Quick reviews of my physical PS3 games (part I)


The PS3 is a console that I haven’t used much in comparison to others like the PS2 or the Nintendo DS. Despite being a mess from a hardware perspective, it holds a special place in my heart because it was there during one of the lowest points in my life, so at least I had entertainment. During that short period of time I amassed a few games that were quite cheap (I imagine they still are, but at that time you could get almost any game for less than 20 euros). Now, I haven’t beaten all of them, and if that’s the case, I’ll let you know. Without further ado, let’s get into Quick Reviews Of My Phisical PS3 Games. I'm dividing this in two parts so as not to make the article too long, and also because there's a limit of 20 images per article.

Here's a snapshot of said videogames. They are ordered alphabetically.




Nothing beats the serotonine you get from killing your opponents.
  • Rating: 4/5
I didn’t play this one, simply got it because I wanted to have it physically. I did, however, play the remaster on PC. Very good game, despite the open world it’s very much a Burnout game. However, I prefer the older ones, because I find that the structure ruins the races. Supposedly, you have free reign to create your own route, but there’s always going to be a more efficient route, and you want to be fast and efficient in a racing game. The takedowns are noticeably worse in comparison to Revenge (for example, there’s no “landing from above” takedown). Also, travelling through all the map to get a specific race is annoying. Nevertheless, if you like Burnout, you will most likely like this one as well.



"Is that Frieza."
  • Rating: 3/5
It’s fiiiine, it’s Call of Duty before the games started to cost 70+ euros. The story is a typical Call of Duty story, not much to talk about except THE NUMBERS, MASON. Gameplay is typical Call of Duty gameplay; graphics are typical Call of Duty graphics… There’s nothing that stands out here from other COD. Except, of course, ZOMBIES! Zombies are fun, great couch co-op fun. When it came out it must have been the best thing ever.



Featuring one of the most infamous missions of Call of Duty (not pictured).
  • Rating: 4/5
The only Call of Duty that I’ve properly enjoyed. This is because of three simple tricks:
  • It’s in color. Have you noticed that most Call of Duty are amalgamates of black, grey, dark green and brown? Not the case with MW 2! You have a variety of colors that are pleasant to the eye. Damn, there’s even a snow level that’s just beautiful. Black Ops would never.
  • There’s a finite amount of enemies. Not sure why but this makes the game more fun.
  • Level design is fairly interesting, at least for a Call of Duty.
There’s a chance that the first and third MW also share these characteristics, but I wouldn’t know.



You may not believe it, but this is peak male performance.
  • Rating: 3.5/5
Another game that’s fine, but in a more positive way than Black Ops. There are some aspects that are really fun, while with others you can tell that they didn’t have much of an idea how to execute them properly. My biggest gripe is that decisions are worthless, but at least the gameplay is fun enough, and I like Adam Jensen (at least from a visual perspective). It’s certainly no Prey (2018), though. Don’t think of this game as immersive sim and it automatically gets better.



For Disgaea, it was innovative. Keyword: was.
  • Rating: 4/5 (subject to changes)
This game is interesting because it was my second Disgaea at the time (the first one being… the first one, on PC!), so coming from that was a complete improvement (at least mechanically). Frankly, simply being able to obtain experience from healing was enough for me. The story was noticeably worse (especially considering that I like D1’s story quite a lot), but I remember laughing out loud a lot with some of the jokes.

Nowadays, though? If I were to play it for the first time I’d probably hate it because I’d find it inferior in every regard to other Disgaea games. At least Mao and Mr. Champloo are cool.



Unironically one of the best characters ever.
  • Rating: 5/5
Ah, now this one holds up like fine wine. It’s in my top 30 favorite games (or rather, the upgraded version for modern consoles). I love the characters (ESPECIALLY Valvatorez, the protagonist) and I like the story a lot (I find that it’s like Metal Gear Solid for babies). I also like the music and mechanically it’s amazing (and it only gets better in the upgraded version!). If you have to play a single Disgaea game, PLEASE make it this one.



Part of its identity was lost by discarding SD sprites.
  • Rating: 4/5
As a sequel to the first Disgaea, it sucks. The story is barebones, boring and a disservice to the first game; the new characters are annoying as hell (I’m a biiiit fond of the main antagonist, though) and the recurring characters feel like they lost their development from the first game. It also has terrible performance: the game crashed on me plenty of times (mostly when fire effects appeared). As a standalone game, however? Supeb because of its mechanics. THE best mechanics Disgaea had to offer on PS3. Nowadays, Disgaea 5 does the same but better, but hey! It was nice for the time.

I genuinely think that if the game didn’t have a story it would be much better. It’s just that bad.



  • Rating: 3/5
A horrid arena fighter, but a decent Action RPG! That’s right, if you think of the game as an ARPG it gets better. Aside from that… it’s a big Dragon Ball crossover that tries to cash out on what made the Budokai Tenkaichi games great without actually attempting to do what those games tried to do. The sequel it’s probably better but it’s also filled to the brim with obnoxious DLC so, who cares.



