Does this boss somehow make you traverse 12 constellation palace to... wait, wrong Shadow Hearts....that one optional boss in the first part of the game will tear you a new one if you don't equip stuff that prevents instant death...
Thanks a lot this is really helpful.Make sure to obsessively ram yourself into every nook and cranny of every screen while mashing X in order to find hidden items. I know that a speech bubble shows up next to your character when you're standing on a hidden item but I just find it easier to mash X.
In the first game especially being able to prevent status effects via accessories is key. Without spoiling much, that one optional boss in the first part of the game will tear you a new one if you don't equip stuff that prevents instant death. Speaking of accessories, early on you will be able to buy an accessory that increases money you get from random encounters. Get it as soon as you can because it's permanently missable past a certain point and you'll want all the money you can get to upgrade your weapons later on.
This is what I want to avoid. Character/hero build in early game really helps. Most rpg games are like that.I screwed myself pretty badly the first time I played Shadow Hearts, without going into spoiler details I would strongly recommend not unlocking or upgrading a new skill tree between bosses, only do it when you've got a little bit of breathing room.
The third game, From the New World, is barely connected to the first two. A few minor characters return but that's about it.I just noticed that game is a trilogy.
There's new game+. Tbh it doesn't change the experience much other than being able to cruise through early game thanks to all transformations being unlocked and a few other minor rewards. There is no post game per se but there are optional dungeons that are harder than the final boss iirc (it's been a while since I've played).Is there a Post game or a new game+?