N64 If Banjo Kazooie didn't have (Spoilers for gameplay and last level)


Paladin Knight
Writers Guild
Level 1
Feb 27, 2025
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That quiz at the end it would be definitively the best N64 3D platformer imo. Not my favorite but hands down the best.

However that quiz is one of the most abhorrent game design decisions I have seen and totally gatekeeps the final boss to those who don't have the best memory or a guide.

Lets look at some of the contenders for best N64 platformers.

Super Mario 64- The fad starter. Yes 3D platformers existed prior but lacked the traction this one has. It was an excellent transition for a creative series to move from 2D to 3D.
Bomberman 64- My favorite and very creative. Has multiplayers that is not platforming but helps round out the package. Campaign is very meaty with secrets, variety galore.
Bomberman Hero- only played the first couple levels but I hear it is really good.

Banjo Kazooie- This is gaming nirvana. Aside from that shitty barrier board game level its perfect.
Banjo Tooie- Only played the multiplayer but I would imagine it is almost as good as the first (I just read framerate goes bad).
DK64- From what I have been told (only played a little) it is the king of content and infact has probably too much content. I like the island music.
Conker's Bad Fur Day- well made action platformer with cool multiplayer. Best looking game on the system imo.

Never played Robot rocket on wheels, Goemon games, Space Station Silicon Valley, or Rayman 2.... I omitted mediocre or flawed games like Glover.

Curious as to what your favorite N64 platformer and what you think is the best.

My favorite is obviously Bomberman 64 but if I had to analyze the best... This might be controversial but Conker's Bad Fur Day. It has the more advanced presentation, smooth platforming, doesn't have obtuse mechanics and isnt too simple. Lava Racing ruined the game for some but I didnt find it that bad and I am hardly a pro gamer.
Bomberman Hero- only played the first couple levels but I hear it is really good.
I honestly preferred bomberman hero's single player campaign over Bomberman 64's. Bomberman Hero is actually really great.
omitted mediocre or flawed games like Glover.
Glover's actually pretty fun. I wouldn't call it a favourite or anything but I remember enjoying it at the time.

I remember enjoying the Chameleon Twist games and both Gex games as well.

I enjoyed Banjo Kazooie and Tooie. I 100%ed both of them. I don't remember the quiz though. It must not have bothered me that much or I just looked up the answers on cheatplanet or something.

I enjoyed Donkey Kong 64 too. I do remember it being a really long game but I think as far as gameplay goes I preferred it to Banjo Kazooie a bit but that could just be because it was Donkey Kong.

Conker's Bad Fur Day is great for a one time playthrough then you'll probably never want to play the single player mode again. It has some super annoying parts. The story and characters are just so completely batshit crazy it's worth a playthrough just for that and I don't even care about story in videogames. The multiplayer though is amazing. Probably one of the best multiplayer games on the n64. There's a ton of different modes and they're all just ridiculous. I can't think of any other video game where one team plays as Nazi Teddy bears trying to stop racist squirrel caricatures of French ww2 refugees trying to escape up a beach.

Honestly though I don't think I'd replay any n64 platformers. They're all too long and tedious for me these days. I've tried replaying all of them and I just can't get very far before I'm over it. Even Mario 64 I can't play any more.

Although, now i'm thinking about bomberman hero again and how fun that was and I'd probably play that one again.
My favorite is Banjo Kazooie as well, with Mario 64 being a close second.

I disagree on the quiz though. Purely gameplay-wise it is indeed a barrier and kind of a peace breaker, but I consider it to be a secondary climax (the first one being the final boss) regarding the game presentation and it holds a special place in my heart.
If banjo didn’t have (Spoilers for gameplay and last level) I’d probably still like it.
I've been thinking about replaying Bomberman 64 too, it's one of the two games I always had for as long as I can remember, the other being Banjo-Kazooie. But unlike the later, I didn't revisited this game nearly as much, so it might be time to do so. I don't think it has the most addicting gameplay in the world, but I do think it's one of the most stylish games ever. (Especially that level clear screen. Damn!)

Here's two timestamps I've arbitrarily chosen from a longplay to melt your heart with nostalgia:

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I would say Banjo Kazooie is the best N64 platformer just because of how solid the game is, you shouldn't be using a guide on Grunty's Furrance Fun otherwise what were you doing while playing the game. Can you really called Bomberman 64 a traditional platformer when you don't even jump?
I've been thinking about replaying Bomberman 64 too, it's one of the two games I always had for as long as I can remember, the other being Banjo-Kazooie. But unlike the later, I didn't revisited this game nearly as much, so it might be time to do so. I don't think it has the more addicting gameplay in the world, but I do think it's one of the most stylish games ever. (Especially that level clear screen. Damn!)

