Megaman Zero/ZX Should it come back with new sequels or remakes?


New Challenger
Dec 10, 2024
Reaction score
Megaman Zero/ZX was my childhood and it makes me very sad that they stopped releasing new games in the Z/ZX saga
I think Capcom should take the risk and release more of those great games with the best story in the ENTIRE saga

What do you think people?
I'd say sequel because they already put threw the bait in the ZXA secret ending although i don't know where the story could go or if they will commit and kill off Zero for real this time.
They should really get back into the MegaMan game... release Legends 3 too, while you are at it. We know that the game was almost completed.
Personally I really appreciate it when a story has an actual ending, so I'd definitely prefer them not continue the series. That said, another Mega Man spin-off series with similiar but different gameplay and aesthetics? Hell yeah!
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