My Channel.


Paladin Knight
Level 1
Jan 26, 2025
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*freezes like a deer in headlights*

Uh.... I notice other people have channels. They're pretty nice.

....I'm kind of shy. So I struggle knowing what to say.
Also, I'm incredibly politically incorrect, just a heads up. Doesn't dunk everyone's nuggets.

I talk about horror, rock and retro media, to include video games and movies. The more those three things merge, the more likely I'll talk about it. I also mention my printing adventures.

I'm still working on a lot of things, but I hope the quality improves. I made all the artwork myself, no AI.

I don't have so many videos up yet, but here's a link to a spiel on Blade Runner/The Matrix I did, which is a pretty good example of the sort of thing I like to do:

I just went through a book about how they made the Alien film, so, a lot of that stuff should be appearing next.

Politically incorrect? Cool art in the thumbnail? Sounds like fun for me! I may or may not get butthurt over at least one thing you say, but I have a feeling I'm going to like a lot of what else you say.

Got a few videos of your on my watch list, will offer comments & critique in due time. >:)
Aww, thanks, you guys. 😊

If you were to get butthurt, I wouldn't take it personally. If it does bother you, you could just talk to me about it. I don't like people who do unreasonable things, and make it my business. Two people can perform the same action, and be described on the surface as the same, yet one is entirely different than the other. No pleasing everyone, so, why try? My group of closest friends ranges from devout Catholics to trans individuals to those who can't stand organized religion.
Aww, thanks, you guys. 😊

If you were to get butthurt, I wouldn't take it personally. If it does bother you, you could just talk to me about it. I don't like people who do unreasonable things, and make it my business. Two people can perform the same action, and be described on the surface as the same, yet one is entirely different than the other. No pleasing everyone, so, why try? My group of closest friends ranges from devout Catholics to trans individuals to those who can't stand organized religion.
my posts n chats can border on offensive to lazy fuQhedz who skim for keywords instead of reading the face-value of what is being literally stated - n also my posts n aLL can get a lil too 'out there' for some even though most of what I say is meticulously calculated (but sometimes a rushjob, too lol) in satire or just bizarre creative irreverence. but I mean, some of the things I'm about can pander as crowd-pleasing or endearing, so... sometimes it levels out

wut I'm tryin to say is that I was shy up untiL about 11th grade - then the caged tiger or chimera or Lyger or some shit got loose. I respect boldness or political incorrectness - not just cuz I walk the thin line between bravery n stupidity, but - it seems quizzicaLLy rarer n more precious nowadays in such a 'cliquey' era where embarassment n loss of acceptance is so dreaded n everybody is so used to inferring refs instead of comin up with their own shit. at the same time, I need to CALMZ meh ass the fuck down n stop expecting so much outta ppL jus cuz the forces of ADHD n mania push n stretch me at aLL waking hours n even some snoozing ones. n I am attempting to apply restraint without muFFLing who I naturaLLy am n FAILING MISERABLY AT IT SO FAR xD so it's a tricky, uphill process

welcome aboard n now I shaLL click yer link - looks crescentfresh so far mEiGn ^_^

Edit: I luvz FASA's Shadowrun - the movies Blade Runner, Terminator OG, not sure if The Fifth Element counts.... n the mixed bag of 2077, so... cyberpunX is a winner in the book ov Prnzo

Edit2: this is a compeLLing soliloquy/monologue. I struggle to keep my attention on movies, shows, books - but if I can keep my attention on 20-30+ min songs, then... I mean, there's hope n disorders are not cut-n-dry precise-categorizations n are a matter of what your wiLLpower is wiLLing to do about it, in the end
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Aww, you guys are the sweetest. Thank you. 🥰
welcome aboard n now I shaLL click yer link - looks crescentfresh so far mEiGn ^_^

Edit: I luvz FASA's Shadowrun -

Lol, never heard ”crescentfresh” before. And Shadowrun on SNES is one of my favorite games, so thank you-thank you.

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