Talking Point #3: What Have You Played in 2025 So Far? January Edition!


With the first month of the year behind us, now is a great time to look back on what we’ve done in the year so far. With video games, of course! There’s no promises this’ll be done every month, as I’m unfortunately not made of free time (this is a blatant lie).

To avoid potential redundancy, we’ll try to minimize games already brought up in previous articles and to keep things a little zesty, we’ll mention a few non-gaming related stuff too! After all, not all of us are folks who waste 16 hours a day on a video game, some of us waste those hours on other stuff too! Without further ado, let’s get this thing on.

Valkyria Revolution, The Game That Nearly Broke me​

You might notice in the next few months an obscene lack of rpgs in my playtime. Luckily, you’ll have no one to thank but ValkRevo! Bravo, VR, for not only being the second thing with that acronym that I can’t stand, but also being responsible for my temporary disdain for the JRPG genre that comes to haunt me every few months that I’m sure will go away in a few months again… aaany minute now!

I’ve already went into great detail with my good weon @Cu-Neo about why I can’t stand it! I’ve vented about it in my other weon’s DMs, @Cheela . (Gee, I sure am a magnet for Chileans, perhaps it’s my magnetic personality and accent). I can’t stand it!

“Then just sit”
- one of the readers, probably

Good idea!

To briefly go over what made this game so insufferable, some games have bad ideas executed well, some have good ideas executed poorly, ValkRevo is a bad idea executed very badly. Riddle me this, why on God’s green earth would you be so kind as to turn a well-known TRPG series into a shallow Dynasty Warriors clone?

Oh, and how cute, they even added a cool-down to give you the illusion of your actions having weight. Despite the fact that once your morale meter is fully blue, the cool-down mechanic is completely tossed out of the window! So you mean to tell me you’re giving me mechanics that are both shallow and pointless?! Why, that’s almost like an early Christmas gift of kusoge! Oh, forgot the story summary…

Story? What story?
Animated GIF

Mafia 2: Definitive Edition​

In preparation for the Old Country, I felt I owed it to myself to give the mafia trilogy one more spin before the new big game comes out. While the series has had its downs, especially if you remember the dreadful launch of the third game as well as Mafia 2’s PC port reportedly being somewhat buggy (as it is the curse of PC ports of 7th gen hardware sandbox games).

But all is well in the world right now. A new Mafia is cause for celebration, so I’m mentally prepping myself for the Old Country to come out. It’s worth noting Mafia II is a fantastic classic in its own right, not only being a great homage to classic movies ALA its 2K sandbox big brother, but is also a nice historic piece, spanning across multiple periods, starting at the crux of WWII and then moving forward from there.

The Sindacco Chronicles, a Fantastic Mod and Fan-game​

Now this author has been greatly displeased in their inability to run GTA: Vice City Next-gen Edition on their Steam Deck, another phenomenal mod in its own right, but the Sindacco Chronicles is here to dull the pain somewhat. It’s a great fangame, dare I say somewhat under appreciated! It made a bit of buzz upon its release but the fanfare seems to have gone somewhat quiet so I’m here to tell you should still give this a fair shake-shake.

I’ve outlined before how the GTA is my personal favorite media franchise of all time, so what does the Crime Drama Gaming Aficionado (trademark) themself think about this? Personally, I’m not only incredibly happy to find an excuse to drive around Liberty City for the 50th time, but to also do it with new radio music too!

Non-gaming section: Prison Break, House and Monday Night Raw​


Eww, what is this? You can’t control the characters and the graphics are too realistic! Refund, please! Naturally, it’s expected some of us would do stuff besides video games (which is obviously still more important than Air), so here’s a few things this author did in the meantime.

Prison Break

No, I didn’t break out of prison. None of them would be able to contain me anyways. Any guard would immediately die at the sight of my gaming rambles. In any case, Prison Break is a groundbreaking masterpiece in tv storytelling. There’s not much I can expand upon here, as it’s already a show with an endless amount of accolades, so it’s not underrated or anything of the sort. Rather, I’m just here to gush about one of my all time favorites, alongside The Mentalist, Psych and House. I’m much more of a tv junkie than I let on, and it’s only natural my favorite stuff are all crime related.


Now speak of the devil! House MD is must-watch TV in my book. A seamless blend of Crime and Hospital dramas is a sure fireway to win the 40-year old heart of this almost 26 year old writer! (Wait, my birthday is in two months?!). I believe House offers something unique. There’s many great detective shows out there, but House stands out for brilliantly incorporating its Medical Drama elements.


Dashing Cody Rhodes!
Yes, because it’s on Netflix. Bite me. But this was definitely a great way to regain my interest. Wrestling comes here on a network called Shahid, but Netflix is available on my Xbox so there’s an easy victory there. I was really pleased with most of the winners. Jey Uso deserved it for sure, especially since Cena can take a few losses. Cody also gave us this iconic shot!

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As everybody already knows, I've been busy playing Mighty No. 9. It's... bad, to put it mildly. I'll need to play an actually good game after this one.

Also, happy to see you back, Yousef!
Congrats on survivin- err, finishing MN9!
Me when Amleth Grønkjær speaks:

This month after suffering with the final boss of Ninja Gaiden 3 RE, I've been configuring the Vita but now probably I will be focused in playing P4: Golden, Neptunia rebirth and Tales of Innocence R, (still have ValkRevo installed). Is great to read something of you again ?.
Also speaking of House DM the DS game is awesome
Me when Amleth Grønkjær speaks:
View attachment 22381
That’s his fucking name?!?
This month after suffering with the final boss of Ninja Gaiden 3 RE, I've been configuring the Vita but now probably I will be focused in playing P4: Golden, Neptunia rebirth and Tales of Innocence R, (still have ValkRevo installed). Is great to read something of you again ?.

