The current state of emulation has never been better. PCSX2 1.7 was a gift from the heavens, DuckStation was a welcome surprise, the Steam Deck is a retro beast, emulators on mobile are better than ever and even PS4 emulation is making healthy progress in recent times. What more could one ask? Well, maybe a few things.
For starters, perhaps a less-hardware demanding PS3 emulation would be a good start. Although do keep in mind it’s been well-documented how tricky that would be, so keep your expectations leveled. For now, seeing progress with ShadPS4 would be something to look forward to.
Alright, thank you for reading the article. If you’ve got something to add, leave a comment below. Hasta luego!
Nah nah, I’m just kidding
Obviously, this is not where the article ends, as there’s still a lot to go over. While the near future of PS3 and PS4 emulation is unknown, both in terms of compatibility and performance, it has made a ton of healthy progress as 2D games seem to run decently with 3D games being on the way.
While it would be nice to play the obvious big hitters, there is merit in highlighting a sleeper hit no one seems to be aware is also stuck on the Sony PlayStation 4! Don’t worry, it’s not the silly Ratchet & Clank 2016 movie tie-in. Rather, we’re talking about none other than the elusive Sakura Wars, a game that’s been stuck on the console through no fault of its own.
You see, Sakura Wars 6 was released in the unfortunate year of 2019. Why was it so unfortunate? Why, none other than the face it was crunched right between Sega being comfortable releasing their lesser popular games exclusively for the PS4 but right before Sega had magically developed the foresight to port most of their games to PC! For this reason, Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise (released in 2018) is also caged on that system!
“Wow, you love InFamous” Gee, wonder what gave that away…
So I really really really really really like the InFamous dualogy, and have been head over heels for it for the past, gee, I dunno, almost two decades? It’s a tough love (to hide), and as an avid Steam Deck user, what I would give for a more Steam Deck friendly RPCS3 experience…
But it’s ok, I’m not sad about it or anything, what gave you that idea? Not like I think about it 30 times per month, okay it’s actually per day, but who’s counting?
Wait, so was this just an excuse to gush about InFamous?
Alright, did we fill up enough word-count? Good. Here’s what the article is actually about.
What? No way! Alright, I’ll come forward. I just reeeally wanna play InFamous 1&2 on my Steam Deck, surely that’s not a crime! If it’s wrong to love InFamous so much, then I don’t wish to be right!
But what do you think? Are there any games that you wish you could emulate, but was never able to? Possibly something under the radar too? Please let us know in the comments below!
Oh and…
RPCS3 devs! Please have InFamous run flawlessly on my Steam Deck and my life is yours!
RPCS3 devs! Please have InFamous run flawlessly on my Steam Deck and my life is yours!
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