You'd think it'd be rare to find, but nope!
  • Rating: 3.5/5 (average)
This is actually three games in one: Tekken 6, Tekken Tag Tournament 2 and Soul Calibur V. I can’t speak for Soul Calibur V since I haven’t played that one yet. As for the Tekken games… both are extremely unbalanced, at least from a competitive point of view. I don’t like the Bound system (although I appreciate it since I like these types of combo extensions in Tekken) because of how tight combos are. Tag 2 has a million characters and requires downloading a pass to play online, for some reason. As for the single player content… I wouldn’t be able to tell you since I only played these games with friends who also play fighting games. I do know, however, that the story of 6 is very bad; and Tag 2 features cool endings (very fond of Baek’s in particular). Everyone is here!



  • Rating: 2/5
Final Fantasy XIII, my beloathed. I don’t like this game very much. It starts off linear, making it boring, and then it opens up for a few minutes (this is post-game content, btw), then it becomes linear again and goes from boring to frustrating because of how unbalanced battles are. The story is very poorly told; character writing is all over the place (I like Sazh, at least) and the main antagonist is one of the worst ones I’ve seen so far. The combat is surprisingly fine, but for the most part is automatic and because of how ass bosses are you don’t really get to appreciate it. On the other hand, it looks REALLY good, and the music is top notch (shout out to Sunleth Waterscape!). You might say that Final Fantasy X also was linear, but in that game, it made sense because it was a pilgrimage. Also, it has world building, which XIII clearly lacks. So don’t talk to me or my son ever again.



God, peak, zenith of the medium, etc etc.
  • Rating: 5/5
Now this? This is my jam. I breathe Final Fantasy XIII-2 on a daily basis, because I like it that much. The story is arguably worse than the first one and the characters are on the same boat (minus one in particular), but the gameplay is much better (one of your party members will always be a recruitable monster, and almost all monsters are recruitable); the world feels more alive; is less linear; the music is on par (if not better) AND, somehow, and I couldn’t even tell you how it’s possible, it features one of the best antagonists of all Final Fantasy. Seriously, Caius Ballad is frankly amazing, I have so much respect for him even if his design is a bit wacky. This game just makes me feel good, man.



God (of War) knows I must kill my enemies.
  • Rating: 4/5
Yup, this is God of War Three! I don’t have much to say, it’s good and if you liked the previous ones, you’ll most likely like this one as well, because it’s more of the same but better. I like how it takes the themes introduced in the previous games and executes them to the extreme. More brutality, more vengeance, more sorrow, more unforgiveness. It also brings a satisfying conclusion to this incarnation of Kratos.



Gotta say, the main theme goes absolutely hard.
  • Rating: unplayed.
Unfortunately, I haven’t played this one because I'm not in the mood for a GTA game right now, but I’ve heard good things about it. The best story of the GTA ones, I believe. I stole this one from one of my cousins.



I'm sorry, but nobody does karma like Prey (2017).
  • Rating: 3.5/5
I’m not too fond of open world games, but this one is pretty enjoyable because of how mobile Cole is. Maybe it’s because it was made by SuckerPunch but at times it reminds me of Sly Cooper. The story is somewhat interesting but I’m not too fond of the karma system because the decisions are always “be a dick” or “not be a dick”. At least you get cool variations of your powers depending on your alignment.



Features some good post-game bosses.
  • Rating: 3.5/5 (average)
A collection of three Kingdom Hearts games. I’m an avid defender of the first game. Some may think that the gameplay is outdated, especially in comparison to the second one, but you’re WRONG. It has a lot of quirks that are executed pretty well and fit the game. It’s far from perfect, but it’s very enjoyable. Shoutout to the “post-game” bosses, they are pretty cool.

Re:Chain of Memories… by the divines. It’s much better than the original, but it’s still a mess. It can be fun at times but for the most part you just want to spam Firaga, Omnislash and 0 cards against the bosses. It’s broken, but very original and unique.

358/2 Days is just a movie with no gameplay whatsoever (which I appreciate because the gameplay of the original is ass). Even worse, not everything is animated. Sometimes, there’s just text. At least the story is good (at least by Kingdom Hearts standards).


Whew! So many games, huh? Some of them are not even available in other platforms, so it’s weird to say that “PS3 has no games” in this day and age. I like this console a lot, despite its horrendous architecture, and I still use it to this day. Emulation is quite good nowadays, thanks to RPCS3, with about 90% of the games being playable.

What do you think of the PS3? What are your favorite games? Do you still own one? And do you use it? So many delicious questions! Stay tuned for part II!
Once again the timing of our ideas is scary, I already begun working on a top ten 8th gen games and a top 50 ps2 games so this is really cool!

