (M: Aleksei / F: Kifaru)
[Aleksei Sytsevich, a.k.a. Rhino, is a supervillain from Marvel Comics and an adversary of Spider-Man / Kifaru is the Swahili word for rhinoceros]

112 Rhydon (M: Aleksei / F: Kifaru)
[Aleksei Sytsevich, a.k.a. Rhino, is a supervillain from Marvel Comics and an adversary of Spider-Man / Kifaru is the Swahili word for rhinoceros]

113 Chansey (F: Florence)
[Florence Nightingale was an English social reformer, statistician, and the founder of modern nursing]

114 Tangela (M: Alec / F: Pamela)
[Alec Holland, a.k.a. Swamp Thing, is a superhero from DC Comics with control over plants / Pamela Isley, a.k.a. Poison Ivy, is a supervillain from DC Comics with control over plants]

115 Kangaskhan (F: Hathor)
[Hathor is the ancient Egyptian goddess of motherhood]

116 Horsea (M: Lonnie / F: Mera)
[Lonnie George Johnson is an American engineer who invented the Super Soaker / Mera is a superhero from DC comics and the wife of Arthur Curry, a.k.a. Aquaman]

117 Seadra (M: Lonnie / F: Mera)
[Lonnie George Johnson is an American engineer who invented the Super Soaker / Mera is a superhero from DC comics and the wife of Arthur Curry, a.k.a. Aquaman]

118 Goldeen (M: Matsya / F: Cleo)
[Matsya is the first avatar of Vishnu in Hinduism and is sometimes depicted as a fish with a horn / Cleo is the pet goldfish of Geppetto from the 1940 Disney animated film Pinocchio]

119 Seaking (M: Matsya / F: Cleo)
[Matsya is the first avatar of Vishnu in Hinduism and is sometimes depicted as a fish with a horn / Cleo is the pet goldfish of Geppetto from the 1940 Disney animated film Pinocchio]

120 Staryu (Ringo)
[Sir Richard Starkey, a.k.a. Ringo Starr, is a famous musician and songwriter best known as the drummer for the band The Beatles]

121 Starmie (Ringo)
[Sir Richard Starkey, a.k.a. Ringo Starr, is a famous musician and songwriter best known as the drummer for the band The Beatles]

122 Mr. Mime (M: Marcel / F: Evetta) Galarian (M: Charlie / F: Lucille)
[Marcel Marceau, born Marcel Mangel, was a mime well known for his stage character "Bip the Clown" / Evetta "The Lady Clown" was a woman who worked as a clown for Barnum & Bailey]
[Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin was an actor most famous for his comedic silent film persona The Tramp / Lucille Ball was an actress most famous for her character on I Love Lucy]

123 Scyther (M: Baraka / F: Kamakiri)
[Baraka is a character from the Mortal Kombat franchise with blades in his forearms / Kamakiri is the Japanese word for the praying mantis]

124 Jynx (F: Nora)
[Nora Fries is the wife of DC supervillain Victor Fries, a.k.a. Mr. Freeze, and her terminal illness serves as his motive for his criminal actions]
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Rock/water type
The name is based on gargling
projared just makes random sounds until he comes up with something in his pokemon nuzzlock playthroughs. it's how we got the legend of Nuptup, the overpowered oddish.
Part 4

125 Electabuzz (M: Raijin / F: Dianmu)
[Raijin is the kami of lightning, thunder, and storms in Shintoism / Dianmu is the Chinese goddess of lightning and wife of Leigong the Chinese god of thunder]

126 Magmar (M: Hyottoko / F: Karura)
[Hyottoko is a Japanese character who's name contains the kanj for fire and man / Karura is a creature from Japanese mythology with the body of a human and the head of a bird]

127 Pinsir (M: Boomer / F: Miyama)
[Boomer Kuwanger is a boss from the video game Mega Man X and is based on a stag beetle / The Miyama stag beetle is a species of stag beetle native to east Asia]

