Looking for beat em up recommendations
My time to shine
-River City Girls 0, 1, & 2 (multiplat)
-Scott Pilgrim vs the World (multiplat)
-Battletoads (NES)
-Streets of Rage 1-3 (Genesis)
-Final Fight (Arcade)
-Kouryuu no Mimi (SNES)
-Yakuza franchise (most are on PC minus the exceptions below)
-Yakuza (PS2)
-Yakuza 2 (PS2)
-Yakuza Black Panther or Kurohyou 1 & 2 (PSP, fan translated)
-Yakuza Kenzan (PS3, untranslated)
-Yakuza Ishin og version (PS3, untranslated)
-TMNT: Turtles in Time (SNES)
-MadWorld (Wii)
-Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (PC)
-God Hand (PS2)
-Sunset Warriors (Arcade)
-Odin Sphere (PS2, remastered on PS3)
-Muramasa: The Demon Blade (Wii, remastered on Vita)
-Princess Crown (Sega Saturn, ported to PSP but that version is untranslated)
-Dragon's Crown (PS3, ported to Vita and PS4)
-River City Ransom (NES)
-Golden Axe 1-3 (Genesis)
-Mega Man Battle Network's entire franchise (GBA/DS, but there's a Multiplatform Legacy Collection)
-Renegade (NES)
-The Ninja Warriors (SNES)
-Viewtiful Joe (GameCube)
-Okami's entire franchise, and be sure to check out the sequel when it releases
-the Rushing Beat trilogy (NES/SNES, best to patch them as they are victims of localisation and the naming convention was confusing as hell)
-Devil May Cry franchise
-Darksiders franchise
-Dungeon Fighter Online
-Anarchy Reigns (PS3)
-The Adventures of Batman & Robin (Genesis, important to note the Sega CD, SNES, and Genesis versions are all completely different games)
-Dan the Man (Mobile)
-Panzer Bandit (PSX)
-Advance Guardian Heroes 1 & 2 (Game Boy Advance)
-Nekketsu Oyako (Saturn/PSX, PSX for the better overall game but Saturn for better sound and graphics)
-Ninja Baseball Batman (Arcade)
-The Simpsons (Arcade/Xbox 360)
-Spider Man and Venom: Maximum Carnage (SNES)
-Asura's Wrath (PS3)
-Spikeout series
-Sifu (multiplat)
-Tokyo Beat Down (DS)
OK that's a lot and I already know you aren't playing all this shit, so if you're looking for the biggest highlights, check out Viewtiful Joe, Golden Axe, Nekketsu Oyako, Devil May Cry, The Simpsons Arcade, Sifu, Streets of Rage, MadWorld, Ninja Baseball Batman, God Hand, Mega Man Battle Network, the Vanillaware quadrilogy (Princess Crown/Odin Sphere/Muramasa/Dragon's Crown), Okami, Yakuza, TMNT Turtles in Time, Battletoads, The Ninja Warriors, and River City Girls.
And Sleeping Dogs which my stupid ass completely neglected to mention