gameing group on steam

Cool idea, didn't used Steam that much but I'm interested. There's also netplay though, where it's pretty similar to this thread link

There's also another thread talking about multiplayer stuff where I'd post this image below, can't quite remember where though
Sounds cool, what games would you like to play?
ım dum dum for really old games sadly my oldest games ı played were all stuff like pokeman gold and silver or ps2 games , but ı like almost all genres , just not puzzles,stragedy,and football games

something like old race games or stuff like contra would be fun ı think like ı want to co up and fight side by side more basicly
ım dum dum for really old games sadly my oldest games ı played were all stuff like pokeman gold and silver or ps2 games , but ı like almost all genres , just not puzzles,stragedy,and football games

something like old race games or stuff like contra would be fun ı think like ı want to co up and fight side by side more basicly
That's okay lmao, I'm not good with old games too. So racing and run and gun huh, I like those genre. I think there's quite a lot of games we can enjoy
yes stuff like borderlands and ect , not a fan of call of duty or battlefield more or so rpg fps yknow
race games dungen crawlers are good too
That's okay lmao, I'm not good with old games too. So racing and run and gun huh, I like those genre. I think there's quite a lot of games we can enjoy

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