128 Tauros (M: Texas) Palean Combat (M: Escamillo) Paldean Blaze (M: Miguel) Paldean Aqua (M: Vega)
[Texas is a state in the United Staes of America that's known for being the country's #1 producer of beef with almost 250,000 cattle farms]
[Escamillo is a matador from the 1875 opera "Carmen" who competes with José, a soldier, for the affections of the titular character]
[Miguel Caballero Rojo is a character from the Tekken video game series who seeks to avenge the death of his sister at the hands of Jin Kazama]
[Vega (known as Balrog in Japan) is a character from the Street Fighter video game series who's unique fighting style has earned him the nickname "The Spanish Ninja"]

129 Magikarp (M: Duanwu / F: Taki)
[Duānwǔ Jié, or the Dragon Boat Festival, is a Chinese festival worshipping the gods and ancestors and warding off evil spirits / Taki is the Japanese word for waterfall]

130 Gyarados (M: Duanwu / F: Taki)
[Duānwǔ Jié, or the Dragon Boat Festival, is a Chinese festival worshipping the gods and ancestors and warding off evil spirits / Taki is the Japanese word for waterfall]

131 Lapras (M: Charon / F: Nessie)
[Charon is the ferryman of the underworld in Greek mythology / The Loch Ness Monster, also called Nessie, is a cryptid who lives in the Loch Ness in Scotland]

132 Ditto (Mystique)
[Mystique is a supervillain from Marvel Comic's X-Men series who has the ability to shapeshift into anyone she wants]

133 Eevee (M: Lucky / F: Fluffy)
[Lucky and Fluffy are names that are typically given to pets such as cats and dogs]

134 Vaporeon (M: Poseidon / F: Ariel)
[Poseidon is the ancient Greek god of the ocean / Ariel is the protagonist of the 1989 Disney animated film The Little Mermaid]

135 Jolteon (M: Zeus / F: Lorna)
[Zeus is the ancient Greek god of the sky and thunder as well as king of the Olympians / Lorna Dane, a.k.a. Polaris, is a superhero from Marvel Comics and the daughter of Magneto]

136 Flareon (Hephaestus / F: Lucca)
[Hephaestus is the ancient Greek god of metallurgy, volcanoes, and fire / Lucca is a character from the video game Chrono Trigger who uses gadgets and fire magic]

137 Porygon (Ada)
[Ada Lovelace was a mathematician who wrote the first computer program for Charles Babbage's proposed mechanical general-purpose computer, the Analytical Engine]

138 Omanyte (M: Devon / F: Mary)
[Ammonites first appeared during the Devonian period (419.2 MYA to 358.9 MYA) / Mary Anning was a fossil collector who discovered fossil beds along the English Channel]

139 Omastar (M: Devon / F: Mary)
[Ammonites first appeared during the Devonian period (419.2 MYA to 358.9 MYA) / Mary Anning was a fossil collector who discovered fossil beds along the English Channel]

140 Kabuto (M: Kouji / F: Cambrian)
[Kouji Kabuto is the protagonist of the Mazinger Z series who pilots the titular giant robot / Trilobites first appeared during the Cambiran period (538.8 MYA to 485.4 MYA)]

141 Kabutops (M: Kouji / F: Cambrian)
[Kouji Kabuto is the protagonist of the Mazinger Z series who pilots the titular giant robot / Trilobites first appeared during the Cambiran period (538.8 MYA to 485.4 MYA)]

142 Aerodactyl (M: Rodan / F: Dinah)
[Roadn is a ptreasaur based kaiju from Toho's Godzilla film series / Dinah Soar was a superhero from Marvel Comics and a member of the Great Lakes Avengers]

143 Snorlax (M: Hypnos / F: Cathy)
[Hypnos is the ancient Greek god of sleep / Cathy is the main character of the comic strip of the same name who tends to struggle with her weight]

144 Articuno (keeps its name due to being a legendary Pokemon) Galarian (keeps its name due to being a legendary Pokemon)

