As I said once already, when Biohazard 5 came out I was sorely disappointed by the lack of tension, greatly reduced violence (wheres the decapitation??), boring story and characters (aside from wesker), mostly Meh music and little to no horror elements and how to was essentialy a worse 4; it was infuriating considering the back of the box boldly claimed YOU'LL NEVER FORGET THE FEARRR (it didnt actually use 3 Rs) and it really stung since it came out Riiight when the horror genre all but died; with a small handful of exceptions condemned, dead space and low budget pc games and fuckin slenderman
But now that there's plenty of nieche horror games that do a great job of mimicking japanese ps2 horror? Bio5 is a very fun side dish to 4 for when I want to try something different: it still has its fantastic combat system and a wonderful new african setting, with the degenerate dingy eerie town and the beautiful savannah and cool villages.
The majini aren't as memorable as the ganado but they're still fun, the very beginning especially is actually creepy and atmospheric, with all them staring at you as you walk into their territory and clubbing some poor sap to death; and I appreciate the fact they once again hired foreign actors to do their lines.
Very nice arstyle from before everything was boring photorealism and a great mercenary mode, great dlcs too. And while it's still a worse 4, being a worse version of the best action horror game ever is no small feat, I wish I was a worse biohazard 4; I'd take it over any of the modern remake crap any day
Also Sheva had a wonderful pair of eyes
So what games you dismissed, but ended up liking after you gave it a second chance?
But now that there's plenty of nieche horror games that do a great job of mimicking japanese ps2 horror? Bio5 is a very fun side dish to 4 for when I want to try something different: it still has its fantastic combat system and a wonderful new african setting, with the degenerate dingy eerie town and the beautiful savannah and cool villages.
The majini aren't as memorable as the ganado but they're still fun, the very beginning especially is actually creepy and atmospheric, with all them staring at you as you walk into their territory and clubbing some poor sap to death; and I appreciate the fact they once again hired foreign actors to do their lines.
Very nice arstyle from before everything was boring photorealism and a great mercenary mode, great dlcs too. And while it's still a worse 4, being a worse version of the best action horror game ever is no small feat, I wish I was a worse biohazard 4; I'd take it over any of the modern remake crap any day
Also Sheva had a wonderful pair of eyes
So what games you dismissed, but ended up liking after you gave it a second chance?
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