Gaming = waste of time/life?


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Level 2
Sep 27, 2024
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In hindsight, and advancing with age, I have always asked myself this question. There are games that got me so involved that I overlooked certain social situations that I didn't like at the time, but would now take advantage of.
Did you ever ask yourself that question?
I emphasize, that however, gaming and especially collecting are among my main passions even as an old man!?
Every time I open my backloggd and see almost 900 games played I ask myself that same question. It's not that simple as people aren't machines that can just do useful stuff all the time, but I'd be lying if I said sometimes I don't sometimes stop doing important things just so I can play a little longer...
I don't often spend my time gaming, it's more the time I spend on the internet or watching TV.
Whether I play games or not, I always waste my days by doing nothing. I don't have a job, friends, a social life, nor I go outside. I'm baically a hikkikomori, although I leave my apartment once or twice a week.
Not a waste of time, but definitely a real addiction for some, including me. I have and will again stay completely immobile for upwards of 12 hrs a day for multiple days in a row just to play games. But the idea of someone doing the same thing for TV shows seems way worse to me somehow, even though it's not.
I've had this discussion time and time again with my sister over the years.
I think it's mostly a matter of perspective. Any form of entertainment, be it watching a movie, reading a book, playing a videogame, going to a museum etc. can reasonably be seen as non-productive and thus a "waste of time".

And hell, even setting aside worst-case scenarios like gaming addiction, I'll completely agree that it's possible to do those things in an empty, potentially meaningless way - you can read a book without absorbing the words or thinking about their meaning, you can watch a movie or play a game as though it's nothing much beyond a light show and just turn off your head, you can walk through a museum thinking about anything but what you're looking at.
By that same token, however, all of those things can inspire you to either learn from them in a myriad of ways or to use them as a starting point for all sorts of other interests.
Which is to say nothing of either the social and psychological value of spending time with friends when experiencing all of those things or the equally valuable social and psychological value of using them as a source of relaxation and/or an outlet for your passion, creativity, what-have-you.

So in that sense, I think if you break things down by concrete, measurable productivity - sure, gaming can be considered a waste of time. If you think about it in an incredibly reductive, frankly almost bleak way.
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I try to use it like a reward after actually accomplishing something.
I could be all day playing and getting nothing done and it would feel good while playing but awful afterwards.
Instead if I work for it I feel like I earned my gaming time.
Would it be better filled doing something else, probably but the brain wants what it wants. :P
I would say life is to damn short and could even be shorter if your very unlucky. So I say enjoy it the way it makes you happy. If gaming brings you joy and satisfaction I say keep gaming as much as you can.

I will say what´s waste of time and life is working I mean who benefits the most if you working you life away ? You or the company or the few rich people that keeps on insisting you should work more and pay more and work a job that makes you miserable just so does lard asses can enjoy life more than any one.
You feel it's a waste of time because you're not meeting your needs.

Since the dawn of time, our hunter-gatherer ancestors devoted most of their time to leisure activities. Why didn't they consider this a waste of time? Simply because these periods of "leisure" included social interaction, storytelling, music, dance and other forms of entertainment. Today, we use gaming solely as a form of entertainment and escapism without satisfying our basic needs, and we're brainwashed into being productive in a technocratic society, so as soon as we do nothing we panic.

But then again, maybe those who feel they're missing out on life never had a chance in the first place and are taking refuge in video games in a world that's left them behind.
While gaming can be enjoyable in the moment, it can feel like a waste of time.

On the other hand, you can't work 24/7 and need downtime.

Like anything, be it junk food, gaming, sex, life, sleep, alcohol, etc, it must be taken in moderation.

Now if you only play video games and nothing else... yes you wasted your life. We've lived thousands of years without electronics and video games. But people would lose themselves in work, in books and fiction, but the length of how much you can dive into in a single session depends on how many books you can pile in your lap at a time.

So let's back up, what do you need to live?

Sleep (they say 8 hours, but can be 6-10), food, shelter, and Family. Before the more modern age, you would spend nearly all your time hunting and just staying alive. But i'm not spending 3 hours every day trapping or growing veggies or foraging. Instead people tend to have jobs or work they do to earn money (a generic currency), and there's enough people that want general goods that you can specialize in making one thing and make enough to get by.

Family, love, children, and social interactions is the one that's most harmed by video games, or rather by shutting oneself into fantasy. But often that's a case of stress, and in many cases unwritten rules you somehow have to follow that don't make sense. For many especially NEETS and introverts it's too much and you just do something to keep yourself occupied. Some will even turn their missing love affections on.......... unhealthy hobbies and obsessions. But like drugs or anything else it's a coping mechanism due to a flaw in society.

As things stand, i think video games should either be banned under a certain age (probably 18), or be heavily restricted. I say this because children are being handed phones and tablets and entertainment machines to keep them occupied because parents can't be bothered to babysit or have someone babysit their kids. They don't have the dexterity to do fine work, to use pens and pencils, to have interests in anything physical like models and painting and drawing and art and music, and instead occupy themselves to the glowing screen that when you walk away may give you some hand/eye coordination but is ultimately a pseudo reality. Because of this younger doctors and surgeons are messier and more likely to make mistakes, people have short attention spans, and they don't know how to DO anything in the real world.

I noticed when i got grounded as a teenager that it would take 2 whole weeks to detox from electronics before i could think outside of only playing games or doing things on computers. And we aren't suppose to live that way. So what happens when you grow up and computers/video games are the only way you know the world? Or worse.... TicTok and social media? For some video games and their digital hobbies is their world, and they just HAVE to inhabit a physical meat body until they can drown themselves back into their games, and resent the rest of the world. They have no life experiences and they have no useful real-life skills.

Add to that since we have the internet how we learned (memorization repetition and practice) kids aren't learning important things like math, history, they aren't having to force themselves to remember and instead 'just look it up on wikipedia' (which can be changed at any time vs say a physical book), and phones and calculators in school.

TLDR: A little video game time is okay.... too much is very very bad.
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Everything in moderation. If games are preventing you from doing stuff you need to do, or keeping in touch with your friends/loved ones, you should examine that.

On a less basic level, I also think it's important to read and keep up with the news and so on. I don't think your media diet should be just video games. But that's more of a personal opinion.
I know this is a game forum, so I guess some people won't like my answer.

If we set the definition of "waste of time" as something that does not create value, sure, almost anything is considered "waste of time", like hanging out with friends.

But if we consider "waste of time" as poor/low quality of entertainment, I agree that gaming is "waste of time", sure, this is 100% personal, but let me explain my point of view: besides the practical use, it's all about the memories you retain after you do the activity, gaming in this case.

In my case, I could play a game with low/high graphics, or good/bad mechanics, but what stays with me after time passes is the plot/story and world builing of that universe created, and I think that the time used to build those memories are less effective as reading directly those stories. In other words, I think reading values more of my time than gaming, but it's a double edge sword, reading creates less dopamine than gaming, which means that is easier to play for 5 hours comparing to read for 5 hours.

At least for now, I'm trying to decrease my level of dopamine to make real life things (not digital ones) more appealing, which means books, hobbies, and so on.

Besides of what I wrote before, I still play games, why? because is something that I grow up doing and it is my last resort, the solid "fundation" I was built uppon.
Gaming can be useful!
I have learned a lot from games... things like:
  • English language
  • Technical aspects of games
  • Music and its relation to situations
  • Story writing
  • Patience and some rare experiences
  • And more...
Also it was one of my main inspirations that eventually led me to my profession.

I mostly loved the story-driven games, but had my share of action games too... both inspiring in their own ways.

At least for me, gaming wasn't a waste! ?

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