145 Zapdos (keeps its name due to being a legendary Pokemon) Galarian (keeps its name due to being a legendary Pokemon)

146 Moltres (keeps its name due to being a legendary Pokemon) Galarian (keeps its name due to being a legendary Pokemon)

147 Dratini (M: Draco / F: Tiamat)
[Draco is the Latin word for dragon / Tiamat is an evil five headed dragon and queen of the dragons in the table top game Dungeons & Dragons]

148 Dragonair (M: Draco / F: Tiamat)
[Draco is the Latin word for dragon / Tiamat is an evil five headed dragon and queen of the dragons in the table top game Dungeons & Dragons]

149 Dragonite (M: Draco / F: Tiamat)
[Draco is the Latin word for dragon / Tiamat is an evil five headed dragon and queen of the dragons in the table top game Dungeons & Dragons]

150 Mewtwo (keeps its name due to being a legendary Pokemon)

151 Mew (keeps its name due to being a mythical Pokemon)

152 Chikorita (M: Sycamore / F: Magnolia)
[Sycamore trees are deciduous trees with huge trunks and wide and crooked branches / Magnolia is a type of flower that's one of the oldest flowering plants on Earth]

153 Bayleef (M: Sycamore / F: Magnolia)
[Sycamore trees are deciduous trees with huge trunks and wide and crooked branches / Magnolia is a type of flower that's one of the oldest flowering plants on Earth]

154 Meganium (M: Sycamore / F: Magnolia)
[Sycamore trees are deciduous trees with huge trunks and wide and crooked branches / Magnolia is a type of flower that's one of the oldest flowering plants on Earth]

155 Cyndaquil (M: Typhon / F: Etna)
[Typhon is a giant monster from Greek mythology who nearly defeated Zeus and the other Olympians / Mt. Etna is a volcano in Sicily that, according to legend, Zeus buried Typhon under]

156 Quilava (M: Typhon / F: Etna)
[Typhon is a giant monster from Greek mythology who nearly defeated Zeus and the other Olympians / Mt. Etna is a volcano in Sicily that, according to legend, Zeus buried Typhon under]

157 Typhlosion (M: Typhon / F: Etna) Hisuian (M: Kagutsuchi / F: Onibi)
[Typhon is a giant monster from Greek mythology who nearly defeated Zeus and the other Olympians / Mt. Etna is a volcano in Sicily that, according to legend, Zeus buried Typhon under]
[Kagutsuchi is the kami of fire in Shintoism / Onibi are ghost lights similar to will-o'-wisps from Japanese folklore]

158 Totodile (M: Tick-Tock / F: Mamba)
[Tick-Tock is a crocodile from the 1953 Disney animated film Peter Pan who ate Captain Hook's missing hand / Mamba is the Swahili word for crocodile]

159 Croconaw (M: Tick-Tock / F: Mamba)
[Tick-Tock is a crocodile from the 1953 Disney animated film Peter Pan who ate Captain Hook's missing hand / Mamba is the Swahili word for crocodile]

160 Feraligatr (M: Tick-Tock / F: Mamba)
[Tick-Tock is a crocodile from the 1953 Disney animated film Peter Pan who ate Captain Hook's missing hand / Mamba is the Swahili word for crocodile]

161 Sentret (M: Ilder / F: Fretka)
[Ilder is the Danish and Norwegian word for ferret / Fretka is the Czech, Polish, and Slovak word for ferret]

162 Furret (M: Ilder / F: Fretka)
[Ilder is the Danish and Norwegian word for ferret / Fretka is the Czech, Polish, and Slovak word for ferret]

163 Hoothoot (M: Archimedes / F: Athena)
[Archimedes is an owl from the 1963 Dinsey animated film The Sword in the Stone / Athena is the ancient Greek goddess of wisdom who is sometimes represented with an owl]

164 Noctowl (M: Archimedes / F: Athena)
[Archimedes is an owl from the 1963 Dinsey animated film The Sword in the Stone / Athena is the ancient Greek goddess of wisdom who is sometimes represented with an owl]

