Just finished reading "Above us the waves", an account of midget submarine and frogman warfare during the second world war. The things some of those guys got up to was pure crazyness. The preparation and recon for the Normandy invasion by the midget subs and their swimmers is just mind-boggling. Then there's the even crazier attack on the Tirpitz. And then there's the Italians raiding the naval base at Alexandria. Balls of brass, all of them. It's amazing that anyone made it out alive at all.
Currently reading Heinz Guderian's "Panzer Leader". It's very accurate but it suffers from the "the whermatch was not involved in war crimes, it was those pesky SS dudes only, we pinky swear" that a lot of German Generals accounts seem to have. The description of the raid into France and the race to the channel is very revealing in just how inept the French high command was. And then there's Barbarossa. They really were not prepared for winter at all, or the roads, or the mud, or the sheer size of it all. What a gigantic, colossal clusterfuck.