Help PS Vita: Custom Bubbles for Roms?


Onion Knight
Jan 10, 2025
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I assume this probably isn't a thing, but I figured I'd ask here just in case.

Is there a way to make custom bubbles on PS Vita for individual Roms using an emulator?
I've been playing alot of gbSP and Masterboy, which are both loaded through Adrenaline already, and I wondered if it would be possible (or if there's a tool that does this) to make custom bubbles with custom art that loads the emulator and preferred rom immediately? For example, a bubble specifically for a Pokémon game, with said game's own artwork etc.

It's probably not possible, but who knows, people seem to invent new means to enjoy the Vita every week.
I assume this probably isn't a thing, but I figured I'd ask here just in case.

Is there a way to make custom bubbles on PS Vita for individual Roms using an emulator?
I've been playing alot of gbSP and Masterboy, which are both loaded through Adrenaline already, and I wondered if it would be possible (or if there's a tool that does this) to make custom bubbles with custom art that loads the emulator and preferred rom immediately? For example, a bubble specifically for a Pokémon game, with said game's own artwork etc.

It's probably not possible, but who knows, people seem to invent new means to enjoy the Vita every week.
I think it's possible, the same way you can make shortcut of DS games from Twilight Menu straight to the Live Area of the 3DS.

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