I really like your list. I adore virtually 99% of these games and can speak in great length about them.

I’m also glad someone winded up covering 7th gen, means I won’t have to worry about doing it myself.

Nice stuff!
Damn, I was reading the whole thing and expecting GTA 4. Play it bro! It's an amazing game, don't just steal and not playing lmao. Let me know when you reach this far
View attachment 29623
If there's a Goddess up there she knows I must be punished for my sins.
Damn, I was reading the whole thing and expecting GTA 4. Play it bro! It's an amazing game, don't just steal and not playing lmao. Let me know when you reach this far
View attachment 29623
GTA IV is my favorite game of all time, so big yes ?
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If there's a Goddess up there she knows I must be punished for my sins.
I noticed you gave disgaea 4 a perfect score. That game is my favorite, nice!
PS3 was the cryptic, high-grade alien tech console for 1999s like me, so I was always interested in it, but I turned up any chance I had to own one until pretty recently. Asura's Wrath, Bleach: Soul Resurreccion...there's so many reviews from my old US Jump mags that I wanna go back to for retro purchases. Anyone here remember Noby Noby Boy?
Never played 13-2 as 13 kind of killed my Final Fantasy fandom for a long time. FFXIII is truly that bad, giving it 2 stars is kind. I guess the gameplay and music has some hypnotizing quality at times and it can carry the player through the experience. I played it until the end, but mostly out of duty.
Never played 13-2 as 13 kind of killed my Final Fantasy fandom for a long time. FFXIII is truly that bad, giving it 2 stars is kind. I guess the gameplay and music has some hypnotizing quality at times and it can carry the player through the experience. I played it until the end, but mostly out of duty.
Never played 13-2 as 13 kind of killed my Final Fantasy fandom for a long time. FFXIII is truly that bad, giving it 2 stars is kind. I guess the gameplay and music has some hypnotizing quality at times and it can carry the player through the experience. I played it until the end, but mostly out of duty.
You are sleeping on the best imo. FF13-2 is really good. Way better mechanics, each area has music with lyrics. Different endings and really cool places to visit. A perfect summer game imo
Trying to explain to someone that FF13-2 is genuinely great as objectively as possible, without sounding biased is the hardest thing in the world.

View attachment 29898
How do you justify post game FF13? I just cant get through the beginning with grinding material from the Adamantoise. Its so boring...its a crawl
How do you justify post game FF13? I just cant get through the beginning with grinding material from the Adamantoise. Its so boring...its a crawl

Post game FFXIII is probably the best aspect of the game. The first half of the game is way more boring than the second half. Once you reach Gran Pulse, it starts feeling like an actual Final Fantasy game.
I hate to admit it, but FF13 is like the only FF game I didn't do anything post game. Sometimes when the post enemies are just too tanky, or I can't see the light at the end, I just drop the game.

Now I didn't have this problem with the other 2 entires though. Doing as much as possible in 13-2 was great fun (since it was made that way) & honestly cube hunting (mostly for sidequests) gave it almost a collect-a-thon aspect. Optional bosses/ win conditions were better too!

Did 2 cycles of Lightning Returns as well, honestly these games are way better at postgame than a lot of other jrpgs.
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I hate to admit it, but FF13 is like the only FF13 game I didn't do anything post game. Sometimes when the post enemies are just too tanky, or I can't see the light at the end, I just drop the game.

Now I didn't have this problem with the other 2 entires though. Doing as much as possible in 13-2 was great fun (since it was made that way) & honestly cube hunting (mostly for sidequests) gave it almost a collect-a-thon aspect. Optional bosses/ win conditions were better too!

Did 2 cycles of Lightning Returns as well, honestly these games are way better at postgame than a lot of other jrpgs.

The post game for FFXIII isn't that long. Just the 100 monster hunts and only about 10-15 of them are actually a challenge. It doesn't take that much grinding, IIRC.
The ps3 is awesome i still play it when i got the time. will you come back and update your review for gta 4 when you play it? id love to hear what you have to say.
Yeah I can make a full, in-depth review. I can play it on summer since I have three months of vacation
Final Fantasy XIII-2 is one of my favorite FF games because how much they fixed in this game, it also has this Kingdom Hearts feel to it (to be honest the Final Fantasy XIII Trilogy would of been better if they were action rpgs, its really obvious with Lightning Returns). They didn't port 358/2 Days and Re Coded because they didn't had the budget to remake them, 358/2 Days gets so much unnecessary hate just because people don't know how the game works.
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We need to create a club of FF XIII-2 defenders
Why? The game isn't bad.
I like how the comment section for this turned into some FFXIII series discussion lol.
Why? The game isn't bad.
It sure seems like we're all agreeing that these games, gameplay-wise anyway, are good. But I'm pretty sure that the majority of people online think otherwise. Unless it's one those "the minority is always the loudest" situations... but that's just some wishful thinking on my part.

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