165 Ledyba (M: Yue Lao / F: Freyja)
[Yue Lao is the Chinese god of love and marriage who is associated with the red thread of fate / Freyja is the Norse goddess of love and beauty who is associated with ladybugs]

166 Ledian (M: Yue Lao / F: Freyja)
[Yue Lao is the Chinese god of love and marriage who is associated with the red thread of fate / Freyja is the Norse goddess of love and beauty who is associated with ladybugs]

167 Spinarak (M: Peter / F: Charlotte)
[Peter Parker, a.k.a. Spider-Man, is the most well known superhero from Marvel Comics / Charlotte is a spider and the titular character from the 1952 children's book Charlotte's Web]

168 Ariados (M: Peter / F: Charlotte)
[Peter Parker, a.k.a. Spider-Man, is the most well known superhero from Marvel Comics / Charlotte is a spider and the titular character from the 1952 children's book Charlotte's Web]
dragon/electric (a dragon in a meteorite).
(it was for a little job, long time ago)
I think some of you are missing the point of this thread. It's not for making up names for OC Pokémon. It's for thinking up nicknames for existing Pokémon.
Meh, no worries
Post automatically merged:

Part 5

169 Crobat (M: Vlad / F: Carmilla)
[Vlad is often used as Dracula's first name since he himself is based on Prince Vlad III of Wallachia / Carmilla is a vampire and the antagonist of the novella of the same name]

170 Chinchou (M: Yangtze / F: Jinsha)
[The Three Gorges Dam is the biggest hydroelectric dam on Earth, it's on the Yangtze River / The Baihetan Dam is the 2nd biggest hydroelectric dam on Earth, it's on the Jinsha River]

171 Lanturn (M: Yangtze / F: Jinsha)
[The Three Gorges Dam is the biggest hydroelectric dam on Earth, it's on the Yangtze River / The Baihetan Dam is the 2nd biggest hydroelectric dam on Earth, it's on the Jinsha River]

172 Pichu (M: Satoshi / F: Hanako)
[Satoshi is the name of the protagonist of the Pokemon anime in Japan / Hanako is the name of Satoshi's mother in Japan]

173 Cleffa (M: Neil / F: Luna)
[Neil Armstrong was an astronaut and the first person to walk on the moon / Luna is the Spanish word for moon]

174 Igglybuff (M: Freddie / F: Whitney)
[Freddie Mercury was a rock star who sang lead vocals for the band Queen / Whitney Houston was a famous singer and actress: Both are two of the greatest singers of all time]

175 Togepi (M: Jolly / F: Joy)
[Jolly means something or someone that's happy and cheerful / Joy is a feeling of great pleasure and happiness]

176 Togetic (M: Jolly / F: Joy)
[Jolly means something or someone that's happy and cheerful / Joy is a feeling of great pleasure and happiness]

177 Natu (M: Totem / F: Kachina)
[A totem is a natural object or animal that has spiritual significance / A kachina is a spirit being in the religious beliefs of the Pueblo people]

178 Xatu (M: Totem / F: Kachina)
[A totem is a natural object or animal that has spiritual significance / A kachina is a spirit being in the religious beliefs of the Pueblo people]

179 Mareep (M: Rick / F: Beacon)
[Rick is the main character of the 1968 sci-fi novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? / A beacon is a light set up in a high or prominent position as a signal]

180 Flaaffy (M: Rick / F: Beacon)
[Rick is the main character of the 1968 sci-fi novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? / A beacon is a light set up in a high or prominent position as a signal]

181 Ampharos (M: Rick / F: Beacon)
[Rick is the main character of the 1968 sci-fi novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? / A beacon is a light set up in a high or prominent position as a signal]

182 Bellossom (M: Aster / F: Hiʻiaka)
[An aster is a type of flower that's usually purple or pink in color / Hiʻiaka is the Hawaiian goddess of hula dancing]

