Retro microcomputer thread


New Challenger
Dec 31, 2024
Reaction score
Dubai, UAE
I feel there's a considerable divide when it comes to games on old microcomputers. Some love the C64 and Spectrum, others hate the games on them. I thought making a thread about them would be cool, so here goes.
The MSX was super popular in Arabia in the 1980s, and Konami, Hudson and Compile went fucking HARD on them.
This should've come out on the Famicom, hands down. Antarctic Adventure but has a plot, multiple stages, power ups, even multiple endings. You may know this as Hideo Kojima's first work at Konami.
Obligatory Castlevania mention. If you think this is just a straight port you are mistaken. The stages are very generally the same, but it no longer relies on just progressing through a linear stage. You have to solve puzzles, get keys, and explore a stage properly to beat it. The original Metroidvania! (sorry)
Compile's Golvellius. Kinda Zelda-ish, but there's side scrolling stages too which is cool!
Also, the first Bomberman came out on the MSX as well... but that's neither here nor there...
I'm told that we used to have a Commodore 64 when I was a kid, but I have absolutely no recollection of it.

I will say that the ZX Spectrum and C64 were pretty powerful for their time, even if they had a lot of shortcomings.

I mean... listen to this:

The fact that Doom exists on ZX Spectrum at all is also a testament to its greatness.
I'm told that we used to have a Commodore 64 when I was a kid, but I have absolutely no recollection of it.

I will say that the ZX Spectrum and C64 were pretty powerful for their time, even if they had a lot of shortcomings.

I mean... listen to this:

The fact that Doom exists on ZX Spectrum at all is also a testament to its greatness.
Speaking of c64…… tempted to pick up rhe c64 mini. Good or bad idea?
While i have no experience playing with microcomputers in their heyday. I'm pretty sure young me would love to play games like skool daze, little computer people or Aleste Gaiden on the msx.
The cassete loading times, scares me a little though.

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