Funniest games you've played?


Young Hero
Level 1
Mar 11, 2025
Reaction score
Of the recent memories, Slayers X: Terminal Aftermath: Vengance of the Slayer has made me laugh real hard.

The kind of self insert OC fantasy, I had back in elementary school. Lots of toilet humor mixed with rebel punk Y2K edgelord vibes.
Especially the Kamehameha section, which nearly killed me with laughter.

Have one of the best cutscenes I've seen, for example
Some games can be Unintentionally funny, either via bad translation or full of engrish sentences, like in SNK fighting games(earlier Fatal Furys came to mind) winning quotes or the infamous Vietnamese Cristal.
In a more intentional sense I can name a few Point and click games, like Secret of the monkey island or Broken Sword, Especially funny when you try to do stupid things, like trying to drink toilet water.
Visual Novels don't always have the best reputation of translations, quality, being nothing but fan service, story, being a legit game or worth the money but I have some of the greatest screenshots out of context from them. Probably my favorite is the one where the main character is a stalker but fails at every turn at being one and just ends up being the butt of the joke.
Sesame Street Trash GIF

But if you do want a legit funny VN that you aren't making fun of for any flaws then 428: Shibuya Scramble is one you VN you need to knock out on your bucket list.
Some games can be Unintentionally funny, either via bad translation or full of engrish sentences, like in SNK fighting games(earlier Fatal Furys came to mind) winning quotes or the infamous Vietnamese Cristal.
In a more intentional sense I can name a few Point and click games, like Secret of the monkey island or Broken Sword, Especially funny when you try to do stupid things, like trying to drink toilet water.

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Lucasarts games in general are pretty funny. Monkey Island, Grim Fandango, Sam & Max, Day of the Tentacle, all have really funny writing.

Oh, on that topic, just about anything made by Tim Schafer. Brutal Legend and Psychonauts are masters of comedy.
Overtly comedic games almost never land for me - it takes a balance of sincere and comedic in order for jokes to land, I think. Slayers X was great though!

Metal Wolf Chaos was absolute comedy gold in my eyes, for example - true presidential excellence.
As were a lot of sequences in the older Yakuza games (the newer ones tend to lean too hard into the comedy for it to work for me)
There's also this one completely non sequitur discussion about worker's rights in the beginning of Disco Elysium that ends with your walking wreck of a character angrily yelling at a little child over absolutely nothing that was just *chef's kiss* to me.
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The PS2 Spider-Man 2 game. Literally everyone in that game is ragdolling 24/7 and combined with the goofy ass voice acting and absurd shit like pizza delivery missions and random alien invasions it all feels like a glorified shitpost, the living embodiment of "HOW DO I SHOT WEB"
Lucasarts games in general are pretty funny. Monkey Island, Grim Fandango, Sam & Max, Day of the Tentacle, all have really funny writing.

Oh, on that topic, just about anything made by Tim Schafer. Brutal Legend and Psychonauts are masters of comedy.
Are you ready to go faster than light speed in a 90 degrees angle?
Of the recent memories, Slayers X: Terminal Aftermath: Vengance of the Slayer has made me laugh real hard.

The kind of self insert OC fantasy, I had back in elementary school. Lots of toilet humor mixed with rebel punk Y2K edgelord vibes.
Especially the Kamehameha section, which nearly killed me with laughter.
Slayers X is so good omg, Zanerocks is genuinely one of the funniest and simultaneously most tragic characters ever created
The Mario & Luigi series and Disgaea.
I mean, Laharl in Disgaea: Afternoon Of Darkness literally calls one of the bosses "Mid".
And all the scenes with Luigi never cease to make me laugh.
Honorable Mention:
Need For Speed: Most Wanted 2005's story is one of those "So Bad It's Good" Type of stories.
All the (good) Leisure Suite Larry games are funny, but Leisure Suit Larry 6 has a certain joke in it that had me crying my eyes out with how hilarious it was. Anyone who's played the game will immediately know what I'm talking about. (AAAAUGH!)

WTF: Work Time Fun also has an unlockable bonus video (the one with the noodle timer gadget) that quite literally made me roll on the floor laughing the first time I saw it. It's easily worth playing the game to experience.
Quite a few I played with my brothers, such as Road Rash 16 and 32 bit, WWF Wrestlemania Arcade (SNES), Medal of Honor and Syphon Filter (2-player split-screen modes), and much more.

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