183 Marill (M: Buoy / F: Rakali)
[A buoy is a an anchored floating device serving as a navigation mark for ships, boats, and swimmers / The rakali is a semi-aquatic rodent native to Australia]

184 Azumarill (M: Buoy / F: Rakali)
[A buoy is a an anchored floating device serving as a navigation mark for ships, boats, and swimmers / The rakali is a semi-aquatic rodent native to Australia]

185 Sudowoodo (M: Mokujin / F: Petra)
[Mokujin is a living wooden training dummy from the Tekken fighting game series that mimics the other fighters / Petra is a girl's name of Greek origin meaning stone or rock]

186 Politoed (M: Kermit / F: Frosch)
[Kermit the Frog is one of the Muppets and is the franchise's most iconic character / Frosch is the German word for frog]

187 Hoppip (M: Pappus / F: Cypsela)
[The pappus is the white fuzzy part of a dandelion seed / Cypsela is what a dandelion seed is called]

188 Skiploom (M: Pappus / F: Cypsela)
[The pappus is the white fuzzy part of a dandelion seed / Cypsela is what a dandelion seed is called]

189 Jumpluff (M: Pappus / F: Cypsela)
[The pappus is the white fuzzy part of a dandelion seed / Cypsela is what a dandelion seed is called]

190 Aipom (M: Mano / F: Isandla)
[Mano is the Spanish and Italian word for hand / Isandla is the Zulu word for hand)

191 Sunkern (M: Inti / F: Himawari)
[Inti is the Incan god of the sun / Himawari is the Japanese word for sunflower]

192 Sunflora (M: Inti / F: Himawari)
[Inti is the Incan god of the sun / Himawari is the Japanese word for sunflower]

193 Yanma (M: Tonbo / F: Libel)
[Tonbo is the Japanese word for dragonfly / Libel is the Dutch word for dragonfly]

194 Wooper (M: Doro / F: Padder) Paldean (M: Ribcage / F: Costilla)
[Doro is the Japanese word for mud / Padder is the Danish word for amphibian]
[The rib cage is a series of bones in the chest that protect the heart and lungs / Costilla is the Spanish word for rib]

195 Quagsire (M: Doro / F: Padder)
[Doro is the Japanese word for mud / Padder is the Danish word for amphibian]

196 Espeon (M: Carbuncle / F: Ajna)
[Carbuncle is a creature from Chilean folklore described as a small animal with a jewel on its forehead / Ajna, or the third eye chakra, is the sixth chakra according to Hinduism]

197 Umbreon (M: Khonsu / F: Nephthys)
[Khonsu is the ancient Egyptian god of the moon / Nephthys is the ancient Egyptian goddess of mourning]

198 Murkrow (M: Eric / F: Shelly)
[Eric Draven is the protagonist of The Crow comic book series and the 1994 film / Shelly Webster was the fiancé of Eric Draven from The Crow comic book series and the 1994 film]

199 Slowking (M: Albert / F: Marie) Galarian (M: Cortex / F: Washu)
[Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist who was one of the greatest scientists of all time / Marie Curie was a chemist who did many experiments with radiation]
[Dr. Neo Cortex is a scientist and the main antagonist of the Crash Bandicoot franchise / Washu Hakubi is the greatest scientific genius in the universe in the Tenchi Muyo! franchise]

200 Misdreavus (M: Phantom / F: Banshee)
[Phantom is another word for ghost / A banshee is a female spirit in Irish folklore who's ear piercing scream signifies impending death]

201 Unown (A: Ay, B: Bee, C: Cee, D: Dee, E: Ee, F: Eff, G: Gee, H: Aych, I: Aye, J: Jay, K: Kay, L: El, M: Em, N: En, O: Oh, P: Pi, Q: Kyu, R: Arr, S: Es, T: Tee, U: You, V: Vee, W: Double U, X: Ex, Y: Why, Z: Zee, !: Point, ?: Mark)
[Each Unown is named after the letter or punctuation it resembles]

