Games With More Features/Content on OG Xbox Compared to PS2

The Fellowship of the Ring game has more to it on Xbox. it was an Xbox game first, and then when they ported it to PS2/GC they cut some of the sidequests and streamlined it. it's not particularly good and some people like the later ports better for being more focused or whatever, but it does have more to do on Xbox.

the spider-man game from the first movie also has an xbox exclusive kraven level iirc
The PS3 version of Ninja Gaiden, Sigma, got rid of the classic game ports in the XBox versions, if I'm remembering correctly. It also shortened a few parts of the game, most notably in the early city chapter. It had new stuff though too.
The Xbox version of the Prince Of Persia games have some added features.
Sands Of Time has the original Prince Of Persia 1 and 2 unlockable. PS2 only has the first one unlockable.
I was racking my brain trying to think more about it over today, and the other examples I can remember are the Mega Man Collection has an unlockable cartoon episode you can watch that isn't in the PS2 version, there are 2 Godzilla games on Xbox and the first one has extra stages compared to the GC version, but the second one is identical on PS2 as Xbox, and I can't remember if it's Tony Hawk 3 or 4 but one has an extra xbox level.

that said though, even without extra content, almost every multiplat game looks and/or runs better on the Xbox over it's PS2 or GC counterparts barring Metal Gear Solid 2. when I got a modded one and started using it as a co-op machine I was shocked at how night and day some of the same games were. if you're using it on a modern set up, a lot of games out of the box run at 480-720p, and have widescreen and surround sound that the other consoles didn't have too.
Damn that guy went in. Good for him, I wish I had the dedication to do anything like this lol

this is the opposite of this thread's purpose but for whatever reason, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets sucks on Xbox and is much better on ps2. I can't speak for GC but I played it when it was new on ps2 and with a modded xbox I played it on there years later and couldn't believe how much I disliked it because I had fond memories of it. Found out later it's because the ps2 version doesn't make you drop your beans every time you take damage and it has free roaming on the broomstick. Both things missing in the xbox version. They don't sound like much but believe me the game is night and day between them. Same exact game otherwise. It's the weirdest difference between console versions of a game I've ever encountered
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Wow thank you! That's a lot to take in! ::lol

Damn that guy went in. Good for him, I wish I had the dedication to do anything like this lol

this is the opposite of this thread's purpose but for whatever reason, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets sucks on Xbox and is much better on ps2. I can't speak for GC but I played it when it was new on ps2 and with a modded xbox I played it on there years later and couldn't believe how much I disliked it because I had fond memories of it. Found out later it's because the ps2 version doesn't make you drop your beans every time you take damage and it has free roaming on the broomstick. Both things missing in the xbox version. They don't sound like much but believe me the game is night and day between them. Same exact game otherwise. It's the weirdest difference between console versions of a game I've ever encountered
That's strange, I had no idea! It sounds so arbitrary.
Most games looked a better on the Xbox as I recall at the time. I owned both systems in 2004 and remember that I would usually go for the Xbox version if it was available.
Most games looked a better on the Xbox as I recall at the time. I owned both systems in 2004 and remember that I would usually go for the Xbox version if it was available.
Some of that was due to the bad video cable that came with the ps2. If you went for s-video or better rgb the graphical differences became much smaller (at least on a crt). I’m not even kidding, that cable sold the console so short it’s almost funny. I owned both consoles too from 2004.

Tenchu 3 had additional levels albeit very short ones, that later got ported to the psp version.
The Tony Hawk games also usually had additional content. I did always go for the PS2 versions though because the controller is much more suited for them especially on later games.
The level editors in Timesplitters 2 and 3 were more capable on the xbox and GameCube versions as the lower memory of the ps2 limited the size and complexity noticeably.
I wish I could have played genma onimusha back in the day. My xbox broke while in storage (probably that common capacitor problem) and used consoles cost basically as much as an xbox one now, so hopefully emulation will one day be good enough.
thank you! I've been looking into this as well. I made a more general "6th generation console exclusive content" thread. I know it's kind of obvious, and more of a "difference" than "extra content", but I gotta mention soul calibur having spawn on the xbox version, as opposed to link or heihatchi
This is related to Xbox but Metal Arms Glitch in the System runs better on the Xbox 360 as it fixes the screen tearing that the original had. I never seen screen tearing on the OG Xbox so I was shocked to see something the PS3 usually has.
Other then that, Metal Arms was also ported to GCN and PS2 both look horrible, making the Xbox 360 version the superior version.
I don't know if this counts but people need to know about this
I don't know if it counts as a feature or content, but Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2X had volumetric grass
I remember that, it was most noticeable on the Venice Beach level

I also remember Need For Speed Most Wanted having a rearview mirror on Xbox 360

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