

Forgotten Leader of the X-Hunters
Nov 13, 2024
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United States
Ahem. Hello.

I am here to make an introduction of sorts. No, not my personal introduction; I did that already in the proper forum section. 😅
Though it  is of a personal nature to me; it is of video games.

You see, I have been playing video games since the day I was old enough to sit up on my own and hold a controller.

Video games have been there for me my entire life; I often times don't remember learning for the first time things like the route to the dungeons in Zelda, or where to find the warp pipes in Super Mario Bros; these are just knowledge ingrained in my brain since before I knew how to speak or understand proper English.

That said, I've spent my whole life with an intense fascination and interest in the art form, watching it grow and expand as well as the rest of the gaming community, a niche field in our society that has grown to encompass the majority of the world in our modern day.

It is with that mix of glorious and in some cases ignoble history that I bring you to the point of my topic: Religion.

While I don't particularly subscribe to any mainstream religion, I have always been a spiritual person; I don't know if it is because of the heroic characters in my fantasy worlds, or an inherent sway in the nature of my character (I'd like to think; both) but, I feel that rather than being "evil" or "instruments of the devil", these games inspire creativity, outside-the-box thinking, and are heavily nurturing to a young, growing mind.

It was some years ago, I want to guess 7 or 8, that I began to consider video games as a form of religion.

I know that sounds silly, but hear me out; I'm not talking about worshipping the actual games themselves, or praying to Nintendo or something like that; merely that, like the notable religious texts of our world's history, video games are a work of art that can bring out a lot of good in a person, inspiring them to become something greater than they would ever have had a chance to imagine otherwise.

It is because of this way of thinking, I began to theorize that there is a game out there for everyone; be it a puzzle game, first-person shooter, point and click adventure, visual novel, or really  anything that helps open and expand someone's mind: Everyone has something that correlates with what they enjoy, what types of things fascinate them, or just generally suits their individual personality.

I believe there is a game out there for everyone; no matter who it is, and maybe that person has or hasn't found it yet. It could become their new passion, or pave the way to begin the road of taking them to fulfill their lifelong dreams. The game could be that one little jumpstart they need to kick their engine into gear and begin to become something more; their greater self. Their fullest potential.

I don't consider myself religious; I am a spiritual gamer seeking enlightenment, and to share it with all those I can.
Do games have to be 640x480 and 16 colors?
I only have one Religion or spiritual thing and that´s a pair of tits to my face is just pure haven.
Also video games and anime the only thing I live for.

I never cared about alcohol and any drugs waste of money when I can buy games or anime. And I never been a fan of religion when people use it just to commit crimes and then say they did so in gods name.
My question is your so called almighty god why would he give a frack if some one is gay or why would he give a damn if some one believes in another god.

I mean it´s an almighty being why would he care what insignificant humans do or not do ? But alas the EGO of humans are bigger than god him self.
To me (video) gaming is my religion to study/training/tweaking/modding/hacking of the our spiritual/phsysical "IRL/VR reality" dimensions, the evolution of the SUN Light Source into Electromagnetic Tech, computergames to VR gaming is like how we are developed and need to choose which TEAMS we want to reveal the TRUTH of my Existence within my own Timelimit to Finale.
I'm a Muslim who considers himself religious. My journey to faith was a really weird one, with all sorts of detours and eccentricities. I have the opinion that creativity in all of its forms, even a game or a show or a book, is a holy gift from God, an extension of rationality. The fact we humans are able to hypothesize, speculate and look beyond the limits of our own universe is a grand and beautiful gift. Being fantasy-prone and introspective (not of my own volition) was I think a part of what led me to faith.

Some look at the grandness of the universe, how small we are in spite of it, and talk about how unimportant we are, but I don't think of it that way. I imagine two transistors in a Ryzen Threadripper telling each other how small they are compared to the processor they're in, despite the fact they're parts of it powering it together. Every star, planet, galaxy, person, animal, all of us are intrinsic parts of this universe, stitched threads in a tapestry whose size cannot be fathomed. And yet we have the ability to look past it, to create a model of the cosmos that's different in terms of its laws and order. I don't feel there's anything more beautiful than that.
I'm a Muslim who considers himself religious. My journey to faith was a really weird one, with all sorts of detours and eccentricities. I have the opinion that creativity in all of its forms, even a game or a show or a book, is a holy gift from God, an extension of rationality. The fact we humans are able to hypothesize, speculate and look beyond the limits of our own universe is a grand and beautiful gift. Being fantasy-prone and introspective (not of my own volition) was I think a part of what led me to faith.

Some look at the grandness of the universe, how small we are in spite of it, and talk about how unimportant we are, but I don't think of it that way. I imagine two transistors in a Ryzen Threadripper telling each other how small they are compared to the processor they're in, despite the fact they're parts of it powering it together. Every star, planet, galaxy, person, animal, all of us are intrinsic parts of this universe, stitched threads in a tapestry whose size cannot be fathomed. And yet we have the ability to look past it, to create a model of the cosmos that's different in terms of its laws and order. I don't feel there's anything more beautiful than that.
Beautifully said
Wiccan here. Not part of a coven, my childhood was spent in Southern Baptist churches and I have leftover issues around sharing my faith publicly in person. Eternity, good or bad, never made any sense to me. Everything in nature runs in cycles. Wicca at least tries to reflect that. I take it seriously, but only apply it to myself. Theres an unofficial rule that you don't convert people, they come to it if they are meant to. That sits right with me.

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