Games you liked the second time around


I <3 Tomboys
Writers Guild
Level 5
Sep 24, 2024
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As I said once already, when Biohazard 5 came out I was sorely disappointed by the lack of tension, greatly reduced violence (wheres the decapitation??), boring story and characters (aside from wesker), mostly Meh music and little to no horror elements and how to was essentialy a worse 4; it was infuriating considering the back of the box boldly claimed YOU'LL NEVER FORGET THE FEARRR (it didnt actually use 3 Rs) and it really stung since it came out Riiight when the horror genre all but died; with a small handful of exceptions condemned, dead space and low budget pc games and fuckin slenderman

But now that there's plenty of nieche horror games that do a great job of mimicking japanese ps2 horror? Bio5 is a very fun side dish to 4 for when I want to try something different: it still has its fantastic combat system and a wonderful new african setting, with the degenerate dingy eerie town and the beautiful savannah and cool villages.

The majini aren't as memorable as the ganado but they're still fun, the very beginning especially is actually creepy and atmospheric, with all them staring at you as you walk into their territory and clubbing some poor sap to death; and I appreciate the fact they once again hired foreign actors to do their lines.

Very nice arstyle from before everything was boring photorealism and a great mercenary mode, great dlcs too. And while it's still a worse 4, being a worse version of the best action horror game ever is no small feat, I wish I was a worse biohazard 4; I'd take it over any of the modern remake crap any day

Also Sheva had a wonderful pair of eyes

So what games you dismissed, but ended up liking after you gave it a second chance?
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This happens to me alot so I always give games 3 chances before I drop it completely.

Sometimes I dismiss a game because it isn't what I expected it to be. I'll revisit it later and appreciate it for what it is and not judge it on what it isn't.

Two off the top of my head.

Deus Ex. I initially didn't like it because I was expecting a continuous open world like System Shock 2. I gave it another shot because that was a stupid reason to drop it. I love this game now.

Soul Sacrifice Delta was another one. I was expecting something like Monster Hunter and it wasn't. Revisited it and it's a really cool action game with interesting fairy tale inspired stories.
For me that would probs be Zeno Clash, when i was younger i grabbed the game but never liked it, but few years back i gave it another chance on a whim and now its probs one of my favorite games.
Deus Ex. I had played Human Revolution first so playing the original felt very clunky. In my second playthrough I came with different ideas (like not bother trying to be fully pacifist) and had a blast.

It also helps a lot that I installed the shifter mod the second time around. It might kinda ruin the intended balance making things easier with the better augments and much more plentiful experience, but it was way more fun seeing J. C. actually become strong through the play through instead of having to put all your points in a single skill to barely max it out while absolutely sucking at everything else, for not mentioning that it allowed me to play as I actually wanted instead of struggling to explore every nook-and-cranny so I can get that much needed explorer bonus exp.
I bounced off of Final Fantasy VI the first time I tried to finish it, although it was admittedly likely due to burnout as I had played FFVII and Chron Trigger right beforehand. The second time I played FFVI I get pretty hooked into it.
This happens to me alot so I always give games 3 chances before I drop it completely.

Sometimes I dismiss a game because it isn't what I expected it to be. I'll revisit it later and appreciate it for what it is and not judge it on what it isn't.

Two off the top of my head.

Deus Ex. I initially didn't like it because I was expecting a continuous open world like System Shock 2. I gave it another shot because that was a stupid reason to drop it. I love this game now.

Soul Sacrifice Delta was another one. I was expecting something like Monster Hunter and it wasn't. Revisited it and it's a really cool action game with interesting fairy tale inspired stories.

That can happen, just not getting a game, I never cared much for Super Mario 64 because of its skeletal enviroments and limited music compared to ps1 games, but once the pc port came out I installed it on my vita (NINTENDO LAWYERS IF YOU READ THAT THIS IS SATIRE) I came to appreciate it's intricate control system and how it Really feels like smb1 in 3d, how its got that same inertia and exhilerating feeling of chaining jumps. And as crude as the levels are (I was used to the lush enviroments of crash bandicoot) having mario in this world of real life textrues is actually very cool and made me wish they tried that again
I like Mega Man 4 a lot more after replaying it many times.
That reminds me, the first time I played Megaman & Bass was on GBA, and I struggled a bit due to the screen crunch. I played the Super Famicom version later on and enjoyed it a great deal.
That reminds me, the first time I played Megaman & Bass was on GBA, and I struggled a bit due to the screen crunch. I played the Super Famicom version later on and enjoyed it a great deal.

