Ever since I found out about the WonderSwan I've felt that it had great potential that it just didn't get the chance to live up to. If it got released internationally I would've given it a shot. It had some great Digimon games and I love Digimon. It also had some great ports of Final Fantasy 1, 2, and 4 (y no 3 tho?). It even had a few Super Robot Wars games in its library. It even had some really neat original titles like Rhyme Rider Kerican, DicingKnight., and Vaitz Blade. It even had a dev kit available, the Wonder Witch.
This little handheld had some great games and there were even special edition ones made. If this came out internationally wouldn't you have gotten one?
This little handheld had some great games and there were even special edition ones made. If this came out internationally wouldn't you have gotten one?