Speedruns - Watching and Playing


New Challenger
Dec 29, 2024
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I hope everyone's having a nice day! I didn't see any threads regarding speedrunning so I thought to start one! (Maybe there are and I missed them, in that case I'm sorry 😅).

Mainly, I'm wondering what games do you all usually like to either watch being speedrunned or which ones you speedrun yourself? I think it's an interesting part of the hobby and some of them can be really enjoyable to watch. Also let's discuss anything about them that you find interesting :)

Myself, I usually really enjoy any kind of platformer and point-and-click game speedruns. One of my faves is probably Sonic Adventure 2 and any classic Sonic. Someday I'll maybe try to speedrun SA2, maaaaaybe when I have the time for that commitment haha
I can’t mentally comprehend how certain ultra-fast speedruns work, like when someone does a full SNES game in less than a second. How do you get to the end of a game immediately from the start just by inputting a controller command really quickly? What is actually going on in the software to make that happen?
I can’t mentally comprehend how certain ultra-fast speedruns work, like when someone does a full SNES game in less than a second. How do you get to the end of a game immediately from the start just by inputting a controller command really quickly? What is actually going on in the software to make that happen?
I think cases like that have to deal with Arbitrary Code Execution. At least some of them.

If I'm not mistaken, it basically means glitching things to the point you can input your own parts of code into the RAM so the console runs those instead.
I don't like speedruns in general, but I kinda watched the Tactics Ogre speedrun by CoffeePotato (search YT or Twitch) simply because he's good and Tactics Ogre is my favorite Tactics RPG. It was really cool
I can’t mentally comprehend how certain ultra-fast speedruns work, like when someone does a full SNES game in less than a second. How do you get to the end of a game immediately from the start just by inputting a controller command really quickly? What is actually going on in the software to make that happen?
Same, this is part of the reasons why I don't watch speedrun. Although, long speedrun seems okay now that I watched one Tactics Ogre speedrun

Also, Gorse, I stole your title for real and baked it 😈
I can’t mentally comprehend how certain ultra-fast speedruns work, like when someone does a full SNES game in less than a second. How do you get to the end of a game immediately from the start just by inputting a controller command really quickly? What is actually going on in the software to make that happen?
Have you seen the 2013 SGDQ sonic run?
I like exploring slowly and 100% games more than speedruns, but I love watching and using shortcuts and tricks used by speedrunners, I kinda not watch traditional walkthroughs anymore, it's either a let's play of someone new dying 100500 times to a boss, or a speedrun that runs circles around the game.

Personally, tried doing timed runs on games that required them for rank like Resident Evil or Metal Gear and it got too stressful (multiple hours, limited to 2-3 saves usually), I prefer shorter runs of each level, i.e. getting to end of the level in Tomb Raider as fast as possible is legitimately fun... Not so sure about people who stare at the ground to get better FPS in Goldeneye, but to each their own.
I'm watching Awesome Games Done Quick as we speak which I've tuned into that every year both winter and summer since I think 2012 or 2013, and it's always great fun.
I don't speedrun any games myself but back in the day I used to think I could probably speedrun Rayman 2 if I put my mind to it, but then I saw an actual speedrun of it and they did all kinds of crazy glitches and exploits and I gave up :LOL:

The only one I tend to watch outside of marathons is ZFG and Gymnast's Zelda things every now and then, and the occasional Kaizo thing if it pops up on my youtube.
Also i have to mention Summoning Salt videos about speedruning :3 Probably my favorite way to start a day is playing a video about Mario Kart Speedruning while i am eating cereal.
I like watching it occasionally, yep! Super Mario 64 is pretty insane to watch for the first time if you've never seen it! You can do it in any game obviously but for anyone that's curious you should check Super Mario 64 out because that game was basically made for it.
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I always watch speedruns when I beat games. I have also done speedruns myself

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