202 Wobbuffet (M: Everlast / F: Ringside)
[Everlast and Ringside are sporting good companies that make punching bags]

203 Girafarig (M: Geoffrey / F: Twiga)
[Geoffrey is the mascot for the Toys "R" Us toy company / Twiga is the Swahili word for giraffe]

204 Pineco (M: Turret / F: Kurumi)
[A gun turret is a mounting platform from which weapons can be fired such as guns or cannons / Kurumi is the Japanese word for walnut]

205 Forretress (M: Turret / F: Kurumi)
[A gun turret is a mounting platform from which weapons can be fired such as guns or cannons / Kurumi is the Japanese word for walnut]

206 Dunsparce (M: Kukulkan / F: Tsuchinoko)
[Kukulkan is the Mayan god of rain, wind, storms, and life / Tsuchinoko is a mythical creature from Japanese folklore that looks like a fat snake]

207 Gligar (M: Lexington / F: Amikiri)
[Lexington is a gargoyle and a character from the 1994 Disney animated series Gargoyles / Amikiri is a yokai from Japanese folklore that glides around and cuts nets with its claws]

208 Steelix (M: Auger / F: Motavia)
[An auger is a spiral shaped tool that's used to drill holes / Motavia is a desert planet from the video game Phantasy Star IV that's home to giant sand worms]

209 Snubbull (M: Spike / F: Victoria)
[Spike Bulldog is a character from the Tom & Jerry cartoon franchise / Queen Victoria was the queen of England from June 20, 1837 until her death on January 22, 1901]

210 Granbull (M: Spike / F: Victoria)
[Spike Bulldog is a character from the Tom & Jerry cartoon franchise / Queen Victoria was the queen of England from June 20, 1837 until her death on January 22, 1901]
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I'm trying to think up names for every Pokémon (with some exceptions) and let me tell you it's hard. I've been at it on and off for months now and I'm still in gen 2. I still have several hundred left to go but I like the progress I've made so far. I'm going to post the list piece by piece.

Number Name
001 Bulbasaur (M: Shallot / F: Dahlia)
[A shallot is a type of small onion / A dahlia is a colorful flower from Central and South America]

002 Ivysaur (M: Shallot / F: Dahlia)
[A shallot is a type of small onion / A dahlia is a colorful flower from Central and South America]

003 Venusaur (M: Shallot / F: Dahlia)
[A shallot is a type of small onion / A dahlia is a colorful flower from Central and South America]

004 Charmander (M: Smaug / F: Vesta)
[Smaug is a dragon and the antagonist of The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien / Vesta is the ancient Roman goddess of the hearth]

005 Charmeleon (M: Smaug / F: Vesta)
[Smaug is a dragon and the antagonist of The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien / Vesta is the ancient Roman goddess of the hearth]

006 Charizard (M: Smaug / F: Vesta)
[Smaug is a dragon and the antagonist of The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien / Vesta is the ancient Roman goddess of the hearth]

007 Squirtle (M: Gamera / F: Bubbles)
[Gamera is a turtle based kaiju from Toho's Godzilla film series / Bubbles are thin spheres of liquid enclosing air or another gas]

008 Wartortle (M: Gamera / F: Bubbles)
[Gamera is a turtle based kaiju from Toho's Godzilla film series / Bubbles are thin spheres of liquid enclosing air or another gas]

009 Blastoise (M: Gamera / F: Bubbles)
[Gamera is a turtle based kaiju from Toho's Godzilla film series / Bubbles are thin spheres of liquid enclosing air or another gas]

010 Caterpie (M: Philemon / F: Psyche)
[Philemon is a mentor figure in the first two games in the Persona series / Psyche is the ancient Greek goddess of the soul: Both are associated with butterflies]

011 Metapod (M: Philemon / F: Psyche)
[Philemon is a mentor figure in the first two games in the Persona series / Psyche is the ancient Greek goddess of the soul: Both are associated with butterflies]

