Talking Point #6: Romhacks Galore!


Good evening, we continue Ramadan with another reminiscing article. Today I’d like to highlight a few romhacks I really like, so this volume 1 will be a solo piece that I may potentially follow-up on. Can’t display all my cards right away. Today we will highlight a few hacks with unique history while explaining what makes each one distinct. We’ll focus on variety. Now onto the list!

Mega Man World 1-5 all colorized!​

Wait, this is old news! Except it isn’t, because for the first time, the entire World series is finally in color! Indeed, each DX game is worth a look, now moreso than ever! The World series does initially appear to be somewhat adaptive of the classic NES games, but you’ll soon realize it’s more of a remix with tons of original content, especially the fifth game which is choke full of new robot masters exclusive to that game! If you loved the NES hexalogy, you owe it to yourself to give these a shot, especially now that they have improved performance!

Roll-Chan ready to roll-out!​



What appears as a simple reskin has more than meets the eye. A further look into this reveals a larger passion project than what one might initially. Now, who doesn’t love Roll? A Roll game is long overdue, and this certainly fills that niche, however while we all love Roll-chan, it appears as if not all of us agree which outfit is superior! But no matter how you feel about 8-Roll or 11-Roll, it won’t matter. Because you’re not gonna be making any choices here, as all six NES classics have three separate versions each! One for all three of her iconic wardrobes, so you’re not in a bind! And on top of reworked cutscenes and title screen, all five, yes, all five Mega Man World games have been redone as well, giving us a Roll-a-mania for all roll-maniacs to run wild! (That’s a reference only three of you will get!).

Everything is Crystal, plus a Pokémon rant that will please nobody​


This final entry is a really interesting one to close out for two reasons, the first being that it’s an incredibly extensive romhack that could almost qualify as a fangame with just how many changes, so much so that my amateur arse could not even imagine doing it justice, it didn’t help that I was becoming rather rusty with my Pokémon knowledge, but there’s so many little tweaks that I started to wonder if someone out there went out of there to document all of it. I was getting really into it, but it turns out it been actually documented, very thoroughly might I add and by none other than the creator himself!

Remember everyone, never do anything yourself, because someone out there has probably already done it and way better than you could. But you seriously owe it to yourself to give the linked piece a view, could not recommend it highly. Now as for my second reason I alluded to earlier… there’s no hiding it here. I’m the worst Pokémon fan you’ll ever meet, no competition. We’ve had our laughs, but cards on the table, none of my tales are guaranteed to please anyone, which is fairly on-brand for me already, so we’re off to a great start!

To begin somewhat elaborating, my two favorite gens are 1 and 2. Heresy, I’m well aware. Nostalgia gaming, thy name is ruin. You might think that’s not so bad, but oh boy, it gets worse. Since I don’t really like any gens after 2. You may be still (naively) thinking that’s somewhat normal, nostalgia is quite common, the IP’s identity practically uses it as life-support, but here’s the final nail in the coffin; I never grew up with Pokémon. Never had a Gameboy, never emulated them, waited till my something 20s binged all the gens I reasonably could before my sanity gave out and arrived at the same conclusion I have here. Which is likely gonna rile up someone out there, but it’s not fair to expect these opinion pieces to not at least be somewhat maddening.

So uhh, yeah. That leads us to where we are now. To go into a bit more about my history as a gen-1-2 enjoyer, I’m as obsessive as they come. Not only would replaying Red/Blue 20-times a day be a normal Wednesday for me, but I can likely write you an entire Bible about the differences between R/B and Yellow alone, I do not kid around here. I’m so obsessive about RBY and GSC that it’s borderline friendship ruining, literally! I’ve ended and slaughtered countless conversations about things like ACE and Brock Thru Walls, and if both those two things sounded like utter gibberish to you just now, then you should be a hundred feet away from me bare-minimum from me during any verbal exchange about Gen 1. I radiate such lethal gen-1 obsessive fan energy, nuclear workers would look at me and blush.

Ahh… what were we talking about again?

Oh yeah, Crystal Legacy is cool, go play it!

