I was never big on making my own music videos. Like drawing it was just one of those crafts where I shot myself down from the beginning with the self doubt that what others created was pure magic that lil 'ol me couldn't possibly in my wildest dreams hope to recreate. So when I finally made one it was rare and very far in between. With that said, I don't know how big the music video scene is these days on YouTube, what with the very strict copyright rules, but here are two that I poured my heart and soul into.
If anyone doesn't know this classic. The Secret Garden is an over 100 years old book by Frances Hudgson Burnett, about an orphaned girl moving to her uncle in England, where the friends she makes and the exposure to nature thaws her spoiled heart. Many movie adaptions have been made, perhaps most well-known the Warner Bros one from 1993. But this video is spliced with clips from the 1975 BBC mini-series. I heard this song when I was in the middle of reading the book, and the whole thing of "seeing all the wonders around you" inspired me.
In fact, I like this adaption so much I managed to reach out to the actress playing Mary (who is now in her 60s) and humbly asked for an autograph, which she then sent me on a postcard with a painting of a garden
This one is made with cutscenes and gameplay from the game "Kingdom Hearts - Chain of Memories". I love the game despite the hate it gets for the card battle system, and so I felt inspired when I heard this song from Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie: Pyramid of Light.
Have you guys made any music videos of your own throughout the years?
If anyone doesn't know this classic. The Secret Garden is an over 100 years old book by Frances Hudgson Burnett, about an orphaned girl moving to her uncle in England, where the friends she makes and the exposure to nature thaws her spoiled heart. Many movie adaptions have been made, perhaps most well-known the Warner Bros one from 1993. But this video is spliced with clips from the 1975 BBC mini-series. I heard this song when I was in the middle of reading the book, and the whole thing of "seeing all the wonders around you" inspired me.
In fact, I like this adaption so much I managed to reach out to the actress playing Mary (who is now in her 60s) and humbly asked for an autograph, which she then sent me on a postcard with a painting of a garden

This one is made with cutscenes and gameplay from the game "Kingdom Hearts - Chain of Memories". I love the game despite the hate it gets for the card battle system, and so I felt inspired when I heard this song from Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie: Pyramid of Light.
Have you guys made any music videos of your own throughout the years?