012 Butterfree (M: Philemon / F: Psyche)
[Philemon is a mentor figure in the first two games in the Persona series / Psyche is the ancient Greek goddess of the soul: Both are associated with butterflies]

013 Weedle (M: Sting / F: Janet)
[Sting is the name of Bilbo's sword from The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien / Janet Van Dyne, a.k.a. The Wasp, is a superhero from Mqrvel Comics]

014 Kakuna (M: Sting / F: Janet)
[Sting is the name of Bilbo's sword from The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien / Janet Van Dyne, a.k.a. The Wasp, is a superhero from Mqrvel Comics]

015 Beedrill (M: Sting / F: Janet)
[Sting is the name of Bilbo's sword from The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien / Janet Van Dyne, a.k.a. The Wasp, is a superhero from Mqrvel Comics]

016 Pidgey (M: Orville / F: Amelia)
[Orville Wright was one of the Wright brothers who invented the airplane / Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean]

017 Pidgeotto (M: Orville / F: Amelia)
[Orville Wright was one of the Wright brothers who invented the airplane / Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean]

018 Pidgeot (M: Orville / F: Amelia)
[Orville Wright was one of the Wright brothers who invented the airplane / Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean]

019 Rattata (M: Templeton / F: Bianca) Alolan (M: Remy / F: Tanya)
[Templeton is a rat from Charlotte's Web by E. B. White / Bianca is a mouse from the 1977 Disney animated film The Rescuers]
[Remy is a rat from Disney and Pixar's Ratatouille / Tanya Mousekewitz is a mouse from the American Tail series of animated films]

020 Raticate (M: Templeton / F: Bianca) Alolan (M: Remy / F: Tanya)
[Templeton is a rat from Charlotte's Web by E. B. White / Bianca is a mouse from the 1977 Disney animated film The Rescuers]
[Remy is a rat from Disney and Pixar's Ratatouille / Tanya Mousekewitz is a mouse from the American Tail series of animated films]

021 Spearow (M: Wilbur / F: Shayera)
[Wilbur Wright was one of the Wright brothers who invented the airplane / Shayera Hol is the name of Hawkgirl from DC Comics]

022 Fearow (M: Wilbur / F: Shayera)
[Wilbur Wright was one of the Wright brothers who invented the airplane / Shayera Hol is the name of Hawkgirl from DC Comics]

023 Ekans (M: Jafar / F: Medusa)
[Jafar is the antagonist from the 1992 Disney animated film Aladdin / Medusa was one of the 3 gorgon sisters of Greek myth who had snakes for hair]

024 Arbok (M: Jafar / F: Medusa)
[Jafar is the antagonist from the 1992 Disney animated film Aladdin / Medusa was one of the 3 gorgon sisters of Greek myth who had snakes for hair]

025 Pikachu (M: Satoshi / F: Hanako)
[Satoshi is the name of the protagonist of the Pokemon anime in Japan / Hanako is the name of Satoshi's mother in Japan]

026 Raichu (M: Satoshi / F: Hanako) Alolan (M: Greendog / F: Namaka)
[Satoshi is the name of the protagonist of the Pokemon anime in Japan / Hanako is the name of Satoshi's mother in Japan]
[Greendog is a surfer dude from the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive game of the same name / Namaka is the Hawaiian goddess of the sea]

027 Sandshrew (M: Nguni / F: Oshun) Alolan (M: Snowball / F: Sonja)
[The Nguni people are a cultural group in southern Africa / Oshun is the Yoruba goddess of beauty and love]
[A snowball is a ball of packed snow made for throwing at other people for fun / Sonja is a popular name for girls in Slavic and Scandinavian countries which have cold climates]

028 Sandslash (M: Nguni / F: Oshun) Alolan (M: Snowball / F: Sonja)
[The Nguni people are a cultural group in southern Africa / Oshun is the Yoruba goddess of beauty and love]
[A snowball is a ball of packed snow made for throwing at other people for fun / Sonja is a popular name for girls in Slavic and Scandinavian countries which have cold climates]

