These were cool to look at. Especially with stuff like this excerpt of Bowser from the Super Mario RPG one:
Koopa Def Jam sounds so sick!
Koopa Def Jam sounds so sick!
I used to borrow this from kids in class when we were going on field trips. I would read this thing over and over, and it's probably the only book from back then I wish I owned a physical copy of. But sometimes I just flip through it here to scratch that itchI had the original Official Nintendo Players Guide as a kid
It was a hand-me-down, I don't remember where I got it. I remember hounding my parents for a NES so I could play all the games in it, even though we already had a SNES and Genesis. Good times.
When gaming journalism meant something.
Final Fantasy "III" (actually VI) guide:The Nintendo Power FF3 guide was amazing. I spent so many hours looking at Amano's concept art when I wasn't allowed to play anymore. Although I found a bunch of secrets on my own and through the internet that weren't in the guide. The "Complete" tagline was lies, lol.
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The Final Fantasy I one was excellent as well. That one was a whole issue of Nintendo Power and made me aware of Final Fantasy even before I was a fan.
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