PS1 Sound asset files from a Playstation 1 game... .PAC?


New Challenger
Oct 29, 2024
Reaction score
Hey folks.
I have an old copy of Megaman 8 for the PS 1 and there's a really hilarious Dr. Wily sound ("GOTCHA!!!") that I'd like to extract at full quality without the background music. Opening up the assets from the disc on my computer, I find a bunch of files that are named as if they were sound files with the extension ".PAC"; Some googling resulted in the detail that these might be 'SoundBlaster 2' files, but I am unable to find a converter or any kind of extraction utility. Anyone know anything about this?
Peeking at it from a hex tool, it looks almost like it's a tracker-style file, but I'm not really an expert on these things.

Anyway, if anyone has any thoughts, I'd appreciate it.

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