029 Nidoran♀ (F: Gertrude)
[Gertude is the queen in Shakespeare's Hamlet who died by drinking poisoned wine meant for her son]

030 Nidorina (F: Gertrude)
[Gertude is the queen in Shakespeare's Hamlet who died by drinking poisoned wine meant for her son]

031 Nidoqueen (F: Gertrude)
[Gertude is the queen in Shakespeare's Hamlet who died by drinking poisoned wine meant for her son]

032 Nidoran♂ (M: Hamlet)
[Hamlet is the deceased king in Shakespeare's Hamlet who was poisoned by his brother and died, so his spirit tasked his son, also named Hamlet, with avenging his death]

033 Nidorino (M: Hamlet)
[Hamlet is the deceased king in Shakespeare's Hamlet who was poisoned by his brother and died, so his spirit tasked his son, also named Hamlet, with avenging his death]

034 Nidoking (M: Hamlet)
[Hamlet is the deceased king in Shakespeare's Hamlet who was poisoned by his brother and died, so his spirit tasked his son, also named Hamlet, with avenging his death]

035 Clefairy (M: Neil / F: Luna)
[Neil Armstrong was an astronaut and the first person to walk on the moon / Luna is the Spanish word for moon]

036 Clefable (M: Neil / F: Luna)
[Neil Armstrong was an astronaut and the first person to walk on the moon / Luna is the Spanish word for moon]

037 Vulpix (M: Kurama / F: Kuzunoha) Alolan (M: Tundra / F: Aurora)
[Kurama is one of the main characters from the anime Yu Yu Hakusho who is a fox demon / Kuzunoha is a well known fox yokai in Japanese folklore]
[A tundra is an area either in the arctic circle or on the tops of mountains with a cold and windy climate/ Auroras are lights in the sky near the poles caused by solar winds]

038 Ninetales (M: Kurama / F: Kuzunoha) Alolan (M: Tundra / F: Aurora)
[Kurama is one of the main characters from the anime Yu Yu Hakusho who is a fox demon / Kuzunoha is a well known fox yokai in Japanese folklore]
[A tundra is an area either in the arctic circle or on the tops of mountains with a cold and windy climate/ Auroras are lights in the sky near the poles caused by solar winds]

039 Jigglypuff (M: Freddie / F: Whitney)
[Freddie Mercury was a rock star who sang lead vocals for the band Queen / Whitney Houston was a famous singer and actress: Both are two of the greatest singers of all time]

040 Wigglytuff (M: Freddie / F: Whitney)
[Freddie Mercury was a rock star who sang lead vocals for the band Queen / Whitney Houston was a famous singer and actress: Both are two of the greatest singers of all time]

041 Zubat (M: Vlad / F: Carmilla)
[Vlad is often used as Dracula's first name since he himself is based on Prince Vlad III of Wallachia / Carmilla is a vampire and the antagonist of the novella of the same name]

042 Golbat (M: Vlad / F: Carmilla)
[Vlad is often used as Dracula's first name since he himself is based on Prince Vlad III of Wallachia / Carmilla is a vampire and the antagonist of the novella of the same name]
Ghastly - jinn , Cancer man
Hunter- zaikel (sounds right) , zelikel
Gengar - nami , lengar
Post automatically merged:

I think some of you are missing the point of this thread. It's not for making up names for OC Pokémon. It's for thinking up nicknames for existing Pokémon.
Ye fhats what i thought too , nicknames

Bru u gotto name crabby, mr crab
Foods, (non-obvious) colors, and plants/spices are usually good name sources.
I've often used themed names to go with each other. Like planets/celestial bodies, mythological figures, etc. It's the quickest and easiest option that I've found which ends up sounding good consistently.

Sometimes I've tried the ProJared "Just sort of make noises until you form a namish sounding word you like."

The ones that I care the most about, though? I usually put a lot more thought into, but no specific method.

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