The coolest bosses you fought


Level 4
Dec 1, 2024
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There are some bosses in games that we just enjoy fighting!
  • They might be super strong in a good way ?️
  • They might be wacky and hilarious ?
  • They might be great due to a plot twist! ?️
  • Or for reasons beyond words! ?️‍♂️
Please note that i'm not including bosses that you love just because they are sexy! That would make the context of this thread too broad. If you are interested in them, you might want to check or create a dedicated thread. ::angel

So here's a list of some bosses that I found cool!
There are probably more, but these are the ones on the top of my mind right now.

Sunset Riders (md)
The Last Boss!

He was pretty nifty, strong, wacky, and cool!

Contra: Hard Corps (md)
Almost all the bosses in this game were pretty cool, but this one is my favorite!
Stage 5a - Mad Scientist
The idea of being used as a guinea pig for a mad scientist, and fighting the combined monsters that we fought before was pretty neat!
I can't help but want more of it! it was too short!

Dragon Warrior 4 (nes) (aka Dragon Quest 4)

The guy wiping the floor with heroes IN HIS SLEEP!?!
Now that's the kind of villain i like! Very cool!

Airzonk (pce)
The trio bosses in the last level!

The combination of great music, plot twist, and wackiness, makes this one of my favorites!
The fact that the two person in left and right are actually the other evolutions of Bonk, makes it quite an interesting confrontation!
It's as if Airzonk is fighting different versions of himself!
And also presence of last boss of Bonk, King Drool himself in center!

Ace Attorney Investigations Miles Edgeworth 2 (nds)
Mr Doe (aka Shelly de killer)

The way he keeps being calm and collected under any circumstance is impressive!
His face never reveals anything against his will. Quite a character!

Warning Warning!!!
Make sure to use SPOILER tags if you are going to reveal anything important about game plot!
Failing to do so might result in the Whole thread being Banned!!!
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I'd say
Nineball Seraph
in Armored Core Master of Arena. Bonus points for its second appearance in 2 AA actually being harder than the original, or at least it feels like it is.
beat this annoying guy yesterday, he was only the first boss.
gave me arthritis but his defeat was satisfactory

(not my gameplay)
the torizo from am2r is one of the first ones that come to mind for me, it took me so many attempts but it was super satisfying when i finally beat it
The first boss of Devil May Cry: Phantom

He's the noob killer: if you've been half assing it to this point you shall not pass

Its the biggest ememy youve seen so far and fight him in a cramped space, he's near invulnerable to guns, if you run away he has many fast ranged attacks that do just as much damage as the melee ones
You must learn the game movent system, how to dodge, how each attack you do needs to be times

You can even do fancy stuff just for the fun of it like reflecting his attack back at him or make him swallow his own fireballs

He also serves to show dante's power, as Dante is completely unphased by him and mocks him
He says he 'sensed something bigger' when meeting Dante, hinting at how much stronger he is than a human or a demon
By the his second fight you'll kill him with ease when he seemed impossible before

Now the player will feel as confident as Dante as he bids this overgrown pest "Sweet Dreams"


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Fatalis, every Monster Hunter have bosses with unique abilities, but Fatalis (despite having none of those unique abilities) still stands tall as the one of the strongest, and the coolest monster to fight against

It's a bit frustrating to fight against him but I enjoy every second

(Forgot to mentioned it was in Iceborne, it's one of my favorite)
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Giegue in Mother 1 for sheer amount of dem feels
In terms of Mechanics all the Divine Beast on BOTW, they are escencially Sonic Froniters giants before Sonic Frontiers

However of the most recent i played there must be

Both Omega Flowey and Pacifist Ceroba
Ceroba looks like the tipical no-nonsense character in the Underground, however as you learn about her husband and daughter and her reasons to do what she does, not to mention she will pull no punches as the battle proceeds, in Pacifist i died a total of NEVER, then she put her daughter's mask, after that the ending fell great in a ... I actually lied down in bed resisting the tears after finishing sense
Regarding Omega Flowey... oh boy
If you though Omega Flowey in Undertale was creepy, this one looks like a Creepypasta come to life, the "Base" Flowey looks freaky enough, but the art shifts in the extra phases will make you feel Uncanny Valley, the part where you escape him is far more tense than neccesary in a good way, oh, and rather than "Beating him" he literally tires of you and send you to get the Pacifist ending
*Chef Kiss* Me atrapaste, es cine (You got me there, is cinema)
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So many great bosses, and i have never seen any of them! ?