Here's two timestamps I've arbitrarily chosen from a longplay to melt your heart with nostalgia:

You inspired me to give Bomberman Hero another whirl. I do like the green rabbit (Louie I think) as opposed to Pommy (second attack)

I could not get into Second attack because the grid based bombs in 3D irritate me. One reason I don't like Bomberman Generation's multiplayer.
You inspired me to give Bomberman Hero another whirl. I do like the green rabbit (Louie I think) as opposed to Pommy (second attack)

I could not get into Second attack because the grid based bombs in 3D irritate me. One reason I don't like Bomberman Generation's multiplayer.
Bomberman 64 is my favorite of the 64 ones. I tried giving Second Attack a chance but the game simply didn't had enough charm for me. And yeah, the fact that they returned to a grid system removed the depth Bomberman 64 had.
I think Brentilda (The fairy that ocasionally pops) Gives you the hints and you were supposed to write them, which i did since i didn't want to ruin the experience save/load spamming, despite this, i agree

I omitted mediocre or flawed games like Glover.

Curious as to what your favorite N64 platformer and what you think is the best.
Never played it myself, but if the AVGN review says something, is that while not Super Mario Galaxy, it at least is better in PSX

Regarding the question

Superman 64...

Folled ya

Banjo Kazooie, it took everything right of Super Mario 64 and improved it in ways i wish the DS remake had (Like a flight mode that doesn't rival the Dodo in GTA iii for worst controls) while being a simple game, alas aside of the flaw mentioned i have other grip: Rather than a Hi-score mechanic, ¿Why the notes aren't permanently picked like the Jiggies? the XBOX 360 port solved it, meaning they could

Rayman 2 is also a contender, keeping the level removed from PSX is cool, IDK if the PC version is better and frankly don't care, i grew emulating it, and i will defend it until i die

And while nowadays kinda clunky, Super Mario 64 still has a charm that makes you want to get a fix at least once per year, currently replaying it
That quiz at the end it would be definitively the best N64 3D platformer imo. Not my favorite but hands down the best.

However that quiz is one of the most abhorrent game design decisions I have seen and totally gatekeeps the final boss to those who don't have the best memory or a guide.

Lets look at some of the contenders for best N64 platformers.

Super Mario 64- The fad starter. Yes 3D platformers existed prior but lacked the traction this one has. It was an excellent transition for a creative series to move from 2D to 3D.
Bomberman 64- My favorite and very creative. Has multiplayers that is not platforming but helps round out the package. Campaign is very meaty with secrets, variety galore.
Bomberman Hero- only played the first couple levels but I hear it is really good.

Banjo Kazooie- This is gaming nirvana. Aside from that shitty barrier board game level its perfect.
Banjo Tooie- Only played the multiplayer but I would imagine it is almost as good as the first (I just read framerate goes bad).
DK64- From what I have been told (only played a little) it is the king of content and infact has probably too much content. I like the island music.
Conker's Bad Fur Day- well made action platformer with cool multiplayer. Best looking game on the system imo.

Never played Robot rocket on wheels, Goemon games, Space Station Silicon Valley, or Rayman 2.... I omitted mediocre or flawed games like Glover.

Curious as to what your favorite N64 platformer and what you think is the best.

My favorite is obviously Bomberman 64 but if I had to analyze the best... This might be controversial but Conker's Bad Fur Day. It has the more advanced presentation, smooth platforming, doesn't have obtuse mechanics and isnt too simple. Lava Racing ruined the game for some but I didnt find it that bad and I am hardly a pro gamer.
From what I've played of Tooie, it's both better and worse than the original.

It's got a larger scale, as you'd expect from a sequel, which is both a blessing and a curse. It's a blessing because it feels like a larger, more cohesive world than the original (could tell this served as inspiration for Jak and Daxter). It's a curse because it's often difficult to figure out just where you're supposed to be going next and where to find jiggies.
I can't comment on the quiz itself as I haven't reached that point, but it feels like something that should have been used to unlock some sort of extra, maybe a hidden world (remember the Lost World from DKC2?) rather than breaking pace.

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