And that Reminds me, after a while I began liking Rockman 1 more than 2 because I actually liked its weapons and bosses better, yellow devil is pretty cool
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What game is that, I'm curious

My marriage with my wife, I may have cheated but that poom poom can save lives. /j
These Games I remember not liking very much as a kid but had grown on me on recent playthroughs.

Probably any fighting game! They were boring in my mind since I didn't have the skills to actually know what to press, so losing all the time drove me out. Now I'm starting to enjoy most of the known franchises, while trying to be good at more obscure games like the Saint Seiya and Lucky Star fighting games lmao
Resident Evil 5 for me as well, actually - back in the day I really didn't like the action movie tone and found the gameplay really stressful, but when I replayed it a couple years later I had finally let go of my hope for a return to the days of fixed camera angle horror and of whatever tone I wanted the series to go for and suddenly the whole thing became one giant arcade shooter rollercoaster.
Great stuff - also shockingly gorgeous to this day and I don't just mean Sheva! MT Framework was one hell of an engine.

Another would be Final Fantasy XII - I absolutey loathed the pseudo-MMO gameplay on my first attempt, but when I replayed it many years later via the reworked International Zodiac version, the worldbuilding of Ivalice and the surprisingly entertaining political intrigue of the plot managed to tide me over until the combat clicked for me.
I got super addicted to the game for a while and though I do still think that the combat depended too much on sheer stat/equipment optimization and needed way more active character abilities and a greater focus on positioning to really shine, the game deserved better than it got.
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Great stuff - also shockingly gorgeous to this day and I don't just mean Sheva! MT Framework was one hell of an engine.

Well said, the lighting is just fantastic! And all those big enviroments with so many enemies at once..
And on top of that that, MT Framework is also what Marvel vs Capcom 3 ran on! One of best looking and most frenetic fighters out there!

Capcom did many shitty things in the early 2010s but that engine was not one of them, makes me sad to know it's been retired
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Another would be Final Fantasy XII - I absolutey loathed the pseudo-MMO gameplay on my first attempt, but when I replayed it many years later via the reworked International Zodiac version, the worldbuilding of Ivalice and the surprisingly entertaining political intrigue of the plot managed to tide me over until the combat clicked for me.
I got super addicted to the game for a while and though I do still think that the combat depended too much on sheer stat/equipment optimization and needed way more active character abilities and a greater focus on positioning to really shine, the game deserved better than it got.

With how many FF nerds there are on the internet but I seldom see anyone talk about 12, why's that? Xenoblade Chronicles kinda looks like it doesn't it?
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With how many FF nerds there are on the internet but I seldom see anyone talk about 12, why's that? Xenoblade Chronicles kinda looks like it doesn't it?
I think the gameplay really is a major part of it - it definitely shares a lot of similiarities with Xenoblade, but it plays much more drily and has an even greater focus on automation than that series, which doesn't exactly have the greatest mass market appeal, I assume.

Another part would be the story - it doesn't really feature much inter-personal drama or character development for the cast (aside from Ashe and a couple scenes for the rest here and there) and is more concerned with the grand picture and political scheming between side characters.
(Again, my favourite part during the my second go-around. Especially since the game trusts the player to understand what's going on in the plot without spelling every little detail out over and over again.)

There's a reason Fran takes up most of the few callbacks to that game that tend to pop up online - she's the only thing approaching the kind of waifu character that people usually latch on to in the game.
Hell, even the ancient magical artifacts are framed more like WMDs in that game than the usual creeping influence of malign gods bent on world destruction. It doesn't present the way JRPGs usually present.

With all that said, the game is also just plain flawed - the pacing is godawful for example.

(Whoa, sorry about the wall of text - I need to teach myself how to be concise again...)
For me it was Etrian Odyssey, at first I liked the games but not that much, but since I noticed that the boxart of the games have a "established" party I got interested in trying that composition, and got quickly immersed in those games, now I am in the fifth stratum in 1, using a Fortress named Shisho as the leader.
I really didn't care for Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate the first time around, only got about 7 hours in. I think I was just burned out from Rise and not in the mood for the old school monhun style. This month I started again and I've poured 90 hours into it lmao. Just got to G rank.

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