Also speaking of House DM the DS game is awesome
View attachment 22382
Welcome my mannnnnn, good to see you back! I haven't played a lot or haven't played anything new (Retro and modern) in the new month honestly, other than revisiting the old classics

But I like your list of games and non-gaming stuff. Also, I DIDN'T KNOW YOU'VE WATCHED PRISON BREAK! That's cool. Sindacco Chronicles is definitely under the radar for quite sometime especially when it isn't a "next gen" mod for the "next gen" GTA, but it's a fan made, so of course it's gonna be great even without the next ge- y'know what I mean?

Anyway, great article! Even though I have nothing much to say, what matters is that you're doing well. I love you, and welcome back!
So far I beat:

- Reventure: A "choose your own adventure" type of game. It's a side scroller where the objective is discover the 100 endings. Each ending requires interacting with something with a specific item. You can also get endings by carrying too many items, for standing still at the beginning, for killing the king... Although you have to backtrack a lot (it's the deal with the game), it's very funny (especially in Spanish).
- DuckTales Remastered: I have a lot of respect for this game because it's from the NES but doesn't suck. The remaster adds new difficulty levels that make the experience easier while also keeping the original one. It's fine, on Normal it's a bit boring.
- Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake: It's peam. Dragon Quest III but on modern times; you can disable the QoL features if you want a more OG experience. Great for beginners because it has multiple levels of difficulty, but I found it easier to cheese (there's a helmet for sages that allows you cast two spells at once. Combine that with the Monster Master skill that allows you cast anything twice in a row and you can deal 1000 damage cast to any boss). If you have played some Dragon Quest games before, I recommend at least trying out the SNES remake.
- Shadow Generations: in the past I played Sonic Generations and found it boring. Shadow Generations, on the other hand, is badass. There's not a single level that's bad, everything works, the cutscenes are cool, Shadow is very well written and it's not too long. Probably the best Sonic game.
- Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana: it's a remaster of Ys: The Oath in Felghana. That game is pretty good on its own, and this version adds new features and even some QoL ones. Not worth it if you've played the original one, though. This one I played it on the hardest difficulty and I found that the bosses were not as fun like in other difficulties. The final boss in particular got me tweaking.
- The Chrono Jotter: a short, linear visual novel. It's a murder mystery with lesbians (althought it's more like lesbians with murder mysteries because the killings are pretty basic). The final chapter concludes everything well, I wasn't sure how they'd make everything make sense (albeit it's very fantastic). Recommended if you like women.
- Princess Remedy in a World of Hurt: it costs 0 euros and lasts less than an hour. It's fun and funny but there's not much to talk about.

Currently playing:
- Halo 3: ODST: the same boring story as usual but with a gameplay that feels like COD. Also the ruins of New Mumbasa are so dark that I can't see where I have to go. I prefer base 3 tbh. At least the atmosphere is cool.
- Dragon Quest Builders: it's FINE but everytime I boot it up I can't help but think "I wish I was playing Dragon Quest Builders 2 righ tnow) because it's less fun than that one. At times it's annoying which is something I don't want to say about a Dragon Quest. At least the protag's design is much better than the second one.
- Cosmic Star Heroine: abysmal writing and abysmal story; unique gameplay that's well executed. A friend of mine says that it's Chrono Trigger but better, which makes me thin he's tripping.
- Lost Ruins: theoretically it's a metroidvania, but only on the surface. It has survival elements (clunky combat, there are plenty of traps that can kill, status effects) but it's so easy to cheese that it's kind of whatever. At least it's short and visually it's very cute.

Currently watching:
-Trigun: IT'S SO BADASS MAN EVERY CHAPTER IS 10/10, pretty much Cowboy Bebop 2. Love Milly and Vash.
-Kinnikuman: Perfect Origin Arc: I love Kinnikuman and the anime is a treat. It made me realize the reason it's so good it's because side characters are allowed to shine. For example: a villain will get introduced in a previous arc and gets defeated; he comes back and faces another villain and it's the best fight in the series. Only Kinnikuman!
I heard a lot of good stuff about Stellar Blade so that's the only game I finished in 2025 so far.
Then I discovered the Sengoku Basara series. I'm currently playing Sengoku Basara 2 Heroes and Sengoku Basara 4 Sumeragi, and I'm having a BLAST!!! Cant read Japanese tho::disagree

Btw Mafia 2 is my fav in the series, so good!

But these will be overshadowed after Monster Hunter Wilds come out.
Only starting to play CyberPunk 2077 this past week.. kinda impressed but a bit let down by it so far... I ended up always look at map and tag a mission, fast travel near it and finishing that mission. Rinse and repeat but when the map is 'empty' and I have to wait for the main quest to activate, I don't know what to do.. exploring the city makes me realized how empty the world is despite impressive it looked and how it is packed with NPCs...
I've been playing Kurohyou 2. Been loving it so far. They added Sotenbori from Y5 which makes it superior to KIWAMI 2 lol. Combat is so much fun for me that I don't even mind grinding street battles to unlock more moves and styles.
Y'all missing out on these PSP games, kyodai.
Also akiyama's here?


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I've been playing Kurohyou 2. Been loving it so far. They added Sotenbori from Y5 which makes it superior to KIWAMI 2 lol. Combat is so much fun for me that I don't even mind grinding street battles to unlock more moves and styles.
Y'all missing out on these PSP games, kyodai.
Also akiyama's here?
The psp games were classics! Still revisit them from time to time!
I just finished up the Spyro: Reignited Trilogy. I'm surprised I missed out on the OGs; I loved mascot platformers when I was a kid—still do actually ?

I'm going to play either Katana Zero or Bioshock 2 next. Despite being a longtime fan of the Bioshock series, I somehow never played the second one.

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