The most beautiful and sumptuous game you're playing (or you've played)

a knight is standing in front of a dragon in the snow .

It has to be Skyrim, it was my first dive in RPG games. From the visuals, to the story, the weapons, magic. Everything was beyond the expectations.
I'd have to actually sit down and think about what my all-time pick for the most beautiful game I've played would be.
Off the top of my head though the last game that really wowed me with its presentation was definitely No Rest for the Wicked, by Moon Studios.

It's a top-down Action RPG with Soulslike elements - still in early access and frankly that early access has been a bit of a mess so far, but man does it look fantastic.
GRIS followed closely by og Shadow of the Colossus and anything Vanillaware made.
TIL sumptuous is a word.
El Shaddai is a drop dead gorgeous game, i wish i could find a better screenshot that did the game's visuals justice but this will have to do.
I remember absolutely loving the landscapes in The Witcher 3.
Also, those sunsets in Breath of the Wild!
Legend of Mana was made as a beautiful painting but got adapted to a game. I have no proof of this but no doubts either.
ok to me just a Castlevania spin-off, but the 2d graphics in Beyond the Ice Palace II is pretty good


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