SNES Good place for reproduction cartridges?


New Challenger
Level 0
Jan 22, 2025
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I just received a SNES Jr for my upcoming birthday and I've ordered a few games to play on it. Looking on ebay, i have come to the realization that many SNES cartridges are EXPENSIVE. Like 200 dollars expensive. I prefer original hardware when i can and i really love to actually see the cartridge in the console rather than a flash cart, so i wanted to know if anyone had a good place to pick up some reproductions. They don't have to be perfect ones or with the box or anything just the carts are fine for me. Thanks.
It depends on the cart you want. I think if you want platformers, most are around the $25 to $30. To be honest, and I say this as a man who made a thread about Saturn repros, just don't overpay for them. Let's be honest: they're fancy bootlegs. So, just look around and see what gets good reviews from confirmed people.
At this point you might be better off getting an Everdrive or another flash cart. Otherwise you'll either be overpaying for an original cartridge (even worse, the battery for the batter backups might be dead now since they tend to last roughly 30 years), or rolling the dice with repo carts.
From the time where I owned a SNES, patience was key. I ended up owning several expensive games and loved them! Save your money up. Use emulation to test if you TRULY want a game before buying it. Eventually, you'll own a collection you can be proud of and love!

You don't need every game. None of us do. You just need some great games.
You missed the collecting boat about 9 years ago. You are better off buying a everdrive or one of their cheaper clones off aliexpress and just running roms off your new snes.
I've heard some good stuff from aliexpress too! I got my SummerCart 64 from there, so I can vouch for some places! If you must, then look around there!

Just be aware of the horror of Aliexpress spam. I still get stuff from them...
You can get reproduction carts off Etsy, but the SNES doesn't have the modern love of the Genesis and Gameboy. There are factories still manufacturing new pcb boards/carts for those systems so they can be cheaper to obtain. The SNES reproduction market though looks more like people cannibalizing existing carts for repros with all of the different chips Nintendo made and put in them it can be a mess to find what you're looking for. Everdrive is probably the way to go for OG hardware.
While I do love original carts there will come a time where you want to play a game that's been modded with QoL additions, or has been translated to another language.
I would try and find a flash cart that can support as many SNES games as possible.

And one with a angled slot so it won't damage the console cart slot.
Aliexpress probably? I mean, they all come from Chinese factories anyway. At least on Aliexpress you're getting them right off the source. Just be sure to check reviews first though, like all things Aliexpress. There are probably better alternatives if you're China-savvy but I'm not so that's the best I can suggest ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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