GOOD Water Levels


I <3 Tomboys
Writers Guild
Sep 24, 2024
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You know what? I never had a problem with water levels

I never played all of ocarina of time, since that's the one example everyone gives (I got it on 3ds and only got a couple hours in when it came out)

Labyrinth zone sucks yes, but all the other sonic water levels I like; hell, Hydro City zone is one of my faves!

But I never understood the whole meme where water levels are worse than hitler, when they allow you to be fast and have neat unique mechanics they're fun!

All the ones from Donkey Kong Country 1&2 (didnt play 3):

Spectacular music, great movement, tense with all the obstactles, rad mechanics like the water that turns into lava in dkc2. That level is exhilerating!! You gotta get to the seal in time, you build a whole route, you can skip a seal if you feel ballsy and make it just in time, its one of the best levels!

The ones from rockman 4:

You can approach them in many, jet marine or one your powers, fun minibosses, your speed is rougly the same

Mario Odissey!:

All the rocks look like bath bombs, relaxing, you posess a fish and can swim quickly, fun to explore..

And the ones in metal slug where the game turns into its predecessor In The Hunt? *MWUAH!*

Autoscrollers in mario? Now Those suck
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Majora's Mask as a Zora(not on 3ds, they butchered the swimming). I would gladly swim all day at that game, i could say it's even better than default running as Link, but not as good as rolling as Goron. The water temple is noticeable better than Ocarina's, but i never actually hated it either.
Not really good, but fun, Digital Devil Saga 1 sewer level.

Most Mega Man water levels are good because they don't change your control scheme to something worse.

Except Aqua Man's level. Fuck Aqua Man's level.
MegaMan water levels are good to the point where I remember most of them. Except 3? I don't remember there was a water level in 3.
I’ve never really had a problem with water levels. I think Water Temple from Ocarina is one of the best dungeons in it because it makes you think a little, but it’s ruined by the constant menuing.

The one game where I truly hate them is Mario 3 because those squids are so crazy aggressive and tough as nails to dodge.

I always liked them in Donkey Kong Country, probably because I like how bouncy and fast you control in them.
Technically, Gemini Man's stage is a water level.
I always thought of it as moon stage or something hahaha. I rewatched the stage just now and the water area is practically only at the last part of the stage.
I liked the sections in Ninja Gaiden because it allowed you to have Ryu jump out of water and start running on it since the guy is a ninja. The only annoying one I remember is the one in MGS 2 but it wasn't that bad and I don't mind it as much on replays.
I liked the sections in Ninja Gaiden because it allowed you to have Ryu jump out of water and start running on it since the guy is a ninja. The only annoying one I remember is the one in MGS 2 but it wasn't that bad and I don't mind it as much on replays.

All you got to do is swim carefully to avoid the mines and get a feel of the layouts, a top 10 i watched made it sound unberable
I never had a problem with water levels either. Seems to me they at some point just became "cool to hate" and that the water temple in Ocarina especially is just a meme.
I never had a problem with water levels either. Seems to me they at some point just became "cool to hate" and that the water temple in Ocarina especially is just a meme.
I don't know about that, but my hatred for most water levels is completely genuine.
Maybe everyone just has repressed thalassophobia.

I thought the Sea of Storms and Jabu Jabu in Oracle of Ages were pretty cool. You got the cute little mermaid tail so you could swim around.
Some water levels I enjoyed:
  • Ocarina of Time
  • Donkey Kong Country
  • Bubble Man (Mega Man 2)
  • Labyrinth Zone (Sonic)
  • Chemical Plant Zone (Sonic 2)
Clanker's Cavern. The water bit only takes a part of the level, is not confusing to navigate and is very effective on making you terrified of drowning.

Super Mario Bros 1 as it doesn't change the pacing of the game and there's only 2.5 of those levels
New Super Mario Bros water levels. Maybe not because I…enjoyed it? (Even though I kinda did) But the OST just gave me that chill vibe y'know, like I rather stay there for awhile
Speaking of Sonic, Aquarium Park in Sonic Colors.
Water......water ships and ship mechanics always seemed like something developers wanted to do but gets disliked or forgotten by fans.

Good water levels ? Hmmm I can think of half life 1 chapter nine I forgot its name its when you encounter the ichysoroath or the alien shark you realize your weapons don't work save for the glock and the crossbow now you have to fight a fast as light fish while hardly being able to see and all you hear is the sound of the fish something like a chainsaw an alien chainsaw what makes it more tense is the fish has high health especially on hard difficulty can't tell if other difficulties have the fish be easy to kill since I only played half life on hard.

Another cool water level has to be in red alert 2 mission 10 where a river separates you from the allies base and you have to pull off a naval landing with the help of squids.
I never disliked the water levels in games. TMNT dam level is one of my favorite levels. Best water level music is 100% Super Mario 64. 2nd is a close with Blaster Master area 5
Any stage where you use the Dolphin Metamortex in Kirby's Epic Yarn (specifically the Wii version). Let me tell you, despite the fact that you control movement in the game with a D-Pad, it felt SO smooth when you were swimming in the water levels with the dolphin form. Like the freedom of movement was honestly amazing.

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