With the first month of the year behind us, now is a great time to look back on what we’ve done in the year so far. With video games, of course! There’s no promises this’ll be done every month, as I’m unfortunately not made of free time (this is a blatant lie).
To avoid potential redundancy, we’ll try to minimize games already brought up in previous articles and to keep things a little zesty, we’ll mention a few non-gaming related stuff too! After all, not all of us are folks who waste 16 hours a day on a video game, some of us waste those hours on other stuff too! Without further ado, let’s get this thing on.
Valkyria Revolution, The Game That Nearly Broke me
You might notice in the next few months an obscene lack of rpgs in my playtime. Luckily, you’ll have no one to thank but ValkRevo! Bravo, VR, for not only being the second thing with that acronym that I can’t stand, but also being responsible for my temporary disdain for the JRPG genre that comes to haunt me every few months that I’m sure will go away in a few months again… aaany minute now!
I’ve already went into great detail with my good weon @Cu-Neo about why I can’t stand it! I’ve vented about it in my other weon’s DMs, @Cheela . (Gee, I sure am a magnet for Chileans, perhaps it’s my magnetic personality and accent). I can’t stand it!
“Then just sit”
- one of the readers, probably
Good idea!
To briefly go over what made this game so insufferable, some games have bad ideas executed well, some have good ideas executed poorly, ValkRevo is a bad idea executed very badly. Riddle me this, why on God’s green earth would you be so kind as to turn a well-known TRPG series into a shallow Dynasty Warriors clone?
Oh, and how cute, they even added a cool-down to give you the illusion of your actions having weight. Despite the fact that once your morale meter is fully blue, the cool-down mechanic is completely tossed out of the window! So you mean to tell me you’re giving me mechanics that are both shallow and pointless?! Why, that’s almost like an early Christmas gift of kusoge! Oh, forgot the story summary…
Story? What story?

Mafia 2: Definitive Edition
In preparation for the Old Country, I felt I owed it to myself to give the mafia trilogy one more spin before the new big game comes out. While the series has had its downs, especially if you remember the dreadful launch of the third game as well as Mafia 2’s PC port reportedly being somewhat buggy (as it is the curse of PC ports of 7th gen hardware sandbox games).
But all is well in the world right now. A new Mafia is cause for celebration, so I’m mentally prepping myself for the Old Country to come out. It’s worth noting Mafia II is a fantastic classic in its own right, not only being a great homage to classic movies ALA its 2K sandbox big brother, but is also a nice historic piece, spanning across multiple periods, starting at the crux of WWII and then moving forward from there.
The Sindacco Chronicles, a Fantastic Mod and Fan-game
Now this author has been greatly displeased in their inability to run GTA: Vice City Next-gen Edition on their Steam Deck, another phenomenal mod in its own right, but the Sindacco Chronicles is here to dull the pain somewhat. It’s a great fangame, dare I say somewhat under appreciated! It made a bit of buzz upon its release but the fanfare seems to have gone somewhat quiet so I’m here to tell you should still give this a fair shake-shake.
I’ve outlined before how the GTA is my personal favorite media franchise of all time, so what does the Crime Drama Gaming Aficionado (trademark) themself think about this? Personally, I’m not only incredibly happy to find an excuse to drive around Liberty City for the 50th time, but to also do it with new radio music too!
Non-gaming section: Prison Break, House and Monday Night Raw
Eww, what is this? You can’t control the characters and the graphics are too realistic! Refund, please! Naturally, it’s expected some of us would do stuff besides video games (which is obviously still more important than Air), so here’s a few things this author did in the meantime.
No, I didn’t break out of prison. None of them would be able to contain me anyways. Any guard would immediately die at the sight of my gaming rambles. In any case, Prison Break is a groundbreaking masterpiece in tv storytelling. There’s not much I can expand upon here, as it’s already a show with an endless amount of accolades, so it’s not underrated or anything of the sort. Rather, I’m just here to gush about one of my all time favorites, alongside The Mentalist, Psych and House. I’m much more of a tv junkie than I let on, and it’s only natural my favorite stuff are all crime related.
Now speak of the devil! House MD is must-watch TV in my book. A seamless blend of Crime and Hospital dramas is a sure fireway to win the 40-year old heart of this almost 26 year old writer! (Wait, my birthday is in two months?!). I believe House offers something unique. There’s many great detective shows out there, but House stands out for brilliantly incorporating its Medical Drama elements.
Yes, because it’s on Netflix. Bite me. But this was definitely a great way to regain my interest. Wrestling comes here on a network called Shahid, but Netflix is available on my Xbox so there’s an easy victory there. I was really pleased with most of the winners. Jey Uso deserved it for sure, especially since Cena can take a few losses. Cody also gave us this iconic shot!
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