That’s all we got, if you’ve any great hacks to sure, please do so in the comments down under, cheers!
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Ah romhacks, so many great ones. I used to try the Metroid Zero Mission hack called Metroid Desolation, one of the best romhacks I've seen

And then there's the recolor hacks, especially one for the GBA games. Like what it says, it changes color while also adding so much more, giving that definitive look. Castlevania Aria of Sorrow for example
Ah romhacks, so many great ones. I used to try the Metroid Zero Mission hack called Metroid Desolation, one of the best romhacks I've seen
View attachment 38636

And then there's the recolor hacks, especially one for the GBA games. Like what it says, it changes color while also adding so much more, giving that definitive look. Castlevania Aria of Sorrow for example
View attachment 38639
Cool 😎
Yeah I think recolors have their place too, despite loving the aesthetics, the GBAvania’s thanos purpleness always bugged me a bit so this is greatly appreciated, cool shout!
Romhack of this Ramadan Month is definitely Super Fire Pro Wrestling Special Story Translation by Boogal which just recently got a thread here. It was awaited for oh so long by the fandom and the one of the reason why most got into Suda51's games in the first place.
I love romhacks!!! i am really into randomizers and other silly non sense that change gameplay but is close to vanilla. But i also appreciate brand new stories and gameplay options

As the resident Fire emblem girl i personally recommend the GBA romhack community, some of their hacks are in the repo too. Like for example Void Blitzarres adventure or Project Ember :3. As for one of the funniest hacks i played last year i also recommend oops all archers fire emblem 8 hack :3
I love romhacks!!! i am really into randomizers and other silly non sense that change gameplay but is close to vanilla. But i also appreciate brand new stories and gameplay options

As the resident Fire emblem girl i personally recommend the GBA romhack community, some of their hacks are in the repo too. Like for example Void Blitzarres adventure or Project Ember :3. As for one of the funniest hacks i played last year i also recommend oops all archers fire emblem 8 hack :3
That's true! The GBA have a lot of great romhacks, so many dedicated romhacker
Great article. The Roll-Chan games and the colored Mega Man World series are great. There are a lot more terrific rom hacks not only the Gameboy Color remixes, but also a few NES and SNES games such as.

-Super Mario 3 Mix
-Extra Mario
-Mario Adventure
-Super Mario Bros. Special (remake of PC-88 game
-Castlevania II re-Translation +map
-Star Fox EX
My favorite romhacks are Megaman Reloaded and Rockman Gaiden. Gaiden has some jank that i still don't know if its on purpose or the hack is bugged but it doesn't matter, the music and the level design are engaging.

Ah romhacks, so many great ones. I used to try the Metroid Zero Mission hack called Metroid Desolation, one of the best romhacks I've seen
View attachment 38636
Desolation is so good man but i can't help but feel that it's one of those "where do i go now" games. I had to download a map to advance and even then i struggled to get the next item. Skill issue? Maybe. Recommended? Absolutely.

There is also Metroid Subversion and Super Metroid Escape II. Very good hacks, although Escape II has a boss rush at the end that makes me want to rip my hair out.

Super Duper Metroid is just alright. Can't see what's so insanely good about it.
My favorite romhacks are Megaman Reloaded and Rockman Gaiden. Gaiden has some jank that i still don't know if its on purpose or the hack is bugged but it doesn't matter, the music and the level design are engaging.

Desolation is so good man but i can't help but feel that it's one of those "where do i go now" games. I had to download a map to advance and even then i struggled to get the next item. Skill issue? Maybe. Recommended? Absolutely.

There is also Metroid Subversion and Super Metroid Escape II. Very good hacks, although Escape II has a boss rush at the end that makes me want to rip my hair out.

Super Duper Metroid is just alright. Can't see what's so insanely good about it.
That's my experience with almost every Metroid lmao. Scrolls 6 especially, I still haven't finished that one. Would love to try the others though

I really like MaternalBound Redux and Paper Mario Thousand-Year Door+ and I consider them the definitive versions of these games (I unfortunately don't have a Nintendo Switch so I can't comment on the TTYD remake). These romhacks restore the original Japanese versions of these two games by removing censorship that was done in the American releases, such as Vivian originally being a trans woman (although the Switch remake also did this). and in general I really like how Maternalbound Redux adds a run button.

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