New Experience -or- Ol' Reliable?


Young Hero
Dec 2, 2024
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So here I was, chewing with what to waste a couple hours on, and the big idea was to finally start (deep breath) Mugen no Frontier EXCEED - Super Robot Taisen OG Saga. The English-patched version has been sitting there for ages on my hard drive, set to explode with colorful characters, over-the-top battle animations, and over-the-top of a bra camera angles.


(I'm not proud of everything I play.)

Two hours later, I stop playing BubbleBobble on the NES for the 352nd time, and make a note that I'll totally get to Mugen EXCEED *next time*, and Mother was wrong to call me an effervescent turnip. The shed is in the planning phase, and I finish what I start!


(She doesn't see my vision.)

Anyways the stupid question I'm asking is, with your retro games, are you shredding the unknown, or tilling familiar fields?

Even split, more new than old, vice versa?
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So here I was, chewing with what to waste a couple hours on, and the big idea was to finally start (deep breath) Mugen no Frontier EXCEED - Super Robot Taisen OG Saga. The English-patched version has been sitting there for ages on my hard drive, set to explode with colorful characters, over-the-top battle animations, and over-the-top of a bra camera angles.

View attachment 4249

(I'm not proud of everything I play.)

Two hours later, I stop playing BubbleBobble on the NES for the 352nd time, and make a note that I'll totally get to Mugen EXCEED *next time*, and Mother was wrong to call me an effervescent turnip. The shed is in the planning phase, and I finish what I start!

View attachment 4250
(She doesn't see my vision.)

Anyways the stupid question I'm asking is, with your retro games, are you shredding the unknown, or tilling familiar fields?

Even split, more new than old, vice versa?
I like Mugen no Frontier EXCEED - Super Robot Taisen OG Saga.
Good ol' reliable with a bit of new from time to time. It has been a while since i played a completely new game, let alone a genre.
I don't play games as much anymore, that said i've heard that mugen no frontier exceed is pretty good.

Generally speaking i play about evenly because of my falcom fanboyism (hence i play newer falcom games, which thankfully have avoided the "modern" issues) i play alot of nihon falcom's more modern stuff alot, which mean it probably tips it a bit in modern's favor, however if i remove falcom, i probably play more retro than new.
After I made the thread I did *finally* start it, and so far, so do I!
Yeah, and for what it’s worth, the cover waifus are fairly likable characters from what I remember.

However it’s worth noting the entire game is structured identically to a namco x Capcom or project x zone. Even downright to where character portraits are placed during dialogue scenes.

Although that assures a likable cast.
Depends. Sometimes I'll play something new when I'm bored, and sometimes I'll replay a Mega Man game for 74920301948329 time.
I like searching for a new Retro games, but I don't know when will I spend my time with those games
That's part of what made me want to ask the question, sometimes I wonder (or is worry?) that collecting and curating is replacing actually enjoying things. For me, at least.
I used to be all for new experiences, but after the last 2-3 years of "modern gaming" I find myself just going back to ol' reliable nowadays. It's almost if I'm being dramatic that I got my heart broken. Wrecking Crew and Phantasy Star here I come!
Depends. Sometimes I'll play something new when I'm bored, and sometimes I'll replay a Mega Man game for 74920301948329 time.
Been there with Mega Man X, at least.
I used to be all for new experiences, but after the last 2-3 years of "modern gaming" I find myself just going back to ol' reliable nowadays. It's almost if I'm being dramatic that I got my heart broken. Wrecking Crew and Phantasy Star here I come!
That's too bad, there's been a fair few great titles released this year, maybe you'll get back in the swing of it.
That's part of what made me want to ask the question, sometimes I wonder (or is worry?) that collecting and curating is replacing actually enjoying things. For me, at least.
I don't know, I don't think much about it, I'll just enjoy what I can enjoy

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