I can only remember this one
Its just the final boss' gimmick, the other battles are more "normal"
Cool nonetheless!
Oh! that actually made me remember another cool boss!

The Adventures of Batman & Robin (md)
Actually all bosses in this game are pretty cool!
But this one is my favorite! The ToyMan! (or whatever his name is!)
Note that this is a video of all the bosses!
(Starts from 12:55)
That final boss of Dragon Warrior IV brings memories.
The final boss of Star Ocean 2 on the psx, easy enough to defeat, but if you do a certain sidequest he takes his "limiter" off, and wipes the floor with you.
Also Tales of phantasia psx, Daos was normal on SNES, but on psx he took some serious steroids, and after a few tries of him basically kicking my behind i gave up.
The damn roach on E.V.O. search for eden, it certainly lived up to the expectation of endurance from cockroaches :)
There are many cool bosses but i can't seem to remember much from my childhood days.
I already mentioned it in a similar thread, but
in Mega Man ZX.
Sigma in Mega Man X5 easily his most hardest form in the entire X saga and then that ending happens and I was like aaaaah! ?
Another one is Caius Ballad in FF XIII-2 his final boss battle has like 6 forms and you have to kill them all in one try, it's a long battle but my young me was very happy when I kill him after farming a lot. And of course every boss battle that has a rival with your same abilities and improves with you in certain parts of the game for example Vergil in DMC 3 or Zagi in Tales of Vesperia.
If I had all the bosses from Falcom games in front of me and, with closed eyes, picked one it will probably be a cool one.
I'll just put this one because I remember, very clear, how fun it was.
From Ys 8 Lacrimosa of Dana, opcional boss.
cute isn't? The boss has plot twist, maybe 2, one being that the boss is not what it looks like. Extremely fun fight in harder difficulties.
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Oh, this is a fun question!

To start, Mr. Freeze in Arkham City was the high point of that series to me.

The Wedding Cake! It's just so weird, or is it the dark personification of marriage apprehension!?

This bald bitch.

Luca Blight! Everything about taking this monster down is the most exciting part of Suikoden II.

Guildenstern! Less for the fight and more for the transition scene, "Get thee gone, Darkness!!'

Gonna resist the urge to post another fifty I'm thinking about now, who doesn't love boss fights?
- The fifth and seventh bosses from Shadow of the Colossus
Every boss battle is amazing but those two left the biggest impression on me.

- Vergil's
boss battle from Devil May Cry 3
It's the first thing you see on the first cutscene, and it really pays off when you get to that point. The fight is amazing and it's one of the best examples of an enemy character being as cool as the main character.

- Meta Knight from Kirby Super Star
This one is very nostalgic to me and I still think it's amazing.
And also, after beating Meta Knight, you have to escape the exploding ship as fast as possible, but it turns out that Meta Knight grows wings out of nowhere and starts chasing you as well... It's amazing.

- The End from Metal Gear Solid 3
This one on hard difficulty is great. It feels very methodical, trying to outsmart a legendary sniper without being detected or making a mistake.

- Reiuji Utsuho from Touhou 11
The journey that started because there was a weird geyser or something, ends with you fighting an enemy that throws miniature suns at you, in the depths of what used to be hell.

- Star Dream from Kirby Planet Robobot
The title theme was actually the final boss theme. And there is a very cool detail about that fight, related to another Kirby game. And you are fighting a super-computer in space.

I also wanted to mention that the music always helps a lot. Sometimes a boss fight is amazing because of the music.
If I had all the bosses from Falcom games in front of me and, with closed eyes, pick one I'll probably pick a cool one.
I'll just put this one because I remember, very clear, how fun it was.
From Ys 8 Lacrimosa of Dana, opcional boss.
cute isn't? The boss has plot twist, maybe 2, one being that the boss is not what it looks like. Extremely fun fight in harder difficulties.
yeah you basically said what i wouldve.. i love the Ys bosses, in particular from Ark of Napishtem, Origins, and Lacrimosa of Dana...

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